List of legal norms of the Federal Republic of Germany / ordinances

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List of legal norms of the Federal Republic of Germany - ordinances

AAppO Licensing regulations for pharmacists
ÄApprO 2002 License to practice medicine for doctors
ÄApprOÄndV 3 Third ordinance amending the license to practice medicine for doctors
ÄApprOÄndV 4 Fourth ordinance amending the license to practice medicine for doctors
ÄApprOÄndV 5 Fifth ordinance amending the license to practice medicine for doctors
ÄApprOÄndV 7 Seventh ordinance amending the license to practice medicine for doctors
AAÜGErstV Ordinance on the reimbursement of expenses according to the law on the transfer of claims and entitlements from supplementary and special pension systems in the acceding area by the federal government
AAV Work Residence Ordinance (Ordinance on Residence Permits for Employment )
ABBergV Mining ordinance for all mining areas
ABBV Ordinance on the calculation of compensation amounts according to the Railway Crossing Act, the Federal Trunk Road Act and the Federal Waterways Act
AbfAblV Waste deposit ordinance (ordinance on the environmentally friendly disposal of municipal waste)
AbfAEV Ordinance on the notification and authorization procedure for collectors, carriers, traders and brokers of waste
AbfBeauftrV Ordinance on company representatives for waste
AbfKlärV Sewage sludge ordinance (ordinance on the recycling of sewage sludge, sewage sludge mixture and sewage sludge compost)
AbfVerbrBußV Regulation on the enforcement of regulations in legal acts of the European Community on shipments of waste
AbfVerbrGebV Ordinance on the collection of fees for shipments of waste that require notification through the Federal Republic of Germany
AbgrV Ordinance on the delimitation of the investment costs not to be taken into account in the care rate from the costs of the hospitals that are eligible for the care rate
AbLaV Ordinance on agreements on interruptible loads
AbrStV Ordinance on clearing houses for check transactions
DiscountV Ordinance on installment payments for property development contracts
ABV Ordinance on requesting authorities and consumers according to the Federal Performance Act
AbwasserMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Wastewater Master
AbwV Wastewater Ordinance (Ordinance on requirements for the discharge of wastewater into waters)
AdVermiStAnKoV Ordinance on the recognition of independent adoption placement agencies and the costs to be reimbursed in the adoption placement process
AEAusglV Ordinance on the compensation of public services in rail transport
AELV 2013 Ordinance on the determination of income from work in agriculture and forestry for 2013
AELV 2014 Ordinance to determine the labor income from agriculture and forestry for 2014
AELV 2015 Ordinance to determine the income from work in agriculture and forestry for 2015
AELV 2016 Ordinance on determining the income from work in agriculture and forestry for 2016
AELV 2017 Ordinance to determine the labor income from agriculture and forestry for 2017
AELV 2018 Ordinance to determine the labor income from agriculture and forestry for 2018
AEntGMeldstellV Ordinance to determine the competent authority in accordance with Section 18 (6) of the Posted Workers Act
AEVO Instructor aptitude regulation
AFIV Regulation on the publication of information on the payment of funds from the European funds for agriculture and fisheries
Aflatoxin Prohibition Ordinance Ordinance on the prohibition of the use of substances contaminated with aflatoxins in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals
AfögLTAV Ordinance on training grants for visiting training centers for agricultural-technical, dairy-technical and biological-technical assistants
AfögVorkHSV Ordinance on training grants for participation in preliminary courses in preparation for attending colleges and universities
AFuV Amateur Radio Ordinance (Ordinance on the Amateur Radio Act)
AFVFinV Regulation on the financing of the administration of the social long-term care insurance compensation fund
AGebV General fee regulation
AGeV Ordinance on certain alcoholic beverages
AGMahnVordrV Ordinance on the introduction of forms for the labor court dunning procedure
AGMahnVordrVÄndV Ordinance amending forms for the labor court dunning procedure
AgNwV Ordinance on the type, scope and form of the required evidence within the meaning of Section 19 (2) sentence 2 of the Payment Services Supervision Act
AGOZV Ordinance on the placing on the market of growing material for vegetable, fruit and ornamental plants
AgrarAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as an agricultural service specialist
AgrarAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for agricultural service specialists
Agricultural MSV Ordinance on the further development of the market structure in the agricultural sector
AgrarservMeistPrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination for the recognized advanced training qualification agricultural service master and agricultural service master
AgrarZahlVerpflV Ordinance on compliance with basic requirements and standards within the framework of EU regulations on agricultural payments
AgrStatV Ordinance on suspending and supplementing characteristics as well as restricting the group of respondents according to the Agricultural Statistics Act
AHGV Ordinance on the Old Debt Aid Act
AkkStelleGBV Ordinance on lending to the accreditation body according to the Accreditation Body Act
AkkStelleKostV Cost regulation of the accreditation body
AKNV Ordinance on the certificate of registration as an asylum seeker
AKostV Foreign expenses ordinance
AktFoV Ordinance on the shareholders' forum in accordance with Section 127a of the German Stock Corporation Act
AktuarV Ordinance on the actuarial confirmation, the explanatory report and the adequacy report of the responsible actuary
Alg II-V Ordinance on calculating income and disregarding income and assets for unemployment benefit II / social benefits
AlkopopStV Ordinance on the procedure for calculating the net additional income of the alcopop tax levied under the Alcopop Tax Act
End-of-life vehicleV End of Life Vehicle Ordinance (Ordinance on the release, return and environmentally friendly disposal of end-of-life vehicles)
AltholzV Waste wood ordinance (ordinance on requirements for the recovery and disposal of waste wood)
AltLandPflSchV Ordinance on the use of plant protection products in certain areas of Hamburg and Lower Saxony
AltölV Waste oil regulation
AltPflAPrV Training and examination regulations for the profession of geriatric nurse
AltvPIBV Ordinance on the product information sheet and on further information obligations for certified old-age provision and basic pension contracts according to the old-age provision contracts certification law
ALV Ordinance on the maritime pilotage areas and their limits
AMAusbV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training to become a processing mechanic
AMBtAngV Ordinance on the specification of pharmaceutical components
AMFarbV Medicinal dye regulation
AMGBefugV Ordinance on the transfer of powers to issue statutory ordinances to regulate procedures, forwarding copies and submitting documents in accordance with the Medicines Act
AMGBlauzAusnV Ordinance on exceptions to Section 56a of the Medicines Act to protect against bluetongue disease
AMGKostV Ordinance on costs for the approval and registration of drugs by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety
AMGZSAV Ordinance on the approval of exceptions to provisions of the Medicines Act for the areas of civil and disaster control, the Bundeswehr, the federal police and the riot police of the federal states
AM-HandelsV Ordinance on wholesale and medication brokerage
AMHV Ordinance on the placing on the market of medicinal products without authorization or without authorization in cases of hardship
AM-BenefitV Ordinance on the benefit assessment of pharmaceuticals according to Section 35a (1) SGB V for reimbursement agreements according to Section 130b SGB V
AMPreisV Drug price regulation
AMPV Ordinance on the application of the drug testing guidelines
AMRadV Ordinance on radioactive medicinal products or medicinal products treated with ionizing radiation
AMSachKV Ordinance on proof of expertise in retailing over-the-counter medicines
AMSachvV Ordinance on the establishment of expert committees for standard approvals, pharmacy requirements and prescription requirements for pharmaceuticals
AMV Ordinance on the term of office, performance of office and compensation of the members of the Federal Joint Committee and the State Committees of Doctors (Dentists) and Health Insurance Funds
AMVerkRÄndV 3 Third ordinance amending the ordinance on the authorization of medicinal products for use outside pharmacies and amending the ordinance on excluding medicinal products from trade outside pharmacies
AMVerkRV Ordinance on pharmacy-only and over-the-counter drugs
AMVLBV Ordinance with pharmaceutical regulations on the use of pharmaceuticals on farms
AMVO Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts III and IV in the craft and craft-like trades
AMVV Medicinal Prescription Ordinance (Ordinance on the prescription of medicinal products)
AMWarnV Drug Warning Ordinance
AMWHV Ordinance on the application of good manufacturing practice in the manufacture of medicinal products and active ingredients and on the application of good professional practice in the manufacture of products of human origin
AmendmentSchnAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a tailor of alterations
AnerkSparkAusbAufhV Ordinance on the repeal of the state recognition of the training occupation Sparkassekaufmann / Sparkassenkauffrau
AnerkV Ordinance on the requirements and the procedure for the recognition of conformity assessment bodies in the area of ​​electromagnetic compatibility of equipment and in the area of ​​the provision of radio systems
AnFrV Ordinance to extend the deadline for submitting applications in accordance with Section 1 Paragraph 4 and Section 10 of the Asset Allocation Act
AnlBV Ordinance on calling into the internal waters of the Federal Republic of Germany from sea areas seaward of the border of the German territorial sea and the departure
AnlGBlnV Ordinance on the extension of the loan law from 1950 to the state of Berlin
AnlV Investment Ordinance (Ordinance on the investment of the security assets of pension funds, death benefit funds and small insurance companies)
ClaimsV Regulation on the translations of claims of European patent applications
AntarktUmwSchProtAG§6Abs5V Ordinance on the composition, appointment and procedure of an independent commission of scientific experts in accordance with Section 6 (5) of the Environmental Protection Protocol Implementation Act of September 22, 1994
AntKostV Ordinance on costs for official acts according to the Environmental Protection Protocol Implementation Act of September 22, 1994
AnwZpvV Ordinance establishing a later date of application of the obligations under Section 5b of the Income Tax Act
NumV Ordinance on notifications and the submission of documents according to the Banking Act
APASGebV Ordinance on fees for the auditor's oversight body at the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control
ApBetrO Pharmacy operating regulations (regulation on the operation of pharmacies)
AP-mDBPolV Ordinance on training and examinations for the intermediate police force in the Federal Police
ArbMDFAngAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a specialist in labor market services and as a specialist in labor market services
ArbMedVV Ordinance on preventive occupational health care
ArbPlSchGAbschn3V Ordinance on the third section of the Workplace Protection Act
ArbStättV Workplaces Ordinance (Ordinance on Workplaces)
ArbSV Ordinance on the determination and coverage of labor requirements according to the Occupational Safety Act
ArbZustBauV Ordinance on the local jurisdiction for the income tax of foreign-based construction workers
ArbZV Working time regulation
ArbZVÄndV 8 Eighth regulation amending the working time regulation
ARegV Incentive Regulation Ordinance (Ordinance on Incentive Regulation of Energy Supply Networks)
AromV Flavor Ordinance
Art115V Ordinance on the procedure for determining the cyclical component in accordance with Section 5 of the Article 115 Act
ARV Regulation on the reimbursement of travel expenses for business trips abroad
ArznRAV 1993-11 Ordinance on the suspension of deductions for pharmaceuticals according to Section 311a of Book Five of the Social Security Code
ArznRAV Ordinance on the suspension of deductions for pharmaceuticals according to Section 311a of Book Five of the Social Security Code
Doctors-ZV Admission regulation for contract physicians
ASGZustV Ordinance on the transfer of responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act to departments in the business area of ​​the Federal Minister of Defense
AsphAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for asphalt builders
AsylZBV Ordinance on the revision of the Asylum Competence Determination Ordinance
AtAV Ordinance on the shipment of radioactive waste or spent fuel elements
AtDeckV Ordinance on financial security according to the Atomic Energy Act
ATDTeilnV Ordinance on the nomination of further police law enforcement authorities authorized to participate in the counter-terrorism database
ATGV Ordinance on the international separation allowance
AtKostV Cost regulation for the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiation Protection Act
AtSMV Nuclear safety officer and reporting ordinance (ordinance on the nuclear safety officer and on the reporting of incidents and other events)
AtStrlSV Ordinance on ensuring nuclear safety and radiation protection
ATV Ordinance on the repayment of the share rights of owners residing outside the German Democratic Republic of the old credit redemption bond
AtVfV Ordinance on the procedure for the approval of plants according to § 7 of the Atomic Energy Act
AtZüV Nuclear reliability check ordinance (ordinance for checking reliability to protect against theft or release of radioactive substances according to the Atomic Energy Act)
ATZV Ordinance on the granting of a supplement for partial retirement
AufbauhfV Ordinance in accordance with Section 2 (6) of the Development Aid Fund Act
AufbhV Ordinance on the distribution and use of the funds of the "Development Aid" Fund
Residence Ordinance Residence ordinance
AufgÜbertrV OFD Düsseld Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the Oberfinanzdirektion Düsseldorf
AufgÜbertrV OFD Karlsr Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the regional tax office in Karlsruhe
AufwErstV Ordinance on the reimbursement of expenses for statutory pension insurance for disabled people employed in workshops
AugenoptAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become an optician
AÜGMeldstellV Ordinance determining the competent authority according to Section 17b (4) of the Temporary Employment Act
AugOptMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master's examination in the optician's trade
AujeszkKrV Ordinance on protection against Aujeszky's disease
AÜKostV Ordinance on the costs of the permit for temporary employment
Expanding AufhV Ordinance on the repeal of state recognition of training occupations
Tutor AufhV 2 Second regulation on the abolition of the recognition of training occupations
Tutoring AufhV 2001 Ordinance on the cancellation of the recognition of training occupations
Tutoring AufhV 3 Third regulation on the abolition of the recognition of training occupations
Training AufhV 4 Fourth ordinance on the cancellation of the recognition of training occupations
Trainer AufhV 5 Fifth ordinance on the cancellation of the recognition of training occupations
Trainer AufhV Ordinance on the cancellation of the recognition of training occupations
Training Service LArbbV 4 Fourth ordinance on mandatory working conditions for training and further education services according to the second or third book of the social code
AufEignMedPharmV Ordinance on the professional suitability for professional training of medical, dental and veterinary specialists as well as pharmaceutical-commercial employees
AufEignV 2009 Instructor aptitude regulation
AusserstV First ordinance on the reimbursement of flat-rate expenses when carrying out training mediation
AusfErstV 1996 Export Refund Regulation
AusGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses of the Federal Network Agency in connection with tenders according to the Renewable Energy Sources Act and the Combined Heat and Power Act
AusglMechV Ordinance on the further development of the nationwide compensation mechanism
AusglV Ordinance on determining income according to the Federal Pension Act
AusglZSV Ordinance on the review procedure for the application of anti-dumping and countervailing duties
AuslAdMV Ordinance on reports of international adoption placement cases to the Federal Central Agency for Adoption Abroad
AuslGrdBesStBefrV Ordinance on the granting of tax exemptions for property of foreign countries which is used for the residential purposes of the staff of diplomatic missions and consular posts
AuslVZV Ordinance on the payment of a foreign use surcharge
AuslZuschlV Ordinance on the granting of foreign allowances
AuslZustV Ordinance on the competency of the administrative authorities of war victims' care for beneficiaries abroad
AuswErlV Ordinance on permission for emigration advice
AuswGebV Ordinance on the fees and expenses to be levied in the emigration advisory permit procedure
AutoKflAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become an automobile salesman
AutomAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a machine specialist
AUV Ordinance on relocation allowance for international moves
AVBFernwärmeV Ordinance on general conditions for the supply of district heating
AVBWasserV Ordinance on General Conditions for the Supply of Water
AVMedKfAusbV Ordinance on professional training for audiovisual media clerks
AVV List of Waste Ordinance (Regulation on the European List of Waste)
AWaffV General Gun Law Ordinance
AWPädFortbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for certified training and continuing education pedagogue
AWPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification as a certified specialist in foreign trade and certified specialist in foreign trade
AwSV Ordinance on systems for handling water-polluting substances
AWV Foreign trade regulation
EEZ North Sea ROV Ordinance on spatial planning in the German exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
EEZ Baltic Sea ROV Ordinance on spatial planning in the German exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea
AZAV Accreditation and approval ordinance for employment promotion (ordinance on the requirements and the procedure for the accreditation of competent bodies and for the approval of institutions and measures of employment promotion according to the Third Book of the Social Code)
AZV Ordinance on the working hours of federal civil servants
BAA-EinfDV-Saar Ordinance of the President of the Federal Compensation Office for the introduction of ordinances in Saarland
BäAusbV 2004 Ordinance on professional training as a baker
BAAZustV Ordinance on the transfer of responsibilities under the Burden Equalization Act to the Federal Equalization Office
BABefugV 2008 Ordinance on the transfer of the power to issue statutory ordinances according to the Third Book of the Social Code to the board of the Federal Employment Agency
BAB-KAbgV Ordinance on the amount and levying of the concession fee for the operation of a subsidiary on the federal motorway
BABRiGeschwV 1978 Ordinance on a general recommended speed on motorways and similar roads
BäckMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the baker's trade
BäderFAngAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a specialist for swimming pools
BäderMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Master for Swimming Pools
BadeV Ordinance on bathing in the federal waterways Weser, Lesum and Hunte
BADV Ordinance on ground handling services at airports
BAFinBefugV Ordinance on the transfer of powers to issue statutory ordinances to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
BaFinVerstMeldV Ordinance on reporting violations to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
BAföG foreign surchargeV Ordinance on the supplements to the needs according to the Federal Training Assistance Act for training abroad
BAföG-IncomeV Ordinance on the designation of other income deemed to be income according to Section 21 Paragraph 3 No. 4 of the Federal Training Assistance Act
BAfög-FachlehrerV Ordinance on training grants for visiting institutes for the training of specialist teachers and sports teachers
BAföG-TeilerlaßV Ordinance on the performance-based partial waiver of student loans
BAföGZustV 2004 Ordinance on the local responsibility for training grants abroad
BAGBeihZustAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of notices of objection and the representation of the employer in actions brought by employees of the Federal Labor Court in matters under the Federal Aid Ordinance
BAGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control in connection with the limitation of the EEG surcharge
BAGÜV Ordinance on the transfer of powers to issue statutory ordinances to the Federal Office for Goods Transport
BAIUDBwOWiZustV Ordinance on the competence of the Federal Office for Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services of the Bundeswehr for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses
BAKredWWSUBefÜV Ordinance transferring the power to issue statutory ordinances to the Federal Banking Supervisory Office in accordance with the Act on the Treaty of May 18, 1990 on the Creation of a Monetary, Economic and Social Union between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic
BAMKostO Ordinance on costs for services provided by the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
BankFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified Bank Specialist / Certified Bank Specialist
BankKfm / KfrAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a bank clerk
BÄO Federal Medical Regulations
BAPauschV Ordinance on the lump sum and payment of the compensation amount from the Federal Employment Agency to the statutory pension insurance providers for labor market-related pensions due to full disability
BApO Federal pharmacist regulations
BArchBV Ordinance on the use of archive material at the Federal Archives
BArchKostV Ordinance on costs at the Federal Archives
BargeldPrüfV Regulation on the testing of cash
BArtSchV Ordinance on the protection of wild fauna and flora
BATZV Ordinance on the partial retirement of civil servants of the federal government
BauArbbV10 Tenth regulation on compulsory working conditions in the construction industry
BAuAZustAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in lawsuits by employees of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in travel expenses, relocation expenses and separation allowances as well as in matters under the Federal Aid Ordinance
BaubetrV 1980 Ordinance on construction companies in which year-round employment is to be encouraged
Construction Equipment FAusbV 1997 Ordinance on vocational training for construction equipment operators
BauMaschMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified construction machinery master
BaumeisterVAblV Ordinance to replace the master builder ordinance
BauNVO Ordinance on the structural use of the land
BauPGHeizkesselV Ordinance on the placing on the market of boilers and devices according to the Construction Products Act (Article 1 of the Ordinance on the Implementation of the Boiler Efficiency Directive)
BauPGPÜZAnerkV Ordinance on recognition as a testing, monitoring and certification body in accordance with the Construction Products Act
BausparkV Ordinance to the Law on Building Societies
BauSparVetrAbwV 2 Second implementing and supplementary ordinance on the simplified processing of home loan and savings contracts
BauSparVetrAbwV Implementation and supplementary ordinance on the simplified processing of home loan and savings contracts
BaustellV Ordinance on safety and health protection on construction sites
BauStoffPrAusbV 2005 Ordinance on vocational training to become a building material tester
BauwAbdAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for building waterproofers
BauWiAusbV 1999 Ordinance on vocational training in the construction industry
BauZAusbV 2002 Ordinance on vocational training to become a draftsman
BAVBVO Ordinance on the certification of the fundamentals of professional capacity to act in the context of vocational training preparation
BBankG§36aEÜV Ordinance on the transfer of the authority to issue ordinances in accordance with Section 36a of the Act on the Deutsche Bundesbank
BBankGEÜV Ordinance on the transfer of the Federal Government's authority to issue ordinances in accordance with Section 31 of the Act on the Deutsche Bundesbank
BBankLV Ordinance on the career paths of Bundesbank officials
BBankPersV Ordinance regulating the legal relationships of the staff of the Deutsche Bundesbank
BBesG / BesÜV2Bek 2008 Announcement in accordance with Section 77 (2) and (3) of the Federal Salary Act and in accordance with Section 2 (1) and Section 3 (2) of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BBesG / BesÜV2Bek Announcement in accordance with Section 77 Paragraphs 1 to 3 of the Federal Salary Act and in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 1 and Section 3 Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BBFestV 2013 Ordinance determining the federal contribution to the costs of accommodation and heating for 2013, which is subject to revision
BBFestV 2014 Ordinance determining the federal contribution to the costs of accommodation and heating for 2014, which is subject to revision
BBFestV 2015 Ordinance establishing the federal contribution to the costs of accommodation and heating for 2015, which is subject to revision
BBFestV 2016 Ordinance determining the federal contribution to the costs of accommodation and heating for 2016, which is subject to revision
BBFestV 2017 Ordinance on the definition and adjustment of the federal participation in the benefits for accommodation and heating for the year 2017
BBhV Ordinance on allowance in cases of illness, care and childbirth
BBodSchV Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance
BBVAnpG2000Art4uaBek Announcement in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 3 of the Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2000 and in accordance with Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Salary Transitional Ordinance
BBVAnpG98Art4uaBek Announcement according to Article 4 (2) of the Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 1998 and Article 2 (1) and Article 3 (2) of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BBVAnpG99Art4uaBek Announcement in accordance with Article 4 (2) of the Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 1999 and in accordance with Section 2 (1) and Section 3 (2) of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BDBOS-KostV Ordinance on costs for official acts of the Federal Agency for Digital Radio of the authorities and organizations with security tasks
BDBOSZertV Ordinance on the procedure for the issuing of a certificate for end devices by the Federal Agency for Digital Radio of the authorities and organizations with security tasks
BDG§82V 2008 Ordinance on Section 82 of the Federal Disciplinary Act
BDZV Ordinance on the granting of a supplement to the remuneration for limited capacity to work
BeamtVG§43Abs3V Ordinance on one-off accident compensation in accordance with Section 43 (3) of the Civil Service Providers Act
BeamtVÜV Ordinance on transitional regulations under civil service pension law after the reunification of Germany
BeauftrV Ordinance on the commissioning of air sports associations
BedGgstV Consumer Goods Ordinance
BefBedV Ordinance on the general conditions of carriage for tram and trolleybus traffic as well as regular traffic with motor vehicles
BEFZustV 1979 Ordinance on the competence of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food for the registration of propagation contracts for seeds in third countries
BEGebV Ordinance on the fees and expenses for official acts of the Federal Railway Administration
BeglV Ordinance on the authorities authorized to certify
BEGSchlGArt5V 1 First ordinance on Article V of the Second Act amending the Federal Compensation Act (BEG Final Act)
BEGSchlGArt5V 2 Second ordinance on Article V of the Second Act amending the Federal Compensation Act
BEGSchlGVerfV Procedural ordinance on Article VI of the Second Act amending the Federal Compensation Act (BEG Final Act)
BehAppAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a tank and apparatus builder
BehAppMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the container and apparatus construction trade
BehWerkPrZustV Ordinance on the determination of the competent body for the implementation of the examination for the recognized qualification. Certified specialist for employment and professional development in workshops for disabled people
Advisory Board Ordinance on the establishment of an advisory board for training grants
Contribution Ordinance 2005 Ordinance on determining the contributions and contribution subsidies in the old-age provision of farmers for 2005
Contribution Regulation 2006 Ordinance on determining the contributions and contribution subsidies in the old-age provision of farmers for 2006
BelWertV Ordinance on the determination of the mortgage lending value of real estate in accordance with Section 16 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Pfandbrief Act
BEMFV Ordinance on the verification procedure for limiting electromagnetic fields
Mining test tracks V. Ordinance on the application of the provisions of the Federal Mining Act to the mining test section
BergMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for miners and machinists and miners and machinists
BergRVÄndV Ordinance amending mining regulations
BergtechAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a mining technologist
BergWoZErhV Ordinance on the collection of interest on federal loans for miners' housing construction
BergWoZSenkV Miners' Housing Interest Reduction Ordinance
BerHFV Ordinance on the use of forms in the area of ​​advisory assistance
BerVersV Ordinance on reporting by insurance companies to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
BeschMechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a process mechanic for coating technology
BeschussV General ordinance on the shooting law
Employment Ordinance Ordinance on the employment of foreign nationals
BestAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a funeral specialist
BestMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the funeral industry
BesÜV2Bek 1992-03-09 Announcement of the salaries and wages of applicants according to Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BesÜV2Bek 1993-06-02 Announcement of the salaries and wages of applicants according to Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BesÜV2Bek 1994-01-14 Announcement of the salaries and wages of applicants according to Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BesÜV2Bek 1994-09-10 Announcement of the salaries and wages of applicants according to Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BesÜV2Bek 1996-02-21 Announcement of the salaries and wages of applicants according to Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BesÜV2Bek 1997-06-18 Announcement of the salaries and wages of applicants according to Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
BesÜV2Bek 1998-12-03 Announcement of the salaries and wages of applicants according to Section 2, Paragraph 1 and Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Second Transitional Salary Ordinance
ConcreteFBAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for precast concrete part builders
BetrKV Ordinance on the listing of operating costs
BetrPrämDurchfGZuckV Ordinance on the distribution of the increase in the upper limit to the regions as well as on data for the determination of the company-specific sugar base amount and the additional company-specific sugar amounts according to the Single Payment Implementation Act
BetrPrämRegV 2014 Ordinance on the reduction of payment entitlements under the single payment scheme for 2014
BetrSichV Ordinance on safety and health protection when using work equipment
BetrWHwOPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified business economist according to the Crafts Code and Certified Business Economist according to the Crafts Code
BetrWPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified business economist in accordance with the Vocational Training Act
BetTerMstrV Ordinance on the job description and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the technical theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the concrete block and terrazzo manufacturer trade
GuardV Ordinance on the security industry
DesignationV Ordinance on the designation of the state regulations according to § 59 Paragraph 3 of the Federal Training Assistance Act
BfArMZustAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in matters under the Federal Moving Costs Act, including the Separation Allowance Ordinance issued for this purpose in conjunction with the accompanying law under service law as well as in aid matters
BFD-WahlV Ordinance on the election of the spokespersons for the volunteers of the Federal Voluntary Service
BfNKostV Ordinance on costs for official acts of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
BGB-InfoV Ordinance on information and proof obligations under civil law
BGenTGKostV Federal cost ordinance for the genetic engineering law
BGH / BPatGERVV Ordinance on electronic legal communication at the Federal Court of Justice and the Federal Patent Court
BGleiSV Ordinance on the arbitration board according to § 16 of the Disability Equality Act and its procedure
BGSAAusglV Ordinance to determine the compensation for the fulfillment of railway police tasks of the federal police
BGS-JArbSchV Ordinance on exceptions to the provisions of the Youth Labor Protection Act for young police officers in the Federal Police
BGVGebV Fee regulation of the professional association for traffic industry, post logistics and telecommunications
BGVPLTAufgDV Ordinance on the execution of assigned tasks by the professional association for traffic management, post-logistics and telecommunications
BHfAbgV Ordinance on the charges in the federally owned ports within the scope of the Maritime Road Regulations
BHV1V Ordinance on the protection of cattle from infection with the bovine herpes virus type 1
BHO Federal Budget Code
BibuchhFPrV Ordinance on the examination of the recognized advanced training qualification for Certified Accountants and Certified Accountants
BienSchV 1992 Ordinance on the use of pesticides dangerous to bees
BienSeuchV Bee Disease Ordinance
BierV Beer Ordinance
BilKoUmV Ordinance on the apportionment of costs of the balance sheet control according to § 17d of the Financial Services Supervision Act
BImADiszV Ordinance on the transfer of disciplinary powers to the Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks
BinSchAbgasV Ordinance on the limitation of exhaust gas emissions from diesel engines in inland navigation
BinSchArbZV Ordinance on working hours in inland waterway transport
BinSchAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for inland navigation
BinSchEO Ordinance on the calibration of inland vessels
BinSchKostV Cost regulation of the waterways and shipping administration in the field of inland shipping
BinSchLotsVergV 1976 Ordinance on the fees for the services of inland pilots on the Rhine between Bingen and St. Goar
BinSchLotsVergV 2012 Ordinance on the fees for the services of inland pilots on the federal waterway Rhine between the locks Iffezheim and Mannheim / Ludwigshafen
BinSchLV Ordinance on loading and unloading times and demurrage in inland waterway transport
BinSchOWiZustV 1974 Ordinance on the competence of the Directorate-General for Waterways and Shipping to prosecute and prosecute certain administrative offenses
BinSchPatentV Ordinance on certificates of competency in inland navigation
BinSchPatentV1998AbwV 2 Second regulation for the temporary deviation from the inland navigation patent regulation
BinSchSiV Ordinance to ensure inland waterway traffic
BinSch-SportbootVermV Ordinance on the commercial rental of sports boats and their use on inland waterways
BinSchSprFunkV Ordinance on the operation of radiotelephone systems on ultra-short waves in inland navigation and the acquisition of the VHF radiotelephone certificate for inland navigation
BinSchStrEV Ordinance on the introduction of the inland waterways order
BinSchStrO Inland waterways order
BinSchÜbertragungsV Ordinance on the delegation of powers to issue statutory ordinances in the area of ​​inland waterway transport
BinSchUO Ordinance on ship safety in inland navigation
BinSchUOEV Ordinance introducing the ordinance on ship safety in inland navigation
BinSchZV Inland waterway freight professional access regulation (Article 1 of the regulation on access to the profession of entrepreneur in domestic and cross-border inland waterway transport)
BioAbfV Ordinance on the recycling of biowaste on agricultural, forestry and horticultural soils
Biokraft-NachV Ordinance on requirements for sustainable production of biofuels
BiomasseV Ordinance on the generation of electricity from biomass
BioMatHintV Ordinance on the deposit of biological material in patent and utility model proceedings
BioNachGebV Ordinance on fees for official acts of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food according to the Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance and the Biofuel Sustainability Ordinance
BioSt-NachV Ordinance on requirements for the sustainable production of liquid biomass for electricity generation
BioStoffV Ordinance on safety and health protection for activities involving biological agents
BITV 2.0 Ordinance on the creation of barrier-free information technology according to the Disability Equality Act
BKADV Ordinance on the type of data that may be stored in accordance with Sections 8 and 9 of the Federal Criminal Police Office Act
BKatV Ordinance on the issuing of a warning, standard rates for fines and the ordering of a driving ban due to administrative offenses in road traffic
BKostV-MPG Ordinance on fees for the Medical Devices Act and the statutory ordinances issued for its implementation
BKV Occupational Diseases Ordinance
BKV Ordinance on professional training to become a professional driver
BKWid / VtrBRKGuaAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the federal government in lawsuits by employees of the Federal Chancellery in matters under the Federal Travel Expenses Act and the Foreign Travel Expenses Ordinance, including the administrative regulations issued in this regard
BlauSchimmelV 1978 Ordinance to combat blue mold in tobacco
BluetongueV Ordinance on protection against bluetongue disease
BLBV Federal ordinance on performance-related remuneration instruments
BLEÖLGKostV Ordinance on costs for official acts of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food in accordance with Section 2 (2) of the Organic Farming Act
BLESV Ordinance on the statutes of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food
BlindKennzV Ordinance on the labeling of medicinal products in Braille for small quantities
BloodArmV 2010 Ordinance on the protection against contagious anemia of equines
Blood ZV Ordinance on the extension of the regulations on state batch testing to include blood preparations (Article 1 of the regulation on the introduction of state batch testing for blood preparations)
FSVO Ordinance on the career paths of federal civil servants
BMASZustAnO Order for the transfer of competences for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the federal government in complaints by employees of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in matters of salary, official salaries and according to the Federal Travel Expenses Act, the Federal Moving Costs Act including the ordinances issued in this regard and according to the federal subsidy regulations
BmAusV Ordinance on professional training as a bow maker
BMeldDAV Ordinance on requirements for automated reporting data retrieval by authorities or other public bodies of the federal and state governments
BMI-ArbSchGAnwV Ordinance on the modified application of the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act for certain activities in the federal public service within the scope of the Federal Ministry of the Interior
BMinBF / BIBBWidAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Institute for Vocational Training in matters under the Federal Moving Costs Act, including the Separation Allowance Ordinance issued in connection with the accompanying service law
BMinGSZustAnO Order for the transfer of responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Security in matters under the Federal Travel Expenses Act, the Federal Moving Costs Act including the Separation Allowance Ordinance issued for this purpose and the federal state aid regulations
BMinUWidAnO 2002 Order for the transfer of responsibilities for processing, for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints from the civil service relationship in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in matters according to the Federal Moving Costs Act and the related ordinances
BMinUWidAnO 2007 Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints from the civil service relationship in the Federal Environment Agency in the division of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in matters under the Federal Travel Expenses Act, the Separation Allowance Ordinance, the Federal Moving Costs Act and the related ordinances
BMinUWidAnO Order for the transfer of responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in matters under the Federal Moving Costs Act, including the separation allowance ordinance issued in connection with the service law accompanying law
BMMAusbV Ordinance on professional training for biology model makers
BmTierSSchV Ordinance on the intra-community movement as well as the import and transit of animals and goods
BMVBSBNichtrSchGZustV Ordinance on the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses according to the Federal Non-Smoking Protection Act in the division of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
BMVergV Ordinance on the granting of overtime pay for federal civil servants
BMVg-ArbSchGAnwV Ordinance on the modified application of provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act for certain activities in the federal public service within the scope of the Federal Ministry of Defense
BMWiTWidAnO 2010 Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in lawsuits by employees of the Federal Cartel Office in matters under the Federal Moving Costs Act and the Separation Allowance Ordinance
BMZWidAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in lawsuits in matters under the Federal Moving Costs Act including the separation allowance regulation issued for employees of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
BNV Ordinance on the secondary employment of federal civil servants, professional soldiers and soldiers on a temporary basis
BNotO Federal Notary Code
BodenlAusbV Ordinance on professional training for floor layers
BodVerkFKrV Ordinance on the recognized retraining qualification as a certified specialist in ground handling in aviation
BogMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the bowmaker's trade
BOKraft Ordinance on the operation of motor vehicle companies in passenger transport
BootsbAusbV 2011 Ordinance on vocational training to become a boat builder
BootsbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the boat and shipbuilding trade
BorkumHfO 1991 Ordinance for the protection, security and construction port of Borkum
BörsZulV Ordinance on the admission of securities to the regulated market of a stock exchange
BOStrab Ordinance on the construction and operation of trams
BöttchAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a cooperage
BPädFortbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for Certified Vocational Pedagogue
BPflV Ordinance regulating hospital care rates
BPolBG§1Abs1V 2003 Ordinance on Section 1, Paragraph 1 of the Federal Police Officer Act
BPolHfV Ordinance on the granting of curative care for law enforcement officers in the Federal Police
BPolLV Ordinance on the careers of the police enforcement service in the Federal Police
BPolZollV Ordinance on the transfer of federal police tasks to the customs administration
BPolZV Ordinance on the competence of the federal police authorities
Brau / MälzAusbV 2007 Ordinance on professional training as a brewer and maltster
BrauMMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the brewing and malting trade
BrbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the well-building trade
BrennAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a distiller
BrennMstrPrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of burner in the agricultural sector
BrillVerfMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a process mechanic for spectacle optics
BRiNV Ordinance on the secondary employment of judges in the federal service
Brucellosis V. Ordinance on protection against brucellosis in cattle, pigs, sheep and goats
BruteiKennzV Ordinance on marketing standards for hatching eggs and chicks from domestic poultry
BSAVfV Ordinance on proceedings before the Bundessortenamt
BSAVfVÄndV Ordinance amending the ordinance on proceedings before the Bundessortenamt
BSchuWV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks according to the Federal Debt Management Act
BsGaV Ordinance on the application of the arm's length principle to permanent establishments in accordance with Section 1 (5) of the Foreign Tax Act
BSHG§47V Ordinance according to § 60 of Book Twelve of the Social Code
BSHGebV Regulation on fees for official acts of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency
BSI-KostV Ordinance on costs for official acts of the Federal Office for Information Security
BSI-KritisV Ordinance on the determination of critical infrastructures according to the BSI Act
BSIZertV Ordinance on the procedure for issuing security certificates and recognitions by the Federal Office for Information Security
BStrMautErhebV Ordinance ordering the start of toll collection on sections of federal highways
BStrMKnotV Ordinance regulating the toll junctions for certain sections of federal roads
BSV 1994 Ordinance on the determination of the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 1994, on the seventh adjustment of the pensions in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty and on the relevant calculation variables of the social insurance for 1994
BSV 1995 Ordinance to determine the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 1995
BSV 1996 Ordinance on the determination of the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 1996 and on the determination of further calculation variables for social insurance for 1996
BSV 1997 Ordinance on the determination of the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 1997 and on the determination of further calculation variables for social insurance for 1997
BSV 1998 Ordinance on the determination of the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 1998 and on the determination of further calculation variables for the social insurance for 1998
BSV 1999 Ordinance on the determination of the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 1999 and on the determination of further calculation variables for social insurance for 1999
BSV 2001 Ordinance to determine the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance, the contribution payment of the federal government for child-rearing periods and other calculation variables of the social insurance for 2001
BSV 2012 Ordinance to determine the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 2012
BSV 2015 Ordinance on determining the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 2015
BSV 2018 Ordinance on determining the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 2018
BTÄO Federal veterinary regulations
BtMAHV Ordinance on foreign trade in narcotics
BtMBinHV Domestic Narcotics Regulation
BtMKostV Narcotics Cost Ordinance
BtMVV Ordinance on the prescribing, dispensing and proof of the whereabouts of narcotics
BuchbAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a bookbinder
BuchBIndMstrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified industrial master craftsman - specializing in bookbinding
BuchBMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in bookbinding
BuchhdlAusbV 2011 Ordinance on vocational training to become a bookseller
BüchsenmAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a gunsmith
BüchsMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the gunsmith's trade
BühnenM / PlastAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a stage painter and sculptor
BundFamkV Ordinance on the establishment of a federal family fund
BüPinAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a brush maker and brush maker
BüroMKfAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a clerk for office management and as a clerk for office management
BüroMKfAusbVErprV Ordinance on testing deviating training and examination provisions in the office management clerk training ordinance
BürstPiMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the brush and brush maker trade
Butt / KäseuaPrV Ordinance on price quotation, price determination and price collection for dairy products
ButtV 1997 Regulation on butter and other milk spreads
BUZAV Ordinance on the confirmation of the conversion invoice and the procedure for the allocation and acquisition of compensation claims
BVABundFamkV Ordinance on the establishment of a federal family fund at the Federal Office of Administration
BVAZustAnO Order for the transfer of responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the Federal Insurance Office in matters under the Federal Travel Expenses Act, the Federal Moving Costs Act including the Separation Allowance Ordinance issued in this regard
BVDVV Ordinance on the protection of cattle from infection with the bovine viral diarrhea virus
BVLAÜV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety
BVLÜV Ordinance on the transfer of powers to the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety
BVV Ordinance on the calculation, payment, forwarding, accounting and checking of the total social security contribution
BWahlGV Ordinance on the use of voting machines in elections to the German Bundestag and members of the European Parliament from the Federal Republic of Germany
BwBDSGOWiZustV Ordinance on the responsibility for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses according to the Federal Data Protection Act in the area of ​​the Bundeswehr
BWFSPrV Ordinance on the final exams at Bundeswehr technical schools
BwHFV Bundeswehr Medical Welfare Ordinance
BwHFVBer Correction of the Bundeswehr Medical Welfare Ordinance
BWildSchV Ordinance on the protection of game
BWO Federal election regulations
BwVollzO Ordinance on the execution of prison sentences, criminal arrest, youth arrest and disciplinary arrest by the authorities of the Bundeswehr
BZgAZustAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the Federal Center for Health Education in matters under the Federal Travel Expenses Act and the Federal Moving Costs Act, including the Separation Allowance Ordinance issued for this purpose
BZollVÜV Ordinance on the transfer of sovereign tasks from the Federal Customs Administration to the federal railways
CanBV Ordinance on the accompanying survey in accordance with Section 31 (6) of Book Five of the Social Security Code
ChemBioLackAusbErprobV Ordinance on the testing of a new form of training for vocational training in the laboratory field of chemistry, biology and paint
ChemBioLackAusbV 2009 Ordinance on vocational training in chemistry, biology and paint
ChemBiozidMeldeV Ordinance on the notification of biocidal products according to the Chemicals Act
ChemBiozidZulV Ordinance on the approval of biocidal products and other chemical law processes for biocidal products and active biocidal substances
ChemFachAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for chemical production specialists
ChemGiftInfoV Ordinance on the notification obligations according to § 16e of the Chemicals Act for the prevention and information in the event of poisoning
ChemikAusbErprobV Ordinance on the testing of a new form of training for vocational training to become a chemical technician
ChemikAusbV 2009 Ordinance on vocational training for chemical technicians
ChemIndMeistPrV 2004 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Industrial Foreman - specializing in chemistry
ChemKlimaschutzV Ordinance to protect the climate against changes caused by the input of certain fluorinated greenhouse gases
ChemKostV Ordinance on costs for official acts of the federal authorities according to the Chemicals Act
ChemOzonSchichtV Ordinance on substances that damage the ozone layer
ChemSanktionsV Ordinance on the reinforcement of sanctions under Community or Union law in the field of chemical safety
ChemVerbotsV Ordinance on bans and restrictions on placing on the market and on the delivery of certain substances, mixtures and products according to the Chemicals Act
ChemVOCFarbV Chemical regulation to limit the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) by restricting the placing on the market of solvent-based paints and varnishes
ChirMechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in parts I and II of the master's examination in the surgical mechanic trade
SurgeonMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a surgical mechanic
ContrPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification for Certified Controllers
CSCGKostOÄndV Ordinance on the container safety approval label and the change in the cost structure
CWÜV Implementing Ordinance to the Chemical Weapons Convention
DachAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a roofer
DachdArbbV9 Ninth ordinance on mandatory working conditions for the roofing trade
DachdMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the roofing trade
DaHeSchnMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in women's and men's tailoring
LoanV Ordinance on the collection of loans made under the Federal Training Assistance Act
DaTraGebV Ordinance on the collection of fees and expenses for the provision of data in accordance with the provisions of the Data Transparency Ordinance
DaTraV Ordinance on the implementation of the rules on data transparency
DBAGZustV Ordinance on the competence of the Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft for decisions in matters of the assigned officials of the federal railway assets
DBSchichtZulErhV Ordinance on the increase in shift allowances for civil servants of the federal railway assets assigned to Deutsche Bahn AG or one of its subsidiaries
DeckRegV Ordinance on the form and content of the cover register according to the Pfandbrief Act and the recording of entries
DeckRV Ordinance on the calculation bases for actuarial reserves
De-Mail-KostV Ordinance on costs for official acts according to the De-Mail Act
DepV Ordinance on landfills and long-term storage
DerivateV Ordinance on risk management and risk measurement when using derivatives, securities loans and repurchase agreements in investment funds according to the Capital Investment Code
DesignV Ordinance on the implementation of the Design Act
DestAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a distiller
DetergKostV Ordinance on costs for official acts of the Federal Environment Agency according to Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004 of March 31, 2004 on detergents
DeuFöV Ordinance on job-related German language promotion
DEUEV Ordinance on the collection and transmission of data for the social security institutions
DEV 2012 Ordinance on the collection of data for the preparation of the national allocation plan for the allocation period 2008 to 2012
DEV 2020 Ordinance on the collection of data on the inclusion of aviation and other activities in emissions trading
DialogmKfAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a businessman for dialogue marketing / as a businesswoman for dialogue marketing
DialogmServAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for service specialists for dialogue marketing
DiamantAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a diamond cutter
DietAss-APrV Training and examination regulations for dieticians
DietV Regulation on dietary foods
Dig / PrintMedAusbV 2013 Ordinance on vocational training for digital and print media designers and digital and print media designers
DIMDI-AMV Ordinance on the database-supported information system on medicinal products of the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information
DIMDIV Ordinance on the database-supported information system on medical devices of the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information
DIMDIZustAnO Order for the transfer of responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information in matters under the Federal Travel Expenses Act and the Federal Moving Costs Act, including the Separation Allowance Ordinance issued for this purpose
DJubV Ordinance on the granting of anniversary bonuses
DL-InfoV Ordinance on information requirements for service providers
DmMV Ordinance to determine the not small amount of doping substances
DonauSchPV Danube Shipping Police Ordinance
DPMAV Ordinance on the German Patent and Trademark Office
DPMAVwKostV Ordinance on administrative costs at the German Patent and Trademark Office
DrechsHolzspielMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the wood turner (ivory carver) and wooden toy maker trade
DrechslAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a turner (ivory carver) / for a turner (ivory carver)
DrogistAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a druggist
DruckerAusbV Ordinance on professional training for media technologists in printing and media technologists in printing
DruckLV Ordinance on working in compressed air
DruckMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the printer (book printer) trade
DruckverarbAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a media technologist for print processing and as a media technologist for print processing
DSPV Ordinance on the calculation of the average electricity prices for the special compensation regulation under the Renewable Energy Sources Act
DtFrJWStBefrV Ordinance on the granting of tax exemptions to the Franco-German Youth Office
DtFrJWVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the Franco-German Youth Office
DtPlJWAbkV Ordinance on the Agreement of June 17, 1991 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the German-Polish Youth Office
DüBV Ordinance on the establishment of a scientific advisory board for fertilization issues
DüMV Ordinance on the placing on the market of fertilizers, soil additives, growing media and plant additives
DünenSchV Announcement of the ordinance on the protection of the edge dunes on the North Sea island of Wangerooge
Fertilizer MProbV Ordinance on sampling procedures and analysis methods for official fertilizer monitoring
DüV Ordinance on the use of fertilizers, soil additives, growing media and plant additives according to the principles of good professional practice in fertilizing
DW-SVV Ordinance on the date of relocation of the headquarters of the Deutsche Welle broadcasting corporation from Cologne to Bonn
EAKAV Ordinance on the electronic notification procedure for domestic investment funds and EU investment funds in accordance with the Capital Investment Code
EAPatV Ordinance on electronic filing at the Patent Office, the Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice
EAZV Ordinance regulating the working hours of the civil servants of the federal railway assets assigned to the companies of the Deutsche Bahn Group
EBAnzV Ordinance on the transfer of the management of the business register
EBArbSchV Ordinance on the transfer of responsibilities in the field of technical occupational safety at federal railways
EBBAusbV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training as a railway worker in operations service
EBIZustV Ordinance on the responsibility for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses according to § 5 of the law on the European Citizens' Initiative
EBO Railway building and operating regulations
EBPV Ordinance on the examination for operations manager for railways
EBV Ordinance on the appointment and confirmation as well as the tasks and powers of operations managers for railways
EBV Ordinance on the creation of a remuneration statement in accordance with Section 108 (3) sentence 1 of the trade regulations
ECER 44 ECE regulation No. 44 (Appendix to the regulation on the entry into force of regulation No. 44 on restraint devices for children in motor vehicles according to the convention of March 20, 1958 on the acceptance of uniform conditions for the approval of equipment and parts of motor vehicles and on mutual Recognition of approval)
ECER 54 ECE regulation No. 54 (Appendix of the regulation on the implementation of ECE regulation No. 54) on uniform conditions for the approval of pneumatic tires for commercial vehicles and their trailers
ECER 69 ECE regulation No. 69 (Appendix to the regulation on the coming into force of ECE regulation No. 69) on uniform conditions for the approval of panels for rear marking of slow-moving vehicles and their trailers due to their design
ECER 70 ECE regulation No. 70 (Appendix to the regulation on the entry into force of ECE regulation No. 70) on uniform conditions for the approval of panels for rear labeling of heavy and long vehicles
ECER 75 ECE regulation No. 75 (Appendix to the regulation on the implementation of ECE regulation No. 75) on uniform conditions for the approval of pneumatic tires for motorcycles
ECER30Rev 1 Revision 1 of the ECE regulation No. 30 (Appendix to the regulation for revision 1 of the ECE regulation No. 30) on uniform conditions for the approval of pneumatic tires for motor vehicles and trailers
EdelstGrMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the gemstone engraving trade
EdlStFAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a gemstone setter
EdlStGrAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a gemstone engraver
EdlStSchlAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a gemstone cutter
EdWBeitrV Ordinance on the contributions to the compensation scheme for securities trading companies at the Reconstruction Loan Corporation
EEAV Ordinance implementing the Renewable Energy Sources Ordinance
EEMD-ZV Ordinance on the approval of providers of toll service-related services for the EETS area of ​​the Federal Trunk Road Toll Act
EfbV Ordinance on waste management companies, technical monitoring organizations and waste disposal associations
EFPV Ordinance on the conditions of use of moving personnel in interoperable cross-border rail traffic
EF-VO Ordinance on the exemption of import duties on goods in travelers' personal luggage
EG-FGV Regulation on the EC approval for motor vehicles and their trailers as well as for systems, components and independent technical units for these vehicles
EGMR-KEV Regulation on the reimbursement of costs and expenses in the context of financial aid for third parties affected in proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights
EG-ObstGemüseV Regulation on EU standards for fruit and vegetables
EG-PKHVV Ordinance on the introduction of a form for the declaration of personal and economic circumstances in the case of legal aid as well as a form for the transmission of applications for approval of legal aid in cross-border traffic
EGRechtÜblV Ordinance on the transfer of the law of the European Communities to the area mentioned in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
EGTSEAusnV Regulation on exemptions from Regulation (EC) No. 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 22, 2001 with provisions for the prevention, control and eradication of certain spongiform encephalopathies
EGTSEBußgeldV Regulation for the enforcement of Regulation (EC) No. 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 22, 2001 with provisions for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
EGV1333 / 2008 Dec. Announcement on the applicable penal provisions in the event of violations of Regulation No. 1333/2008 on food additives
EGV1334 / 2008 Dec. Announcement of the applicable penal provisions in the event of violations of Regulation (EC) No. 1334/2008 on flavors and certain food ingredients with flavor properties
EHKostV 2007 Cost Ordinance on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act and the Allocation Act 2007
EhrBetätV Ordinance on the voluntary work of the unemployed
EHVV 2012 Ordinance on the auctioning of emission allowances according to the Allocation Act 2012
EigenVerbV Ordinance on the procedure for determining the value of electricity consumed by self-generators
EiMarktV Regulation on marketing standards for eggs
EinTestV Ordinance on the naturalization test and naturalization course
Ing.MindV Ordinance on the minimum requirements for the agreements on benefits of integration according to Book Two of the Social Code
Ing.MV 2018 Ordinance on other and supplementary standards for the distribution of funds for integration-in-work benefits and the administrative costs of basic security for jobseekers in 2018
EinhV Implementing ordinance to the law on units in metrology and time determination
EinkFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Business Administrator for Purchasing and Certified Business Administrator for Purchasing
UseUV Ordinance on the presumption that a mental disorder was caused by an operational accident
Influence BergV Mining Ordinance on Areas of Effect
EisAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for ice cream specialists
EJKoV Regulation on the coordination of cooperation with Eurojust
EJTAnV Regulation on the designation and establishment of the Eurojust national contact point for terrorism issues
Elbe-LV Ordinance on the administration and order of the Elbe maritime pilot area
ElbVwGrHmbV Ordinance on the administration of the Elbe in the Greater Hamburg area
ElbVwHHmbV Ordinance on the administration of the Elbe and other imperial waterways by the Hanseatic City of Hamburg
ElekAnlAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become an electrical system fitter
ElekMeistPrV 2004 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Industrial Foreman - specializing in electrical engineering
ElektroGGebV Fees Ordinance for the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act
ElektroMbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the electrical engineering trade
ElektronAusbV 2008 Ordinance on vocational training for electronics technicians
ElektroStoffV Ordinance on the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment,
ElektroTechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master’s examination in the electrical engineering trade
ElekZeugnV Ordinance on the equalization of test certificates from the vocational school for electrical engineering in Bremen with certificates on the passing of the final examination in training professions
ElmV Ordinance on the use of extraction solvents in the production of food
EltLastV Ordinance on Securing Electricity Supply
EltSV Ordinance on securing the electricity supply in a supply crisis
EltZSoldV Ordinance on parental leave for soldiers
ELV Ordinance on the careers of civil servants in the federal railway assets
EMASPrivilegV Ordinance on immission control and waste control facilitation for sites and organizations registered according to Regulation (EC) No. 761/2001
EMC Ordinance on the protection of employees against hazards from electromagnetic fields
Ems LV Ordinance on the administration and order of the Ems maritime pilot area
EmsSchEV Ordinance on the introduction of the shipping regulations for the Ems estuary
EmsSchOAbkErgAbkV Ordinance on the Agreement of December 22, 1986 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the Shipping Regulations in the Ems Estuary and the Agreement of April 5, 2001 amending and supplementing the Agreement of December 22, 1986
EMVBeitrV Ordinance on contributions under the Act on Electromagnetic Compatibility of Devices for the years 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002
EMV-FTEKostV Ordinance on fees and expenses for official acts according to the law on the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment and according to the law on radio systems and telecommunications terminal equipment
EMVG-FuAG-BGebV Special fee regulation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for the area of ​​the Electromagnetic Compatibility Act and the Radio Equipment Act
EndlagerVlV Ordinance on advance payments for the establishment of federal facilities for the safeguarding and final storage of radioactive waste
EnEV Ordinance on energy-saving thermal insulation and energy-saving systems engineering for buildings
EnSiGEntschV Ordinance on the procedure for determining compensation and hardship compensation under the Energy Security Act
EnSTransV Ordinance on the implementation of publication, information and transparency obligations under Union law in the Energy Tax and Electricity Tax Act
EntBVöffBankV Ordinance on the assignment of tasks and powers of a compensation scheme to the compensation scheme of the Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany GmbH
EntdtBankV Ordinance on the assignment of tasks and powers of a compensation scheme to the compensation scheme of German banks
Decision FinV Ordinance on the financing of the compensation scheme of German banks and the compensation scheme of the Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany
EntsorgFondsGZVereinnV Ordinance on the collection of payments under the Waste Disposal Fund Act
EnVKV Ordinance on the labeling of energy-related products with information on the consumption of energy and other important resources
EnWGKostV Ordinance on the fees and expenses for official acts of the Federal Network Agency according to the Energy Industry Act
EnWPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist in the energy industry and certified specialist in the energy industry
ErdölBevVbdStiRV Ordinance on the voting rights of the members of the Petroleum Storage Association
Supplementary Regulation Ordinance on the supplementary notification of financial services institutions and securities trading banks according to the law on banking
ErgThAPrV Training and examination regulations for occupational therapists
ConservationV Ordinance on the approval of conservation varieties and the placing on the market of seeds and planting material of conservation varieties
ErMiV Regulation on the placing on the market of seeds from maintenance mixtures
ErrV Ordinance on the establishment of military service courts
ErstAnzV Ordinance on the initial notification of financial service institutions and securities trading banks in accordance with the Law on Banking
ERVBußBehBMELÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal transactions with the fine authorities in the area of ​​responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
ERVBußBehBMFSFJÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal communication with the fine authorities in the area of ​​the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
ERVBußBehBMFÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal transactions with fine authorities in the area of ​​the Federal Ministry of Finance
ERVBußBehBMGÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal transactions with the fine authorities in the area of ​​responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Health
ERVBußBehBMIÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal communication with the fine authorities in the area of ​​the Federal Ministry of the Interior
ERVBußBehBMUBÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal communication with the fine authorities in the area of ​​responsibility of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
ERVBußBehBMVgÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal transactions with the fine authorities in the area of ​​responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Defense
ERVBußBehBMVIÜV Ordinance for a transitional regulation for the opening of electronic legal transactions with fine authorities in the area of ​​responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
ERVBußSubV Ordinance transferring the authority to issue ordinances to initiate electronic legal communication with the fine authorities
ERVDPMAV Ordinance on electronic legal transactions at the German Patent and Trademark Office
ERVV Ordinance on the technical framework for electronic legal transactions and on the special electronic mailbox for authorities
ESBO Railway building and operating regulations for narrow-gauge railways
ESGV Ordinance on the assessment of entry fees
ESiV Regulation on the safety of the railway system
ESO 1959 Railway Signal Regulations 1959
VinegarV Regulation on traffic with vinegar and vinegar essence
EstrMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the technical theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the screed layer
EStSchlEV Ordinance on the determination of the key figures for the distribution of the municipality's share of income tax for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020
EStZustV Income tax jurisdiction ordinance
Ethylene OxideV Ordinance banning the use of ethylene oxide in medicinal products
ETWStBefrV Ordinance on the granting of tax exemptions for the European Transsonic Windtunnel GmbH
EU / EWRHwV Ordinance on the requirements for nationals of a member state of the European Union or another signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or Switzerland for practicing a craft that requires a license
EuAstroOrgVorRProtV Ordinance on the Protocol of July 12, 1974 on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
EuAuswKomVorRV Ordinance on Granting Privileges and Immunities to the Intergovernmental Committee on European Emigration
EU-FahrgRBusV Regulation for the enforcement of passenger rights of the European Union in bus and coach traffic
EU-FahrgRSchGebV Ordinance on the fees and expenses for official acts to enforce EU passenger rights shipping
EU-FahrgRSchV Regulation for the enforcement of passenger rights of the European Union in shipping
EÜGV Ordinance on the Aptitude Exercise Act
EuLabMolBioVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory
EUMETSATV Regulation on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Organization for the Use of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
EURHG ExceptionV Ordinance on exceptions to the placing on the market and feeding of certain products with pesticide residues
EUrlV GDR Regulation on vacation leave
EUrlV Ordinance on the vacation of civil servants and judges of the federal government
EUROCONTROLVorRV 2 Second regulation on the granting of privileges and immunities to the European Organization for the Safety of Aviation "EUROCONTROL"
EUROCONTROLVorRV 3 Third regulation on the granting of privileges and immunities to the European Organization for the Safety of Aviation "EUROCONTROL"
EUROCONTROLVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the European Organization for the Safety of Aviation "EUROCONTROL" in Brussels
EurojustV Regulation on the legal personality of Eurojust and the privileges and immunities of staff
Europol consultation V. Ordinance on the national determination of the authorities responsible for consulting the Europol information system
EuSchulAuslVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the directors and teachers of the European Schools Abroad
EuSchulVorRV 1985 Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the European Schools in Karlsruhe and Munich
EUStBV 1993 Import VAT exemption regulation
EUTELSATVorRProtV Regulation to the Protocol of February 13, 1987 on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization EUTELSAT
EUV 1407/2013 Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1407/2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid
EUV 2016/2250 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/2250 establishing a discard plan for certain fisheries for demersal species in the North Sea and Union waters of ICES division IIa
EUV 651/2014 Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 establishing the compatibility of certain categories of aid with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
EUV Ordinance on the investigation of dangerous incidents in railway operations
EUV347 / 2013ZustBek Announcement about the competent authority according to Article 8 paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) No. 347/2013
EuWO European electoral code
EVerbrStBV Import excise duty exemption regulation
EVerkSiV Ordinance to ensure rail traffic
EVO Railway traffic regulations
EWGBauartGenV Regulation on EEC type approvals for control devices and record sheets
EWGLizV Ordinance on licenses for agricultural products
EWGSichV Ordinance on guarantees for agricultural products
EWRAbkAV Ordinance implementing the Agreement of May 2, 1992 on the European Economic Area for the application of the provisions of the Banking Act
EZBPersAbk / EIBVersorgAbkV Ordinance on the Agreement of August 24, 2007 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Central Bank on the implementation of Section 16 of Annex III of the Conditions of Employment for the Staff of the European Central Bank and on the Agreement of August 23, 2007 between the Government of the Federal Republic Germany and the European Investment Bank on the transfer of pension entitlements
EzHdlFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Business Administrator for Sales in Retail and Certified Business Administrator for Sales in Retail
EZulV Ordinance on the granting of hardship allowances
FachbauTischlPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of qualified construction manager in the carpentry trade
FachbPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Sales Advisor / Certified Sales Advisor
FachHwirtPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified Specialist Housekeeper
FachkBüroPrV 2012 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist for office and project organization and Certified specialist for office and project organization
FachkLogSystPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist for logistics systems and Certified specialist for logistics systems
FAgrPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified specialist agronomist - tree maintenance and tree renovation
FahrlAusbV Driving instructor training regulation
FahrlPrüfV Driving instructor examination regulation
FahrmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a bicycle fitter
FahrschAusbO 2012 Learner driver training regulations
FahrzIAAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for vehicle interior outfitters
FamNamV BR 3 Third ordinance to the law on the change of family names and first names (deletion and change of Jewish compulsory names)
FamNamV BY 3 Third ordinance to the law on the change of family names and first names (deletion and change of Jewish compulsory names)
FamNamV HE 3 Third ordinance to the law on the change of family names and first names (deletion and change of Jewish compulsory names)
FamNamV WB 3 Third ordinance to the law on the change of family names and first names (deletion and change of Jewish compulsory names)
FATCA-USA-UmsV Ordinance to implement the obligations from the Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America to promote tax compliance in international matters and with regard to the US information and reporting requirements known as the law on tax compliance with regard to foreign accounts
FäV Ordinance on the operation of ferries on federal waterways
FAVO Ordinance on the adjustment of fixed pharmaceutical prices
FBeitrV Frequency Usage Fee Ordinance
FDNormV Regulation on the application of standards for fully digital television services
Celebrations EV Ordinance on the introduction of public holidays
FeinOAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a precision optician
FeinwAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a precision mechanic
FeinwerkMechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in precision mechanics
FerReiseV 1985 Ordinance to facilitate holiday travel by road
ReadyPackV 1981 Regulation on prepackages
DonePlTischlPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Production Planner / Certified Production Planner in the joinery trade
ManufacturingMechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a production mechanic
FestLSockelOWiZustV Ordinance on responsibility for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses in the area of ​​the continental shelf
FeuerbrandV 1985 Ordinance to combat fire blight disease
LighterV Ordinance on making child-resistant lighters available on the market
FeV Ordinance on the admission of people to road traffic
FeV2010AusnV 2 Second regulation on exemptions from the provisions of the driver's license regulation
FeV2010AusnV 3 Third regulation on exemptions from the regulations of the driver's license regulation
FeV2010AusnV 4 Fourth regulation on exemptions from the regulations of the driver's license regulation
FeV2010AusnV3ÄndV 1 First regulation amending the third regulation on exemptions from the provisions of the driver's license regulation
FFGV 1993 Ordinance on the Film Funding Act
FGebV Frequency Fee Ordinance
FGNV Ordinance on the redefinition of drug fixed price groups
FHBLeistBV Ordinance on benefits and allowances at the Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration
FHKBeauftrV Ordinance on the appointment of the airport coordinator
FHKV Ordinance on the implementation of airport coordination
FIDEVerzV Regulation on the list of offenses to be included in the file identification system for customs purposes
FilmDigitV Ordinance on the funding of the first-time technical conversion of film theaters to digital film playback
FilmFöFRAV Ordinance on the increased funding of Franco-German film projects
FinaRisikoV Ordinance on the submission of financial and risk-bearing capacity information according to the German Banking Act
FinDAGKostV Ordinance on the collection of fees and the allocation of costs according to the Financial Services Supervision Act
FinDASaV Ordinance on the statutes of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
FinDPrV Ordinance on the examination of recognized advanced training qualifications in the financial services industry
FinRVV Ordinance on financial reinsurance contracts and contracts without sufficient risk transfer
FinSV Ordinance on consumer arbitration boards in the financial sector according to Section 14 of the Injunctions Act and their procedure
FinVermV Ordinance on the brokerage of financial investments
FischBeihV Regulation on the granting of private storage aid for certain fishery products
FischRDV 1998 Regulation on the enforcement of the European Union's fisheries law
FischSeuchV 2008 Fish Disease Ordinance
FischVergünstV Ordinance on the granting of concessions under the common organization of the market in fishery products
FischVermNV 1993 Regulation on Marketing Standards for Fishery Products (Article 1 of the Regulation on Marketing Standards for Fishery Products and amending the Wine Regulation)
FischwAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training center for vocational training as a fish keeper
FischwAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a fish keeper
FischWiMeistPrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of fish keeper
FKeramAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a figure ceramist
FKrFBAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a specialist in driving operations
FlBeihV Regulation on the granting of aid for private storage of meat and meat products from pigs, cattle and sheep
FlechtwAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a wickerwork designer
FleiAusbV 2005 Ordinance on vocational training to become a butcher
FleiMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the butcher's trade
FlErwV Ordinance on the acquisition of agricultural and forestry land and the procedure under the Compensation Act
FlexMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the flexography trade
FlGGebV Ordinance on fees for official acts of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food according to the Meat Act
FlGlasMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a flat glass mechanic
FloristAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a florist
FloristMPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified master florist
FlRV Flag Ordinance
FlsBergV Mining Ordinance for the Continental Shelf
FlugBelWertV Ordinance on determining the mortgage lending value of aircraft in accordance with Section 26d Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Pfandbrief Act
FlugElekAusbV 2013 Ordinance on vocational training for aircraft electronics technicians
Aviation radio V. Ordinance on aeronautical radio certificates
FlugMechAusbV 2013 Ordinance on vocational training for aircraft mechanics
FluLärmAhlhV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Ahlhorn military airfield
FluLärmBerl-TegelV BE Ordinance on determining the noise protection area for Berlin-Tegel Airport
FluLärmBüchV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Büchel military airfield
FluLärmHahnV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Hahn military airfield
FluLärmHohnV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Hohn military airfield
FluLärmHopstV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Hopsten military airfield
FluLärmJeverV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Jever military airfield
FluLärmLechfV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Lechfeld military airfield
FluLärmMüV 1996 Ordinance on the determination of the noise protection area for the Munich Airport
FluLärmNordholzV Ordinance on determining the noise protection area for the Nordholz military airfield
FluLärmNordhV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the air-to-ground firing range Nordhorn
FluLärmRamstV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Ramstein military airfield
FluLärmSpangV Ordinance on the establishment of the noise protection area for the Spangdahlem military airfield
FlUStatV Ordinance on the implementation of statistics on ante-mortem and meat inspection
FMontAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a facade fitter
FMSAKostV Ordinance on the reimbursement and allocation of costs by the Federal Agency for Financial Market Stabilization
FMSASatzV Ordinance on the statutes of the Federal Agency for Financial Market Stabilization
FoMaFüPrV Ordinance on the requirements for the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Forest Machine Operator
ForstWiAusbStV 2002 Ordinance on the suitability of the training center for vocational training as a forest manager
ForstWiAusbV 1998 Ordinance on vocational training to become a forest manager
ForstWiMeistPrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of forest manager
ForUmV Ordinance on surveys on forest environmental monitoring
FotoAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a photographer
PhotographerMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the photography trade
FotoMedFachAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a photo media specialist
FoVHgV Ordinance on areas of origin for forest reproductive material
FoVZV Forest Reproductive Material Approval Ordinance
FPMMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the tiling, panel and mosaic laying trade
Foreign Language PriV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Foreign Language Correspondence Clerk
FreqV Frequency Ordinance
FRG§15V Ordinance on the recognition of social security systems and institutions as statutory pension insurance
FRG§15VÄndV 3 Third regulation amending the regulation on the recognition of social security systems and institutions as statutory pension insurance
FRG§15VÄndV 4 Fourth regulation amending the regulation on the recognition of social security systems and institutions as statutory pension insurance
FrHfBremhGrV 2001 Ordinance on the border of the Bremerhaven free port
FrHfCuxGrV 2001 Ordinance on the border of the free port of Cuxhaven
FrHfGrDEGV 1 First regulation to change the border of the Deggendorf free port
FrHfGrDEGV 2 Second regulation to change the border of the Deggendorf free port
FrischZV Ordinance on the prohibition of the use of certain substances in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals
FriseurAusbV 2008 Ordinance on professional training as a hairdresser
Hairdresser MstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in hairdressing
FrSaftAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for specialists in fruit juice technology
FrSaftErfrischGetrV Regulation on fruit juice, some similar products, fruit nectars and caffeinated soft drinks
FrStllgV Ordinance on the exemption of certain types of transport from the provisions of the Passenger Transport Act
FrühV Ordinance on the early detection and early support of disabled children and those at risk of disability
FrUmrV 4 Fourth regulation on the conversion rate for French francs when applying the First Convention on the Unification of Private Air Law
FSAAKV Ordinance on the collection of costs for the use of air traffic control services and facilities on arrival and departure
FS-OrdersV Ordinance on the commissioning of an air navigation service provider
FSAV Ordinance on air traffic control equipment in aircraft
FSBeitrV Ordinance on contributions to the protection of interference-free frequency use
FS Implementation Ordinance Ordinance on the implementation of air traffic control
FSMusterzulV Ordinance on the type, scope, quality, approval, labeling and operation of systems and devices for air traffic control
FSPersAV Ordinance on air traffic control personnel who require a permit and their training
FSStrKV Ordinance on the collection of costs for the use of route navigation services and route navigation systems of air traffic control
FStatAusnV Ordinance on exceptions to film statistical surveys
FStrKrV Ordinance on crossings on federal trunk roads
FStrPrivFinBestV Ordinance on the determination of privately financed sections of federal trunk roads
FSV Ordinance on the prerequisites for the set-aside of land when drawing a pension from the farmers' old-age security or a production abandonment pension
FuttMKontrV Ordinance on the technical requirements for inspectors working in feed monitoring
FuttMV 1981 Feed regulation
FVerkWBV Long-distance traffic route determination ordinance
FVerlV Ordinance on the application of the arm's length principle in accordance with Section 1 (1) of the Foreign Tax Act in cases of cross-border relocation of functions
FVG1971§5Abs7S4StVV Ordinance on the distribution of tax revenue from the tax withholding and assessment procedure in accordance with Section 5 (7) sentence 4 of the Tax Administration Act
FWiStatV Ordinance suspending statistical surveys in the film industry
FzgLackAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a vehicle painter
FzgLiefgMeldV Vehicle delivery reporting obligation regulation
FzMechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for body and vehicle construction mechanics and for body and vehicle construction mechanics
FzTV Ordinance on the testing and approval of the design of vehicle parts and their marking
FZV Ordinance on the admission of vehicles to road traffic
GalvMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the electroplating trade
GArchDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the federal archival service
GartAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a gardener
GardenCustomersBerPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized degree of Certified Customer Advisor - Horticulture
GartMstrV Ordinance on the requirements for the master craftsman's examination for the profession of gardener
GärtnAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a gardener
GasGKErstV Ordinance on reimbursement claims for gas appliances
GasGVV Ordinance on general conditions for the basic supply of household customers and the replacement supply of gas from the low-pressure network
GasHDrLtgV Ordinance on high pressure gas lines
GasLastV Ordinance on securing gas supplies
GasNEV Ordinance on Charges for Access to Gas Supply Networks
GasNZV Ordinance on access to gas supply networks
GasSV Ordinance to secure the gas supply in a supply crisis
GastgewAusbV 1998 Ordinance on vocational training in the hospitality industry
GASV Ordinance for the determination of further basic requirements for devices as well as for the determination of equivalences of national interfaces and device class IDs in the field of radio systems and telecommunications terminal equipment
GAufzV Ordinance on the type, content and scope of records within the meaning of Section 90 Paragraph 3 of the Tax Code
GBankDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the upscale banking service of the Deutsche Bundesbank
GbAusV Ordinance on professional training as a violin maker
GBBStatÄndV Ordinance amending the statutes of the Genossenschaftsbank Berlin and their conversion
GBBStatÄndVAnl Statute of the GBB Genossenschafts-Holding Berlin (Annex to the ordinance amending the statute of the Genossenschaftsbank Berlin and its conversion)
GBPolVDAufstV Ordinance on the training and examination for the shortened promotion to the higher police enforcement service in the federal police
GBPolVDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the senior police enforcement service in the Federal Police
GbV Ordinance on the appointment of dangerous goods officers in companies
GBWiederhV Ordinance on the restoration of destroyed or lost land registers and documents
GBZugV Professional access ordinance for road haulage
GCP-V Ordinance on the application of good clinical practice when conducting clinical trials with medicinal products for use on humans
BuildingArbbV7 Seventh ordinance on mandatory working conditions in building cleaning
GebO-BPjM Ordinance on the collection of fees by the Federal Inspectorate for Media Harmful to Young Persons
GebReinigAusbV 1999 Ordinance on vocational training to become a building cleaner
GebrMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the technical theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the building cleaning trade
GebrMV Ordinance on the implementation of the utility model law
GEEV Ordinance on cross-border tenders for electricity from renewable energies
GefBeitrV 1998 Ordinance on the lump-sum calculation of contributions to employment promotion for prisoners
GeflPestSchV Ordinance on protection against avian influenza
GefStoffV Ordinance on protection against hazardous substances
GeigbMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master's examination for the violin-making trade
GeldWertArbbV2 Second regulation on compulsory working conditions for money and value services
GemAV Ordinance on joint tenders for onshore wind energy systems and solar systems
GenDKKostV Ordinance on costs for the statements of the genetic diagnostics commission according to the genetic diagnostics law
GenRegV Regulation on the register of cooperatives
GenTAnhV Ordinance on hearing procedures under the Genetic Engineering Act
GenTAufzV Ordinance on records of genetic engineering work and releases
GenTBetV Ordinance on the participation of the Council, the Commission and the authorities of the member states of the European Union and the other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area in the procedure for the approval of releases and placing on the market as well as in the procedure for subsequent measures under the Genetic Engineering Act
GenTNotfV Ordinance on the creation of external emergency plans and on information, reporting and instruction obligations
GenTPflEV Ordinance on good professional practice in the production of genetically modified plants
GenTSV Ordinance on the safety levels and safety measures for genetic engineering work in genetic engineering facilities
GenTVfV Ordinance on application and registration documents and on approval and registration procedures according to the Genetic Engineering Act
GeoITAusbV Ordinance on vocational training in geographic information technology
GeoNutzV Ordinance laying down the conditions of use for the provision of federal geodata
GerüstbAusbV 2000 Ordinance on professional training to become a scaffolding worker
GerüstbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the scaffolding trade
Scaffolding PrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified scaffolding column leaders
GesamtBeitrV 1998 Ordinance on the total contribution of those doing military service and those doing community service to employment promotion
GesBergV Mining Ordinance for the Health Protection of Employees
GestRaumPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified design advisor in the interior decorating trade
GesundKostV Ordinance on costs for certain official acts of federal health facilities
GesWFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist in health and social services and Certified specialist in health and social services
GetrAuVÜV Ordinance on the monitoring of grain from intervention stocks for export or processing into certain products
GewAbfV Ordinance on the management of commercial municipal waste and of certain construction and demolition waste
GewAnzV Ordinance on the design of the business registration procedure
ExtractionAbfV Regulation implementing Directive 2006/21 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 15, 2006 on the management of waste from the extractive industries and amending Directive 2004/35 / EC
GewO§34cDVÄndV 3 Third ordinance amending the broker and property developer ordinance
GewStUEZV 2018 Ordinance setting the number of increases for the trade tax apportionment according to Section 6 (5) of the Municipal Finance Reform Act in 2018
GFABPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist for employment and professional development
GFlFleischV Regulation on marketing standards for poultry meat
GflSalmoV Ordinance on protection against certain salmonella infections in domestic chickens and turkeys
GFV Ordinance on the implementation of graduate funding
GfwtDBwVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the senior fire service in the Bundeswehr
GGAV 2002 Ordinance on exemptions from the regulations on the transport of dangerous goods
GGKontrollV Ordinance on the controls of the transport of dangerous goods by road and in companies
GGKostV Ordinance on costs for measures in the transport of dangerous goods
GGV Ordinance on the creation and keeping of building land registers
GGVSEB Ordinance on the national and international carriage of dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterways
GGVSee Ordinance on the transport of dangerous goods by seagoing vessels
GießVerfMAusbV 1997 Ordinance on vocational training for process mechanics in the metallurgical and semi-finished products industry
GKrimDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the federal criminal service
GlAppMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the glass apparatus builder trade
GlasappAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a glass apparatus builder
GlasblAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a glassblower
GlaserMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the glazier trade
GlasIndMstrFortbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Industrial Master - specializing in glass and Certified Industrial Master - specializing in glass
GlasmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a glassmaker
GlasVAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a glass finisher
GlasVMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the glass finishing trade
GlAusbV 2001 Ordinance on vocational training as a glazier
GleibWV Ordinance on the election of equal opportunities officers and their deputies in federal agencies
GleiStatV Ordinance on statistical surveys on equality between women and men in federal agencies and bodies
GlPrZBKnV Ordinance on the equality of the test certificates acquired from the Federal Miners 'Union on the passing of the test according to the collective agreement on the further training of employees with certificates as a social insurance specialist - specializing in miners' social insurance
GlPrZHerneV Ordinance on the equalization of test certificates from the state-recognized Hiberniaschule Herne with certificates on the passing of the journeyman's examination in skilled trades
GlPrZKaiserslauternV Ordinance on the equalization of examination certificates from the vocational school - craft trades - at the vocational school of the Pfalz district association in Kaiserslautern with certificates about the passing of the final and journeyman's examination in training professions
GlPrZRheinbachV 2017 Ordinance on the equalization of test certificates from the State Vocational College for Glass-Ceramic Design of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Rheinbach with certificates on passing the final and journeyman's examination in training professions
GMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a foundry mechanic
GntDAIVVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the higher non-technical service in the general and internal administration of the federal government
GntDSVVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the higher non-technical service of the federal government in social insurance
GntZollDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the higher non-technical federal customs service
GoldSchmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a goldsmith
GoldSilversmithMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master’s examination in gold and silversmiths
GO-MEDASV Ordinance on the rules of procedure of the Committee for Medical Equipment in Maritime Shipping
GPrüfbV Ordinance on the examination and certification of compliance with certain obligations based on Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 4, 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories by non-financial counterparties subject to review
GPV Ordinance on the admission of private cross-checking experts and on regulations for official cross-checking
GrAbfAUTVbgV Ordinance on the German-Austrian agreement of November 26, 1993/10. January 1994 on the temporary border clearance at certain border crossings on German and Austrian territory
GrAbfertVbgAUTV Ordinance on the German-Austrian agreement of July 3, 1996/18. July 1996 on the establishment of advanced German border posts on Austrian territory and advanced Austrian border posts on German territory and the temporary Austrian border clearance on German territory
GräbPauschV 2017/2018 Ordinance on the flat rates for the creation, repair and maintenance of graves, relocation and identification within the meaning of the Graves Act for the 2017 and 2018 budget years
GrAusbV Ordinance on professional training as an engraver
GravMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in engraving
GrBrückVbgFRAV Ordinance on the agreement of March 20 / March 25 April 2012 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the construction of a border bridge over the Rhine between Kehl and Strasbourg
GrenzAV 2014 Ordinance on the expansion of the area near the border and the areas subject to border control
GrenzgAbkNLDV 1 First ordinance to define an area as a cross-border commercial area within the meaning of Article 2, Paragraph 1, No. 6 of the Agreement of June 16, 1959 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands to avoid double taxation in the area of ​​taxes on income and property as well as various other taxes and to regulate other questions in tax areas
GrenzgAbkNLDV 2 Second ordinance to designate an area as a cross-border commercial area within the meaning of Article 2, Paragraph 1, No. 6 of the Agreement of June 16, 1959 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands to avoid double taxation in the area of ​​taxes on income and property as well as various other taxes and to regulate other questions in tax areas
GrHdlKfmAusbV 2006 Ordinance on vocational training for wholesale and foreign trade clerks / for clerks in wholesale and foreign trade
GroMiKV Regulation to supplement the large exposure regulations according to Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and to amend Regulation (EU) No. 646/2012 and to supplement the Millions of loans according to the Banking Act
GrPfREuroV Ordinance on mortgages in foreign currency and in euros
GrSiDAV Ordinance on the automated data comparison for basic security benefits for jobseekers
GrwV Ordinance on the protection of groundwater
GStDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the federal tax service
GtDBahnVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the advanced technical service - specializing in railway engineering -
GtDBWVAPrV Ordinance on the training and examination for the higher technical service in the Federal Armed Forces administration - specializing in defense technology -
GtDWSVVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the higher technical administration service in the waterways and shipping administration of the federal government
GÜGKostV Basic material cost regulation
GüKG§6aV Ordinance on the recognition of urban and rural districts in accordance with Section 6a of the Road Haulage Act
GüKGrKabotageV Regulation on international road haulage and cabotage
GüKKostV 1998 Cost regulation for road haulage
GüKVO Regulation on road haulage
GüLogFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist in freight transport and logistics and Certified specialist in freight transport and logistics
GVFV Regulation on the form for the enforcement order to the bailiff
GVIDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the federal administration IT service
GVV Ordinance on the requirements for the EETS area of ​​the Federal Trunk Road Toll Act
GWDAPrV Ordinance on training and testing for the federal meteorological service
GZKtgRindFlV 1989 Ordinance on the principles for the distribution of the German quota of the 1989 Community tariff quota for frozen beef
HafenlogAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for port logistics specialists
HafenSchAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a port skipper
HaGeWeMaSaatVerkV Ordinance on the placing on the market of seeds from populations of the species oats, barley, wheat and maize
HalblSchV Ordinance on the implementation of the Semiconductor Protection Act
HandwFWFortbPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified commercial specialist in accordance with the craft regulations and certified commercial specialist in accordance with the craft regulations
HandzMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the hand-drawn instrument maker trade
HanfEinfV Regulation on the import of hemp from third countries
HArchDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the higher federal archive service
HardnessV Ordinance on additional benefits in cases of hardship according to the Federal Training Assistance Act
HAV Ordinance to vote on inclusion in the additional insurance for the miners' union
HBankDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the higher banking service of the Deutsche Bundesbank
HdBALBV Ordinance on benefits and allowances at the university of the Federal Employment Agency
HdlFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Commercial Specialist and Certified Commercial Specialist
HdlKlSchafFlV 1993 Ordinance on legal trade classes for sheep meat
HebAPrV Training and examination regulations for midwives and obstetricians
HeimMindBauV Ordinance on minimum structural requirements for retirement homes, retirement homes and nursing homes for adults
HeimmwV Ordinance on the participation of residents in matters relating to home operations
HeimPersV Ordinance on personal requirements for homes
Home SecurityV Ordinance on the obligations of the providers of retirement homes, retirement homes and nursing homes for adults in the event that services are received for the purpose of accommodating a resident or applicant
Heating costs V. Ordinance on the consumption-based billing of heating and hot water costs
HeizölLBV Ordinance on delivery restrictions for light heating oil in a supply crisis
HerrentunnelMautHV Ordinance on the amount of the toll for the use of the Herrentunnel
HgFSNatSchV Ordinance on driving into the nature reserve "Helgoländer Felssockel"
HHG§3V Ordinance on the equality of persons according to Section 3 of the Prisoner Assistance Act
HKrimDAPrV Ordinance on training and examinations for the federal criminal service
HkRNGebV Fee regulation according to § 14 paragraph 2 of the renewable energy regulation
HKWAbfV Ordinance on the disposal of used halogenated solvents
HmbNSGBefV Ordinance on navigating the Elbe federal waterway in certain nature reserves in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
HOAI Ordinance on fees for architectural and engineering services
HoBaMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the wood and building protection trade
HöBetrV Ordinance on the maximum amounts of the tax-privileged production costs of protective spaces within the meaning of §§ 7 and 12, paragraph 3 of the Protective Building Act
HoblMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master's examination for the woodwind instrument maker trade
HofV Ordinance on the treatment of shares in undivided courtyards in the land register
HolzBauSchAusbV Ordinance on vocational training in the wood and building protection trade
HolzbearbMechAusbV 2004-07 Ordinance on vocational training to become a woodworking mechanic
HolzbhAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a wood sculptor
HolzbhMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman examination for the wood carving trade
HolzbInstrmMAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a woodwind instrument maker
HolzmechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a wood mechanic
HolzSpielzMAusbV 1996 Ordinance on vocational training as a wooden toy maker
HoneyV Honey regulation
HörAkAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a hearing care professional
HörgAkMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master's examination for the hearing aid acoustician trade
HotelMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Hotel Manager
HPflEGRLDV Ordinance on motor vehicle liability insurance for foreign motor vehicles and motor vehicle trailers
HRegGebV Ordinance on fees in commercial, partnership and cooperative registry matters
HRV Ordinance on the establishment and maintenance of the commercial register
HtDBWVAPrV Ordinance on the training and examination for the higher technical service in the Federal Armed Forces administration - specializing in defense technology -
HufBeschl-AerkennV Ordinance on the equality of examination certificates obtained outside the scope of the Farriery Law or abroad with the examination certificates according to the Farriery Ordinance and their consideration in state recognition
HufBeschlV Ordinance on shoeing hooves and claws
HundVerbrEinfVO Ordinance on exceptions to the ban on bringing and importing dangerous dogs into Germany
HUrlV Ordinance on home leave for the Foreign Service
HWeizSaatV 2015 Ordinance on special requirements for seeds from durum wheat as part of the seed approval 2015
HwirtAusbV 1999 Ordinance on vocational training to become a housekeeper
HWirtMeistPrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of housekeeper
HwO§16V Ordinance on the arbitration procedure in accordance with Section 16 of the Crafts Code
HwO§5aAbs2V Ordinance on the automated data retrieval of the Chamber of Crafts according to § 5a Paragraph 2 of the Crafts Code
HwPGV Ordinance on the establishment, activity and transformation of craft production cooperatives
HwREintrV Ordinance on the recognition of examinations for entry in the craft register
HwVerwdtV Ordinance on Related Crafts
HypAblV Ordinance on the replacement of previous rights and other property law issues
HZAZustV Ordinance on the transfer of responsibilities to main customs offices for the area of ​​several main customs offices
HZInstrmMAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a hand-drawn instrument maker
HZvV Ordinance on the insurance of employees in the supplementary insurance for miners
HZvV 2 Second ordinance on the insurance of employees in the supplementary insurance for miners
HZvV 3 Third ordinance on the insurance of employees in the supplementary insurance for miners
HZvV 4 Fourth ordinance on the insurance of employees in the supplementary insurance for miners
HZvV 5 Fifth ordinance on the insurance of employees in supplementary insurance for miners
HZvV 6 Sixth ordinance on the insurance of employees in the supplementary insurance for miners
HZvV 7 Seventh ordinance on the insurance of employees in the supplementary insurance for miners
HZvV 8 Eighth ordinance on the insurance of employees in the supplementary insurance for miners
IDÜV Ordinance on the transmission of index data from the regional justice administrations to the transparency register
IFGGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses according to the Freedom of Information Act
IfSGMeldAnpV Ordinance to adapt the reporting obligations under the Infection Protection Act to the epidemic situation
II. BV Ordinance on housing calculations according to the Second Housing Act
IICVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Institute for Cotton
IMIS status agreement Ordinance on the responsibilities of federal authorities in the integrated measurement and information system for the monitoring of environmental radioactivity according to the Radiation Protection Act
IMLebensmFPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Industrial Master - specializing in Food and Certified Industrial Master - Specializing in Food
ImmobKfmAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a real estate agent
ImmoDarlSachkV Ordinance on the requirements for the expertise of internal and external employees involved in granting consumer real estate loans
ImmoFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified real estate specialist
ImmoKWPLV Regulation establishing guidelines on the creditworthiness criteria and methods of consumer real estate loan agreements
ImmoWertV Ordinance on the principles for determining the market values ​​of land
ImmVermV Regulation on Real Estate Loan Mediation
IMSüßFPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Industrial Master - specializing in confectionery and Certified Industrial Master - specializing in Confectionery
IndElAusbV 2007 Ordinance on vocational training in industrial electrical professions
IndElekAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become an industrial electrician
IndFachwirtPrV 2010 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for Certified Industrial Specialist and Certified Industrial Specialist
IndKfmAusbV 2002 Ordinance on vocational training for industrial clerks
IndMechaAusbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified industrial foreman - specializing in mechatronics
IndMetAusbV 2007 Ordinance on vocational training in industrial metal professions
IndMetMeistV 1997 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Industrial Foreman - specializing in metal
IndMIsoPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Industrial Foreman - specializing in insulation (heat, cold, sound and fire protection)
InfElekAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for information electronics technicians
InformationsTechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the information technology trade
INF-VtrNotWV Ordinance on the Exchange of Notes of May 4, 1988 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Inspections relating to the Treaty of December 8, 1987 between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Disposal of their Medium and Medium Missiles shorter range
InhKontrollV Ordinance on the notifications according to Section 2c of the Banking Act and Section 104 of the Insurance Supervision Act
InsoBekV Regulation on public notices in bankruptcy proceedings on the Internet
InsoGeldEinzPV Ordinance on the amount of the flat rate for the costs of collecting the allocation for the insolvency money and the examination of the employer
InsoGeldFestV 2016 Ordinance setting the contribution rate for insolvency payments for the 2016 calendar year
InsoGeldFestV 2017 Ordinance setting the contribution rate for insolvency payments for the 2017 calendar year
InsoGeldFestV 2018 Ordinance setting the contribution rate for insolvency money for the 2018 calendar year
InsoKostV Ordinance on the flat rate of other costs for the provision of insolvency money
InstallerHeating installerMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in plumbing and heating engineering
InstitutsVergV Ordinance on the regulatory requirements for remuneration systems of institutions
InsVV Insolvency law remuneration ordinance
IntAtomOrgVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Atomic Energy Agency
IntBMeßwVorRV Ordinance on Granting Privileges and Immunities to the International Bureau of Legal Metrology
INTELSATVorRProtV Ordinance to the Protocol of May 19, 1978 on Privileges, Immunities and Immunities of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization INTELSAT
IntMilPVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to military personnel of the international military headquarters in the Federal Republic of Germany
IntPatÜbkGArtII§2V Ordinance on the transfer of the authorization in accordance with Article II, Section 2, Paragraph 2 of the Law on International Patent Conventions
IntTestV Ordinance on the examination and verification modalities for the final tests of the integration course
IntV Ordinance on the implementation of integration courses for foreigners and repatriates
IntWarenBezÜbkV Ordinance on the International Convention of June 14, 1983 on the Harmonized System for the Designation and Coding of Goods and on the Protocol of Amendment of June 24, 1986
InVeKoSV Regulation on the implementation of support schemes and the integrated administration and control system
InvestAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become an investment fund trader
ISAusbV 1997 Ordinance on vocational training in the insulation industry
IsolMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the heat, cold and sound insulation trade
ItalKultInstVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to Italian cultural institutes
IT-FortbV Ordinance on professional training in the field of information and telecommunications technology
ITKTAusbV Ordinance on vocational training in the field of information and telecommunications technology
IUCNVorV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
IVD-AMG-V Ordinance to extend the regulations on approval and state batch testing to tests for in vitro diagnostics according to the Medicines Act
IZÜV Ordinance regulating the procedure for licensing and monitoring industrial wastewater treatment plants and water uses
JAbschlVUV Ordinance on the structure of the annual accounts of transport companies
JAbschlWUV Ordinance on forms for the structure of the annual financial statements of housing companies
JagdzeitV 1977 Ordinance on hunting seasons
JArbSchSittV Ordinance on the prohibition of employing persons under the age of 18 in morally endangering activities
JArbSchUV Ordinance on the medical examinations according to the Youth Labor Protection Act
JAVollzO Ordinance on the execution of youth arrest
JFAngAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a judicial clerk
JHiStruktV Ordinance on the implementation of statistics on the structure of the staff in youth welfare
JubVAAnO 1963-11 Implementation order for the ordinance on the granting of anniversary grants to federal officials and judges
JubVAAnO1963-11ÄndAnO Order to amend the Implementing Regulations for the Ordinance on the Granting of Anniversary Benefits to Federal Officials and Judges
JubVÄndV 4 Fourth ordinance amending the ordinance on granting anniversary grants to federal officials and judges
JubVAnO Implementation order for the ordinance on the granting of anniversary grants to federal officials and judges
JurPrNotSkV Ordinance on a scale of grades and points for the first and second legal examination
KaFbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the bodywork and vehicle construction trade
KaffeeRatVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Coffee Organization according to Resolution No. 264 of the International Coffee Council of April 14, 1973 on the extension of the International Coffee Convention 1968
KaffeeÜbk1983OrgVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Coffee Organization according to Art. 23 of the International Coffee Agreement of 1983 as amended on July 4, 1989
KaffeeV 2001 Regulation on coffee, coffee and chicory extracts
Cocoa Ordinance 2003 Regulation on cocoa and chocolate products
KühleanlMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the refrigeration system construction trade
KälteMechaAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a mechatronics technician for refrigeration technology
KanalStTO 2010 Ordinance on the fees for canal helmsmen on the Kiel Canal
KapAusstV Regulation on the capital adequacy of insurance companies
KAPrüfbV Ordinance on the subject of the audit and the content of the audit reports for external capital management companies, investment stock corporations, investment limited partnerships and special funds
KARBV Ordinance on the content, scope and presentation of the accounting of special funds, investment stock corporations and investment limited partnerships as well as on the valuation of the assets belonging to the investment fund
KartKostV Ordinance on the costs of the antitrust authorities
KartKrebs / KartZystV Ordinance to combat potato cancer and potato cyst nematodes
KartRingfV 2001 Ordinance to combat bacterial ring rot and mucus disease
CaseinV Ordinance on caseins and caseinates for human consumption
CheeseV Cheese regulation
KassenSichV Ordinance to determine the technical requirements for electronic recording and security systems in business transactions
KassNeuOV Ordinance on the reorganization of the treasury supervision of the federal treasuries Halle / Saale, Kiel, Trier and Weiden
KAV Ordinance on concession fees for electricity and gas
KAVerOV Ordinance specifying the rules of conduct and organizational rules in accordance with the Capital Investment Code
KBV Small amount regulation
KDAV Ordinance on the automated procedure for providing information on customer data according to Section 112 of the Telecommunications Act
KDVErstattV Ordinance on the reimbursement of expenses, loss of earnings and expenses during the hearing in the recognition procedure as a conscientious objector
KEPFachAusbV Ordinance on professional training for courier, express and postal services
KEPKfmAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a merchant for courier, express and postal services / as a merchant for courier, express and postal services
KeramMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in ceramics
KerAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a ceramist
KerIndAusbV Ordinance on vocational training in the ceramic industry
KflDiAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for businesspeople in the service areas of health care and event management
KFürsV Ordinance on the Welfare of War Victims
KF-VO Ordinance on the exemption of import duties on goods in consignments from private individuals to private individuals
KfWV Ordinance on the application of banking supervisory regulations to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau as well as on the assignment of the supervision of compliance with these regulations to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
KfzHV Ordinance on vehicle assistance for vocational rehabilitation
KfzMechaAusbV 2013 Ordinance on vocational training for motor vehicle mechatronics technicians
KfzPflVV Ordinance on insurance protection in motor vehicle liability insurance
KfzTechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the automotive engineering trade
KfzUnfEntschV Ordinance on the compensation fund for damage from motor vehicle accidents
KHBV Ordinance on the accounting and bookkeeping obligations of hospitals
KHSFV Regulation on the management of the structural funds in the hospital sector
KHStatV Ordinance on federal statistics for hospitals
KHV Ordinance on the use of sign language and other communication aids in administrative proceedings according to the Disability Equality Act
KhWbAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a candle maker and wax maker and candle maker and wax maker
KiGAbV Ordinance on the automated retrieval of child benefit data by the public service payers
KindArbSchV Ordinance on child labor protection
KindUFV Ordinance on the introduction of forms for the simplified procedure for the maintenance of minors
Church Professions V. Ordinance on training grants for visiting training centers for church professions
KIV Ordinance on the dispensing of medicinal products containing potassium iodide for iodine blockade of the thyroid during radiological events
KJPsychTh-APrV Training and examination regulations for child and adolescent psychotherapists
KK-AltRückV Ordinance on the formation of old-age provisions by the statutory health insurance companies and their associations
KKInsoV Ordinance on the distribution and assertion of liability amounts by the Central Association of Health Insurance Funds in the event of insolvency or the closure of a health insurance company
KlaCbMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master's examination for the piano and harpsichord maker craft
KlaCembAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a piano and harpsichord maker and piano and harpsichord maker
KlagRegV Ordinance on the lawsuit register according to the Investor Model Procedure Act
KlärEV Ordinance on the Sewage Sludge Compensation Fund
KlauenPflPrV Ordinance on the examinations for the recognized advanced training qualifications for certified hoof trimmers and certified hoof trimmers as well as claw care specialist and claw care specialist
PlumberAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a plumber
PlumberMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the plumbing trade
KlFzKV-BinSch Ordinance on the marking of small vehicles traveling on inland waterways
KlimaBergV Mining ordinance for the protection of health against climatic influences
KmV Ordinance on the limitation of contaminants in food
KnVAusbauV Ordinance on the further expansion of miners' insurance
KNV-V Ordinance on the comparison of the costs and benefits of combined heat and power and the recirculation of industrial waste heat in heating and cooling
KochAusbV 1998 Ordinance on professional training as a cook
KOFV 1919 Ordinance on Social Welfare for War Disabled and War Relatives
CoalUGrV Ordinance on the standards for determining the optimal company size in the hard coal mining industry
KomtrZV Ordinance on the approval of municipal bodies as providers of basic security for job seekers
KonBefrV Ordinance on exempting consolidated financial statements and group management reports of parent companies based in a third country
KondAusbV 2003 Ordinance on professional training to become a pastry chef
KondMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the confectionery trade
ConfV Regulation on jams and some similar products
KonjAusglRFrV 2 Second ordinance on the release of funds from the cyclical adjustment reserves for the financial years 1969 and 1970
KonjAusglRFrV Ordinance on the release of funds from the cyclical adjustment reserves for the financial years 1969 and 1970
KonjAusglRV 1969 Ordinance on the formation of economic adjustment reserves by the federal and state governments in the 1969 budget year
KonjAusglRV 1970 Ordinance on the formation of economic adjustment reserves by the federal and state governments in the 1970 budget year
KonjV 1 First ordinance on fiscal stimulus measures
KonjV 2 Second regulation on fiscal stimulus measures
KonjV 3 Third ordinance on fiscal stimulus measures
KonstPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Designer
KonsVerAUTV Ordinance on the implementation of consultation agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria
KonsVerBELV Ordinance on the implementation of consultation agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium
KonsVerCHEV Ordinance on the implementation of consultation agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation
KonsVerFRAV Ordinance on the implementation of consultation agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic
KonsVerGBRV Ordinance on the Implementation of Consultation Agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
KonsVerLUXV Ordinance on the implementation of consultation agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
KonsVerNLDV Ordinance on the implementation of consultation agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands
KonsVerUSAV Ordinance on the implementation of consultation agreements between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America
KonzVgV Ordinance on the award of concessions
KorbmMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the basket maker trade
KosmAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a beautician
CosmeticianMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the cosmetician trade
Cosmetics Ordinance 2014 Ordinance on cosmetic products
Cost contributionV Ordinance setting the cost contributions for services and provisional measures in child and youth welfare
KoStrukStatRflgV Ordinance amending the order of the cost structure surveys
KOV Ordinance on the expenses to be borne by the federal government for the curative and sick treatment of persons entitled to care in care hospitals of the federal states
KOVZustV Ordinance on the substantive competence in the care of war victims
KPBV Ordinance on the procedure for cooperation between the higher federal authorities and the registered ethics committees in the assessment of applications for the approval of clinical trials with medicinal products for human use
KraftNAV Ordinance regulating the grid connection of systems for generating electrical energy
KraftStCHEV Ordinance on the vehicle tax treatment of Swiss road vehicles in cross-border traffic
FuelLBV Ordinance on delivery restrictions for fuel in a supply crisis
KraftwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified power planter
KredAnstWiAÜV Ordinance on the transfer of the assets of the Staatsbank Berlin to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
KredAufnBegrV 1971 Ordinance on the limitation of borrowing by the federal and state governments in the 1971 budget year
KredAufnBegrV 1973 Ordinance on the limitation of borrowing by the federal, state, municipal and municipal associations in the 1973 budget year
KredInstAufwV 2003 Ordinance on the reimbursement of expenses by credit institutions
KredWGAUSFreistV Ordinance Exempting Branches of Credit Institutions Based in Australia from the Regulations of the Banking Act
KredWGJPNFreistV Ordinance Exempting Branches of Credit Institutions Based in Japan from the Regulations of the Banking Act
KredWGUSAFreistV Ordinance exempting branches of credit institutions domiciled in the United States of America from provisions of the Banking Act
KrimLV Ordinance on careers in the federal criminal police enforcement service
KrPflAPrV Training and examination regulations for professions in nursing
KrW / AbfMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified master craftsman / certified master craftsman for recycling and waste management and urban cleaning
KrWaffGenV 2 Second Ordinance on General Authorization under the War Weapons Control Act
KrWaffGenV Ordinance on General Licenses under the War Weapons Control Act
KrWaffUmgV Ordinance on the handling of unusable war weapons
KSAbg2017V Artists' social security tax 2017
KSAbg2018V Artistic Social Contribution Ordinance 2018
KSKSaV Ordinance on the advisory board and the committees at the artists' social fund
KStoffIndMeistPrV 2014 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Industrial Master - specializing in plastics and rubber and Certified Industrial Master - specializing in plastics and rubber
KStoffVerfMAusbV 2012 Ordinance on vocational training for process mechanics for plastics and rubber technology and for process mechanics for plastics and rubber technology
KSVEntgV Artists' social insurance remuneration ordinance
KSVGBeitrÜV Ordinance on the monitoring of the payment of the contribution shares and the artists 'social security contribution according to the Artists' Social Insurance Act
KtEfV Ordinance on the procedure for determining suitability as an approved municipal institution providing basic security for jobseekers
KtgWV Ordinance on the duty-free import of quota goods from France into the Saarland (KtgWV)
KuArbGeldFristV 2012 Ordinance on the duration of drawdown for short-time allowance
KüchMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Master Chef
KultErhStudZVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the “International Center for Studies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property” in Rome
Customer table PrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified customer advisors in the carpentry trade
KÜO Ordinance on the inversion and inspection of plants
KürMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the furrier trade
KürschAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a furrier in industry and craft
KüSchV Ordinance on coastal shipping
KuStGrVorRV Ordinance on Granting Privileges and Immunities to the International Copper Study Group
KV / PVPauschBeitrV Ordinance on the lump-sum calculation and payment of the contributions to statutory health insurance and social long-term care insurance for the duration of a continued membership in military service or community service
KVAV Ordinance on the supervision of business activities in private health insurance
KVBEVO Ordinance on the tariff-related determination of the taxable contributions for the acquisition of health insurance protection within the meaning of § 10 paragraph 1 number 3 letter a of the Income Tax Act
KVHilfsmV Ordinance on aids of little therapeutic benefit or low selling price in statutory health insurance
KVMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification as Certified Master of Motor Transport and Certified Master of Motor Transport
KVR International rules of 1972 for the prevention of collisions at sea (Annex to Section 1 of the Ordinance on the International Rules of 1972 for the prevention of collisions at sea)
KVStGleichstV Ordinance on capital transfer tax equality between the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Investment Bank with the federal government
KWGVermV Ordinance on the contractually bound brokers and the public register in accordance with Section 2 (10) sentence 5 of the Banking Act
KWKAusV Ordinance on the introduction of tenders to determine the amount of the surcharge payments for CHP systems and for innovative CHP systems
KWKGGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control for the implementation of the Combined Heat and Power Act and the KWK tendering ordinance
KWMV Ordinance on reporting requirements for certain war weapons
LA-EinfDV-Saar Ordinance introducing statutory ordinances on the equalization of burdens in Saarland
LagerstGDV Ordinance for the implementation of the law on the investigation of the Reich territory for usable storage sites
LandBauMTAusbV 2008 Ordinance on vocational training for agricultural and construction machinery mechatronics technicians
LandmMechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in agricultural machinery mechanics
LAnzV Ordinance specifying the type, scope and form of notifications and notifications according to Article 17 Paragraphs 5, 6, 9 and 10 of Regulation (EU) No. 236/2012
LAP-gbautDV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the federal civil engineering administration
LAP-gDBNDV Ordinance on the career, training and examination for the higher service in the Federal Intelligence Service
LAP-gDFm / Elo AufklBundV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the upper level service of telecommunications and electronic reconnaissance of the federal government
LAP-gDVerfSchV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the senior service in the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
LAP-GehDAAV 2004 Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the senior foreign service
LAP-GehDEUKV Ordinance on the career, training and examination for the advanced technical service at the Eisenbahn-Unfallkasse
LAP-gntDBWVV Ordinance on the career, training and examination for the higher non-technical administrative service in the Federal Armed Forces administration
LAP-hADV 2004 Ordinance on the career, training and examination for the higher external service
LAP-hDBiblV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the higher service at federal academic libraries
LAP-hDEUKV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the higher technical service at the Eisenbahn-Unfallkasse
LAP-htVerwDV Ordinance on the career, training and examination for the higher technical administrative service of the federal government
LAP-mDAAV 2004 Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the intermediate foreign service
LAP-mDBNDV Ordinance on the career, training and examination for the middle service in the Federal Intelligence Service
LAP-mDFm / Elo AufklBundV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the intermediate service of telecommunications and electronic reconnaissance of the federal government
LAP-mDVerfSchV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for the middle service in the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
LAP-mftDBwV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for medium-level fire service in the Bundeswehr
LAP-mntDBWVV Ordinance on careers, training and examinations for intermediate non-technical administrative service in the Bundeswehr administration
LAP-mtDBWVV Ordinance on the career, training and examination for the middle technical service in the Federal Armed Forces administration - specializing in defense technology -
LArbWoV Ordinance on tax breaks to promote the construction of farm workers' housing
Noise protectionV Landing site noise protection ordinance
LärmVibrationsArbSchV Ordinance on the protection of employees from the hazards caused by noise and vibrations
LasthandhabV Ordinance on safety and health protection for the manual handling of loads at work
LBAV Regulation on the recognition of European professional qualifications as a career qualification
LbPrZGleichstV Ordinance on the equalization of certificates on the career examination for the careers of the middle post bank service and the middle telecommunications service at the Deutsche Bundespost with the certificates on the passing of the final examination in the training occupation administrative clerk / administrative clerk
LeasFachwirtPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification. Certified leasing specialist
LebensMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a specialist salesperson in the food trade
LederGerbAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for skilled workers in leather production and tanning technology
LederVAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for leather processing specialists
LeichtflBAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for light aircraft builders
LeistBeschV Ordinance on the participation of expert bodies in the commercial sector in the procedure for issuing performance notices
LeuchtrAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a fluorescent tube glass blower
LeukoseV 1976 Ordinance on the protection against leukosis in cattle
LHauswAusbStV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility in rural housekeeping
LiqV Ordinance on the liquidity of institutions
LKonV Ordinance on the professional requirements in accordance with Section 42, Paragraph 1, Clause 2, No. 3, Letter b of the Food and Feed Code for the food inspectors involved in monitoring
LKV Lot labeling regulation
LKW-MautV Ordinance on the collection, proof of proper payment and reimbursement of the toll
LKWÜberlStVAusnV Ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations for vehicles and vehicle combinations with excess length
LMBestrV Ordinance on the treatment of food with electron, gamma and X-rays, neutrons or ultraviolet rays
LMEV Ordinance on the implementation of veterinary controls on the import and transit of food of animal origin from third countries and on the import of other food from third countries
LmhFortbPrüfV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified sales manager in the food trade and certified sales manager in the food trade
LMHV Ordinance on hygiene requirements for the production, treatment and marketing of food
LMRStV 2006 Regulation on the enforcement of legal acts of the European Community under food law
LMTAusbV 2000 Ordinance on vocational training for food technology specialists
LMvitV Regulation on vitaminized foods
LogMstrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for certified logistics master
LohnUGAÜV 3 Third regulation on a lower wage limit in temporary employment
LottStVereinfV Ordinance to simplify the collection of taxes on lottery taxes
LSV Ordinance on minimum technical requirements for the safe and interoperable construction and operation of publicly accessible charging points for electric vehicles
LTV Ordinance on the tariff system for the sea pilot areas
LuftBO Operating rules for aviation equipment
LuftEBV Ordinance regulating the operation of electronic devices not approved as aviation equipment in aircraft
LuftGerPV Ordinance on testing aviation equipment
LuftkostV Cost regulation of the aviation administration
LuftPersV Aviation Personnel Ordinance
LuftRÄndV 2001 Ordinance amending aviation regulations on the transport of dangerous goods and the approval of air sports equipment and model aircraft
LuftRegV Ordinance on the establishment and maintenance of the register for liens on aircraft
LuftSchlichtV Ordinance according to § 57c of the Aviation Act on arbitration in air traffic
LuftSiGebV Aviation Security Fee Ordinance
LuftSiSchulV Aviation Security Training Ordinance
LuftSiZÜV Aviation Security Background Check Regulation
LuftSpZustV Ordinance on the competence of the Federal Aviation Office for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses in aviation sports
LuftVerkSiV Ordinance to ensure air traffic
LuftvKflAusbV Ordinance on professional training as an aviation clerk
LuftVO Air traffic regulations
LuftVStAbsenkV 2012 Ordinance on the lowering of tax rates in accordance with Section 11 (2) of the Aviation Tax Act in 2012
LuftVStAbsenkV 2017 Ordinance on the reduction of tax rates in 2017 according to Section 11 (2) of the Aviation Tax Act
LuftVStAbsenkV 2018 Ordinance on the lowering of tax rates in 2018 in accordance with Section 11 (2) of the Aviation Tax Act
LuftVStFestV 2014 Ordinance setting the tax rates in 2014 in accordance with Section 11 (2) of the Aviation Tax Act
LuftVStFestV 2015 Ordinance setting the tax rates in 2015 in accordance with Section 11 (2) of the Aviation Tax Act
LuftVStFestV 2016 Ordinance setting the tax rates in 2016 in accordance with Section 11 (2) of the Aviation Tax Act
LuftVZO Aviation Licensing Regulations
LwAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a farmer
LwAusbV 1995 Ordinance on vocational training to become a farmer
LwAusglAbgV 1971 Ordinance on the levying of a compensatory charge to safeguard German agriculture
LwGenV Ordinance on the membership of alliances of agricultural cooperatives in the chambers of industry and commerce
LwHwPrüfAnerkV Ordinance on the requirement for professional aptitude and the recognition of examinations to prove professional aptitude for vocational training in the professions of agriculture and housekeeping
LWLogAusbV Ordinance on vocational training in the warehouse area in the training professions of specialist warehouse clerk and specialist for warehouse logistics
LwMstrPrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of farmer
MaATElektronAusbV 2008 Ordinance on vocational training for electronics technicians for machines and drive technology and electronics technicians for machines and drive technology
MaBV Ordinance on the duties of brokers, loan brokers, property developers and construction managers
MahnVordrV Ordinance on the introduction of forms for the dunning procedure
MaisPflSchMV Ordinance on the placing on the market and sowing of maize seed treated with certain plant protection products
MalerLackAusbV Ordinance on vocational training in the painting and varnishing trade
MargMFV Ordinance on margarine and mixed fat products
MariMedV Ordinance on maritime medical requirements on merchant ships
BrandsV Ordinance on the implementation of the Trademark Act
MarketFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Business Administrator for Marketing and Certified Business Administrator for Marketing
MarketGestAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a designer for visual marketing
MarketKfmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a marketing communications clerk
MarkschBergV Ordinance on mining works and surface observations
MarktAngV Ordinance on the information required and the documents to be submitted when applying for a permit pursuant to Section 102 of the Securities Trading Act
MarktFoFAngAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a specialist in market and social research / as a specialist in market and social research
MarktOWMeldV Ordinance on reporting obligations for market regulation goods
MaschFüAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for machine and plant operators
MaschMahnVordrV Ordinance on the introduction of forms for the dunning procedure in courts that process the procedure automatically
MaskAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a makeup artist
MaStRV Ordinance on the central electronic directory of energy industry data
MauerV Ordinance in accordance with Section 6 of the Wall Land Act
MaurerBetonbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in bricklaying and concrete construction
MautRegV Ordinance on keeping the toll service register
MautStrAusdehnV Ordinance to extend the toll obligation to certain sections of federal roads
MautVvfV Ordinance regulating the mediation procedure according to the Toll System Act
MBankDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the medium-sized banking service of the Deutsche Bundesbank
MB-APrV Training and examination regulations for masseurs and medical bath attendants (Article 1 of the regulation on the training and examination of masseurs and medical bath attendants and amending various training and examination regulations relating to other health professions)
MbauMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the model making trade
MbBO Ordinance on the construction and operation of maglev trains
MBergKostV Seabed Mining Cost Ordinance
MechatronikerAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for mechatronics technicians
MedalsV Ordinance on the manufacture and sale of medals and coins for the protection of German euro commemorative coins
MedFAngAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a medical assistant
MedienBTMstrPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Master Media Production Image and Sound and Certified Master Media Production Image and Sound
MedienFortbV Ordinance on the examination of recognized advanced training qualifications in the media industry
MediengestAusbV 2006 Ordinance on vocational training as a media designer for image and sound
MedienKfmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for digital and print media clerks / digital and print media clerks
MedInfoFAngAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a specialist in media and information services / as a specialist in media and information services
Medical Professions V. Ordinance on training grants for medical professions
MostlyPrFRGlV Ordinance on the equality of French master craftsman examination certificates with master craftsman examination certificates in the craft
Mostly PrÖGlV Ordinance on the equalization of Austrian master craftsman examination certificates with master craftsman examination certificates in the craft
MostVoEigAnerkV Ordinance on the recognition of training qualifications of masters in the state-owned industry as a prerequisite for entry in the trade register
MeMBV Ordinance on the prerequisites for the evaluation of new examination and treatment methods with medical devices of high risk class according to § 137h of the fifth book of the Social Security Code
MessEGebV Regulation on fees for metrology and calibration
MessEV Ordinance on the placing on the market and making available of measuring devices on the market as well as on their use and calibration
Met / GlockAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a metal and bell founder
MetallbAusbV 2008 Ordinance on vocational training as a metalworker
MetallbAusbVO Ordinance on vocational training as a metalworker
Metal picture MstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the metalworking trade
MetallbInstrmMAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a brass instrument maker
MetallbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the metalworking trade
MetTechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for metal technology specialists
MighEV Ordinance on the assessment of the characteristics of the migration background
MikrotAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a microtechnologist
MilchErzV Ordinance on milk products
MilchGüV Ordinance on the quality test and payment of the delivery milk
MilkKennzV Ordinance on the labeling of heat-treated drinking milk
MilchLAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a dairy laboratory technician
MilchLAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a dairy laboratory technician
MilchLMstrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of dairy laboratory technician
MilkQBALMZustV Ordinance on the responsibility of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food for measures to improve milk quality
MilchSachkV Ordinance on the expertise for operating a company that processes or processes milk and a milk trading company
MilchtAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a milk technologist
MilchTAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a milk technologist
MiLoAufzV Ordinance on the modification of the duty to record working hours according to the Minimum Wage Act and the Posted Workers Act
MiLoDokV Ordinance on the documentation requirements according to §§ 16 and 17 of the Minimum Wage Act and §§ 18 and 19 of the Employee Posting Act with regard to certain groups of employees
MiLoGMeldStellV Ordinance determining the competent authority in accordance with Section 16 (6) of the Minimum Wage Act
MiLoMeldV Ordinance on reporting obligations under the Minimum Wage Act, the Posted Workers Act and the Temporary Employment Act
MiLoV Regulation to adjust the level of the minimum wage
MilzbRbV Ordinance to protect against anthrax and intoxicating burn
Min / tableWV Ordinance on natural mineral water, spring water and table water
MindVersSHBek 2013 Announcement of the minimum amounts insured in accordance with Section 9 (2) of the Insurance Brokerage Ordinance and in accordance with Section 9 (2) of the Financial Investment Brokerage Ordinance
MindVersSHBek 2018 Announcement of the minimum amounts insured in accordance with Section 9 (2) and Section 12 (4) of the Insurance Brokerage Ordinance and Section 9 (2) of the Financial Investment Brokerage Ordinance
MinZV Ordinance on the minimum premium refund in life insurance
MinNettoV 2004 Ordinance on the minimum net amounts according to the Partial Retirement Act for 2004
MinNettoV 2008 Ordinance on the minimum net amounts according to the partial retirement law
MinÖlAV Ordinance on a mineral oil equalization in a supply crisis
MinÖlBewV Mineral Oil Management Ordinance
MinUhV Ordinance on the determination of the minimum maintenance of minor children according to § 1612a Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code
MitÜbermitV Ordinance on notification and transmission obligations for substances undesirable for health reasons
MKSeuchV 2005 Ordinance on protection against foot and mouth disease
MKUServAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for furniture, kitchen and moving services
ML / ElbeSKanalSchlBetrZV Ordinance on determining the lock operating times on the Mittelland Canal and Elbe Lateral Canal
MMilchPulvAbsV Ordinance on the sale of skimmed milk powder from public storage for denaturing, processing into compound feed and for export, as well as on the delivery of skimmed milk powder as part of food aid
MNrVAL Ordinance on the allocation and composition of membership numbers in the farmers' pension scheme
MntDAIVAPrV Ordinance on training and examinations for the intermediate non-technical service in general and internal federal administration
MntZollDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the medium-sized non-technical federal customs service
MobHV Ordinance on the participation of electronic mobility aids in traffic
ModellBTechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a technical model maker
ModistAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a milliner
ModMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the milliner's trade
MolkMeistPrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of dairy specialist
MORVAufhV Ordinance on the repeal of market regulations in the sugar sector
MORVorschrÄndG Ordinance on the amendment and repeal of market regulations
MoselSchPEV Ordinance on the introduction of the Moselle Shipping Police Ordinance
MoselSchPV Moselle Shipping Police Ordinance
MPAHSBundV Ordinance on advancement to the higher non-technical administrative service of the federal government via the study “Master of Public Administration” at the federal university for public administration
MPAV Ordinance regulating the dispensing of medical devices
MPBetreibV Ordinance on the installation, operation and use of medical devices
MPKPV Ordinance on clinical trials of medical devices
MPorzMAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a manufactory porcelain painter
MPSV Ordinance on the recording, evaluation and defense of risks in medical devices
MPV Medical Device Regulation
MPVerfVO Ordinance on the admission and general examination procedures for the master craftsman examination in the craft and in craft-like trades
MRAV Ordinance on giving consent to the person or body requesting information in the case of registration information for the purposes of advertising or address trading
MRegV Ordinance on the registration of providers of toll service-related services
MsbLärmSchV Magnetic levitation noise protection ordinance
MSchnAusbV 2004 Ordinance on professional training as a bespoke tailor
MStDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the federal middle tax service
MTA-APrV Training and examination regulations for technical assistants in medicine
MTSKraftV Ordinance on the Market Transparency Unit for Fuels
MühGetreiWiTechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for process technologists in the mill and grain industry and process technologist in mill and grain industry
MulMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in painting and varnishing
MüMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the miller's trade
MündelPfandBrV Ordinance on the security of Pfandbriefe and related bonds
MuSchEltZV Ordinance on maternity protection for federal civil servants and parental leave for federal civil servants
MuSchSoldV Ordinance on maternity leave for female soldiers
MusikfachhAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a music retailer
MusikfachhPrErprV Ordinance on the testing of the execution of the final examination in two chronologically separate parts in the vocational training to become a music retailer
MV Ordinance on notifications to the tax authorities by other authorities and public broadcasters
MWDVDV Ordinance on the preparatory service for the federal average weather service
NachwV Ordinance on the verification of the disposal of waste
NatKautschOrgVorRV 1989 Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Natural Rubber Organization
NatKautschOrgVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Natural Rubber Organization
NATOVorRV 1962 Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to international employees of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATOVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the national representatives, the international personnel and the experts working for the organization
NatPDrömlV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance as the "Drömling" nature park
NatPHHarzV Ordinance on the establishment of the Hochharz National Park
NatPJasmundV Ordinance on the establishment of the Jasmund National Park
NatPMSchweizV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance as the "Märkische Schweiz" nature park
NatPMüritzV Ordinance on the establishment of the national park "Müritz National Park"
NatPSchaalseeV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance with the overall designation "Schaalsee Nature Park"
NatPsSchweizV Ordinance on the establishment of the Saxon Switzerland National Park
NatPVorpBlV Ordinance on the establishment of the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park
NatSGmElbeV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance "Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve"
NatSGRhönV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance with the overall designation "Rhön Biosphere Reserve"
NatSGSchorfhV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance with the overall designation "Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve"
NatSGSORügenV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance with the overall designation "Biosphere Reserve Southeast Rügen"
NatSGSpreewV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance with the overall designation "Spreewald Biosphere Reserve"
NatSGVessertalV Ordinance on the establishment of nature reserves and a landscape protection area of ​​central importance with the overall designation "Vessertal Biosphere Reserve"
Natur / LandschaftsPflPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified nature and landscape conservationist
NaturwMechAusbV 2003 Ordinance on professional training to become a natural stone mechanic
NAV Ordinance on general conditions for grid connection and its use for low-voltage electricity supply
NDAV Ordinance on general conditions for network connection and its use for low-pressure gas supply
NDÜV Ordinance on the transmission of information to the federal intelligence services
NELEV Ordinance on the verification of electrotechnical properties of energy systems
NelkenwV Ordinance to control carnation moths
NemV Regulation on food supplements
NetzResV Ordinance regulating the procurement and maintenance of systems in the network reserve
NeustädterBuchtFzgV Ordinance on the prohibition of entering the Neustädter Bucht with certain vehicles
NLPosV Ordinance specifying the notification and publication requirements for net short positions
NMV 1970 Ordinance on determining the permissible rent for price-controlled apartments
NOKBefAbgV Ordinance on the service charges on the Kiel Canal
NOK-LV Ordinance on the administration and organization of the maritime pilot areas Kiel Canal I and Kiel Canal II / Kiel Fjord / Trave / Flensburg Fjord
NordBinSchHfV Ordinance on the protection and security ports of the Federal Republic of Germany on inland waterways in the area of ​​the Waterways and Shipping Directorate North
NotFV Ordinance on the notarial professional examination
Emergency Call V. Ordinance on emergency calls
NotSan-APrV Training and examination regulations for emergency paramedics
NotV 3 Third ordinance of the Reich President to secure the economy and finances and to combat political excesses
NPBefVMVK Ordinance on driving on federal waterways in national parks and nature reserves in the area of ​​the coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
NPNordSBefV Ordinance on navigating federal waterways in national parks in the area of ​​the North Sea
NSGBefV Ordinance on navigating federal waterways in certain nature reserves
NSGBRgV Ordinance on the establishment of the nature reserve "Borkum Riffgrund"
NSGDgbV Ordinance on the establishment of the "Doggerbank" nature reserve
NSGFmbV Ordinance on the establishment of the "Fehmarnbelt" nature reserve
NSGKdrV Ordinance on the establishment of the "Kadetrinne" nature reserve
NSGPBRV Ordinance on the establishment of the nature reserve "Pomeranian Bay - Rönnebank"
NSGSylV Ordinance on the establishment of the nature reserve "Sylt Outer Reef - Eastern German Bight"
NSStRpflV BrZ Ordinance on the Elimination of National Socialist Interventions in the Administration of Criminal Justice
NutzEV Ordinance on the appropriate structuring of usage fees
OberflbeschAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for surface coaters
ODV Transportable Pressure Equipment Ordinance
OFDAufgÜbertrV 2004 Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the regional tax offices in Chemnitz, Cottbus, Hamburg, Hanover, Karlsruhe, Koblenz, Cologne and Nuremberg
OFDAufgÜbertrV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the regional tax offices in Berlin, Bremen, Chemnitz, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Hanover, Kiel, Magdeburg, Munich, Münster, Rostock, Saarbrücken and Stuttgart
OFDBremAufgV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the regional tax office in Bremen
OFDHambAufgV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the Hamburg Regional Finance Directorate
OFDKOAufgÜbertrV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the Oberfinanzdirektion Koblenz
OFDSaarbrAufgV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks to the Saarbrücken regional tax office
OfenbAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a furnace and air heater builder
OfenLufthMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the stove and air heating construction trade
Offshore ArbZV Ordinance on working hours for offshore activities
OffshoreBergV Mining Ordinance for the area of ​​coastal waters and the continental shelf
OGAV Ordinance on electronic file management in administrative fine proceedings at the Federal Office of Justice
OGewV Ordinance on the protection of surface waters
ÖkoKennzV Ordinance on the design and use of the eco-label
ÖLGKontrollStZulV Ordinance on the approval of control bodies according to the Organic Farming Act
ÖlHaftBeschV 1996 Ordinance on the issuance of certificates in accordance with the Oil Damage Act (Article 1 of the ordinance on the issuance of certificates under the Oil Damage Act and amending the Ordinance on Costs for Official Activities of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency)
ÖlmeldV Ordinance to determine the amount of oil that is subject to contributions to the International Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage in accordance with the Oil Damage Act
OrdenNachwV Ordinance on proof of possession of medals and decorations and proof of wounds and damage
OrgbAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for organ and harmonium builders
OrgHbMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for organ and harmonium building
ORheinLotsOEV Ordinance on the introduction of the pilotage regulations for the Upper Rhine
OrthAusbVO Ordinance on vocational training to become an orthopedic technician
OrthBandMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the orthopedic mechanic and bandagist trade
OrthopschuhmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for orthopedic shoemakers
OrthoptAPrV Training and examination regulations for orthoptists
OrthSchMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the orthopedic shoemaker's trade
OrthV Ordinance on the supply of aids and replacement services according to the Federal Supply Act
OrthVersorgUVV Ordinance on orthopedic care for injured persons
OStrV Ordinance on the protection of employees from the dangers of artificial optical radiation
Baltic Sea ProtectionAndV 1 First regulation on amendments to Annexes III and IV to the 1992 Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
Baltic Sea SHNSGBefV Ordinance on navigating federal waterways in certain Schleswig-Holstein nature reserves in the Baltic Sea area
OSCE VorRV 2016 Regulation on Privileges and Immunities of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
OWiG§124V Ordinance on the responsibility for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses according to § 124 of the law on administrative offenses
PackmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a packaging technologist
PackungsV Ordinance on the determination and labeling of pack sizes for pharmaceuticals in statutory health care
PAngV Price indication regulation
PapIndMeistPrV 2005 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Industrial Foreman - specializing in paper production
PapKuVerarbIndMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Industrial Foreman - specializing in paper and plastics processing
PapTechAusbV 2010 Ordinance on vocational training to become a paper technologist
ParkettlAusbV 2002 Ordinance on vocational training to become a parquet layer
ParkettlMeistPrV Ordinance on the job description and on the examination requirements in the practical part and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the parquet layer trade
PassDEÜV Ordinance on the recording and quality assurance of photos and fingerprints in the passport authorities and the transmission of passport application data to the passport manufacturer
PatAnwAPrV Ordinance on the training and examination of patent attorneys
PatBeteiligungsV Ordinance on the participation of patients in statutory health insurance
PatG / GebrMGAV Ordinance for the implementation of Section 56 of the Patent Act and Section 9 of the Utility Model Act
PatKostZV Ordinance on the payment of the costs of the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court
PatV Ordinance on proceedings in patent matters before the German Patent and Trademark Office
Package AV Ordinance on the distribution of the flat-rate compensation for expenses of the health insurance companies for non-insurance services by the federal government
PAuswGebV Regulation on fees for identity cards and electronic proof of identity
PAuswV Ordinance on identity cards and electronic proof of identity
PBAZV Ordinance regulating the working hours for civil servants employed by Deutsche Postbank AG
PBeaKK-VerwAufwVO Ordinance on the billing and distribution of administrative expenses for the Federal Agency for Post and Telecommunications Deutsche Bundespost from the continuation of the Post Office Health Insurance Fund
PBefAusglV Ordinance on the compensation of public services in road passenger transport
PBefG§45aV 5 Fifth ordinance on the average transport-specific costs according to the Passenger Transport Act
PBefGKostV Ordinance on costs for official acts in paid or business-like passenger traffic with motor vehicles
PBV Ordinance on the accounting and bookkeeping obligations of nursing homes
PBZugV Professional access ordinance for road passenger traffic
PCBAbfallV Ordinance on the disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated terphenyls and halogenated monomethyldiphenylmethanes (Article 1 of the ordinance on the disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated terphenyls and halogenated monomethyldiphenylmethanes and on the amendment of chemical regulations)
PDLV Postal Services Ordinance
PDSV Ordinance on data protection in the commercial provision of postal services
PEhrlInstKostV 1996 Ordinance on costs for official acts of the Paul Ehrlich Institute according to the Medicines Act
PEhrlInstZustV Ordinance to change the responsibility of the Paul Ehrlich Institute
PelzVAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a fur refiner
PEntgV Post Fee Regulation Ordinance
PEPPV 2013 Ordinance on the flat-rate remuneration system for psychiatric and psychosomatic facilities for 2013
PersDienstLAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a personnel service clerk
PersDLPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for certified personnel service specialist and certified personnel service specialist
PersFachkPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified HR Specialist / Certified HR Specialist
PersStdBerV NW Ordinance on first names and the correction of entries in civil status registers
PersVEntV Ordinance on the amount of the allowance for staff representatives who are released from duty
PersVMobFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist for passenger transport and mobility and Certified specialist for passenger transport and mobility
PfandBarwertV Ordinance on ensuring that mortgage Pfandbriefe, public Pfandbriefe, ship Pfandbriefe and aircraft Pfandbriefe are covered at all times according to the present value and its calculation at Pfandbrief banks
PfandlV Ordinance on the business operations of commercial pawnbrokers
PFAV Ordinance on the supervision of pension funds and the implementation of pure contribution commitments in company pension schemes
PferdewMeistPrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for master horse management and master horse management
Plant TechMeistPrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for plant technology master and plant technology master
PlantTechnAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a plant technologist
PlantTechnAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for plant technologists
PflAV Ordinance on the mandatory submission of media works to the German National Library
PflBeschauV 1989 Plant Inspection Ordinance
PfleBeteiligungsV Ordinance on the participation of the organizations relevant at the federal level for the protection of the interests and self-help of people in need of care and the disabled as well as caregivers in the field of assessment and quality assurance of social long-term care insurance
PflKartV 1986 Seed potato regulation
PflNV Ordinance on the reorganization of nursing care law
PflSchAnwV 1992 Ordinance on the use of plant protection products
PflSchGebV Ordinance on the costs of the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety and the Julius Kühn Institute in the field of plant protection
PflSchGerätV Ordinance on testing plant protection equipment
PflSchMAnwLuftFzgV Ordinance on the use of plant protection products by aircraft
PflSchMV Ordinance on authorization and approval procedures for plant protection products
PflSchSaatgAnwendV Ordinance on the placing on the market and sowing of seeds treated with certain plant protection products
PflSchSachkV 2013 Plant Protection Ordinance
PflVGOWiZustV Ordinance on responsibility for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses under the Compulsory Insurance Act
PflZV Ordinance on an advance payment when taking family care leave or care leave
PfWirtAusbStEignV 2011 Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a horse manager
PfWirtAusbV 2010 Ordinance on vocational training to become a horse manager
PfZLpV Ordinance on performance tests and the determination of the breeding value of horses
PharmAusbErprobV Ordinance on the testing of a new form of training for vocational training as a pharmacist
PharmAusbV 2009 Ordinance on vocational training to become a pharmacist
PharmIndMstrFortbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Industrial Master - specializing in Pharmacy and Certified Industrial Master - specializing in Pharmacy
PharmKfmAusbV 2012 Ordinance on vocational training for pharmaceutical-commercial employees and for pharmaceutical-commercial employees
PharmRefPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Pharmaceutical Representative
PharmStV Ordinance on substances with pharmacological effects
PH HöchstMengV Ordinance on maximum quantities for phosphates in detergents and cleaning agents
PhysLabAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for physics laboratory technicians
PhysTh-APrV Training and examination regulations for physiotherapists
PIDV Ordinance regulating pre-implantation diagnostics
PKDBSa Articles of Association of the Pension Fund of German Railways and Tramways VVaG Cologne (Annex to the ordinance on the establishment of the Articles of Association of the Pension Fund of German Railways and Tramways VVaG)
PKDBV Ordinance on the establishment of the statutes of the Pension Fund of German Railways and Tramways VVaG
PKHFV Ordinance on the use of a form for the declaration of personal and economic circumstances in the case of legal aid and legal aid
Car EnVKV Ordinance on consumer information on fuel consumption, CO 2 emissions and electricity consumption of new passenger cars
PlanZV Ordinance on the preparation of the master plan and the presentation of the plan content
PlfZV Ordinance on the allocation of the plan approval for transnational and cross-border high voltage lines to the Federal Network Agency
PLGebV Post license fee regulation
PMElekPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Process Manager Electrical Engineering and Certified Process Manager - Electric / Electronics
PMMPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified Process Manager - Microtechnology and Certified Process Manager - Microtechnology
PNUPZV Ordinance on performance bonuses and allowances for civil servants in the postal successor companies
PodAPrV Training and examination regulations for podiatrists
PolBTLV Ordinance on the careers of the police enforcement service at the German Bundestag
PolierPrV 2012 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Foreman and Certified Foreman
Polst / DekoAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for upholstery and decorative seamstresses
PolstAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as an upholsterer
POP Waste Monitoring Ordinance Ordinance on the separate collection and monitoring of non-hazardous waste with persistent organic pollutants
PortalV Ordinance on the prerequisites and the procedure for the approval of portals not operated under public law for the implementation of simple information from the population register via the Internet
Post-AZV Ordinance on the working hours of civil servants at Deutsche Post AG
PostbankLEntgV Ordinance on the granting of service fees to civil servants at Deutsche Postbank AG
PostbankSZV Ordinance on the granting of a monthly special payment to civil servants employed by Deutsche Postbank AG
PostBATZV Ordinance on the approval of partial retirement and the granting of a partial retirement allowance for civil servants at Deutsche Post AG
PostLEntgV Ordinance on the granting of service fees to civil servants at Deutsche Post AG
PostLV Ordinance on the careers of civil servants within the scope of the Postal Personnel Law Act
PostSZV Ordinance on the granting of a monthly special payment to civil servants employed by Deutsche Post AG
PriceLS Guidelines for determining prices based on cost (Annex to Regulation PR No. 30/53 of November 21, 1953)
Price V 1/82 Second Price Release Ordinance (PR No. 1/82)
Price V 30/53 Regulation PR No. 30/53 on prices for public contracts
PrfgZAUTV Ordinance to equate Austrian examination certificates with certificates of passing the final examination or journeyman's examination in recognized training occupations
PrfgZFortbAUTV Ordinance on the equality of Austrian examination certificates with certificates of recognized advanced training qualifications
PrfgZFrankrV Ordinance on equating French examination certificates with certificates of passing the final examination or journeyman's examination in recognized training occupations
PrKultbSaV Ordinance on the statutes of the "Prussian Cultural Heritage" foundation
PrLagerhBeihV Regulation on granting aid for private storage of certain milk products
ProdMechTextAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for textile production mechanics
ProdTechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a production technologist
ProMechGebV Project Mechanisms Fee Ordinance
ProstAV Ordinance on the procedure for registering as a prostitute or prostitute
ProstStatV Ordinance on the keeping of federal statistics according to the Prostitute Protection Act
ProTechPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified Process Manager - Production Technology / Certified Process Manager - Production Technology
PrüfbV Ordinance on auditing the annual financial statements of credit institutions and financial services institutions and on the reports to be drawn up on them
PrüflabV Ordinance on the accreditation of testing laboratories as a prerequisite for the approval of private counter-sample experts for the examination of samples
PrüfV Regulation on the content of the audit reports on the annual financial statements and solvency statements of insurance companies
PrüVOFortkfmBf Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified specialist for commercial management according to the Crafts Code and Certified specialist for commercial management according to the Crafts Code
PRV Ordinance on the establishment and maintenance of the partnership register
PrZBrGleichstV Ordinance on the equalization of examination certificates from vocational schools for office clerks, office assistants and parts fitters in Bremen with certificates on the passing of the final examination in training occupations
PSA-BV Ordinance on safety and health protection when using personal protective equipment at work
PStV Ordinance on the implementation of the Personal Status Act
Psych PV Ordinance on standards and principles for staff requirements in inpatient psychiatry
PsychTh-APrV Training and examination regulations for psychological psychotherapists
PsychThV Ordinance on training grants for attending training centers for psychotherapy and child and adolescent psychotherapy
PTA-APrV Training and examination regulations for pharmaceutical-technical assistants
PTBAKostO Ordinance on costs for services provided by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
PUDLV Post universal service regulation
QNormBanV Regulation on quality standards for bananas
RadarPatEVB Ordinance on the granting of radar patents on federal waterways outside the Rhine
RaumAAusbV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training for interior decorators
RaumausMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the interior decorating trade
RAV 1992 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in the area of ​​the Federal Republic of Germany excluding the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty in 1992 and for the fourth adjustment of pensions in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
RAV 1993 Ordinance for the adjustment of pensions in the area of ​​the Federal Republic of Germany without the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty in 1993 and for the sixth adjustment of pensions in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
RAV 1994 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in the area of ​​the Federal Republic of Germany excluding the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty in 1994 and the eighth adjustment of pensions in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
RAV 1995 Ordinance for the adjustment of pensions in the area of ​​the Federal Republic of Germany without the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty in 1995 and for the tenth adjustment of pensions in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
RAV 1996 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in 1996
RAV 1997 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in 1997
RAV 1998 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in 1998
RAV 1999 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in 1999
RAV 2000 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in 2000
RAV 2001 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in 2001
RAV 2002 Regulation on the adjustment of pensions in 2002
RAV 2003 Ordinance on the adjustment of pensions in 2003
RAVPV Ordinance on lawyers 'directories and special electronic lawyers' mailboxes
RAZEignPrV Ordinance on the aptitude test for admission to the bar
RbGeldERAV Ordinance on the introduction of electronic legal transactions and electronic file management at the Federal Office of Justice within the scope of the framework decision 2005/214 / JHA of the Council of February 24, 2005 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition of fines
RBSFV 2018 Ordinance to determine the percentage relevant for the updating of the standard requirement levels according to Sections 28a and 134 of Book Twelve of the Social Code and to supplement the annex to Article 28 of Book Twelve Social Code for the year 2018
RDeckInfV Ordinance on the protection against communicable sexually transmitted diseases in cattle
RDV Ordinance on the Legal Services Act
RebflAnpflV 02/03 Ordinance on the approval for new plantings of vineyards
RebflRodV Ordinance on the granting of bonuses for the permanent abandonment of viticulture
RebflV Ordinance on the granting of premiums for the permanent abandonment of vineyards in the wine years 1997/98 to 1999/2000
ReblV Ordinance to combat phylloxera
RebPflV 1986 Vines Ordinance
RechKredV Ordinance on the accounting of credit institutions and financial services institutions
RechPensV Ordinance on accounting for pension funds
RechtsfachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Legal Specialist
RechVersV Regulation on the accounting of insurance companies
RechZahlV Ordinance on the accounting of payment institutions and e-money institutions
REDTeilnV Ordinance on the naming of further police enforcement authorities authorized to participate in the right-wing extremism file
RefiRegV Ordinance on the form of the refinancing register according to the Banking Act and the manner of recording
RehaErstV Ordinance on the lump-sum reimbursement of expenses by pension insurance providers for rehabilitation services
ReiseKfmAusbV 2011 Ordinance on vocational training as a tourism clerk (businessman for private and business trips) and tourism clerk (clerk for private and business trips)
RennwLottGZuStV Ordinance on the local jurisdiction for the implementation of the Racing Betting and Lottery Act
ReNoPatAusb-FachEigV Ordinance on the professional suitability for the professional training of specialist employees in lawyers and patent attorneys, notaries and legal advisers
ReNoPatAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for paralegal and paralegal, paralegal and paralegal, paralegal and paralegal, as well as paralegal
RentSV Ordinance on the performance of tasks of the pension insurance carriers and other social insurance carriers by the Pension Service of Deutsche Post AG
RestMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Restaurant Master
RevierjAusbStEignV 2011 Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a district hunter
RevierjMeistPrV Ordinance on the requirements in the master craftsman's examination for the profession of Revierjäger / Revierjägerin
RevjAusbV 2010 Ordinance on vocational training to become a Revierjägerin
RfBV Ordinance on the collective part of the provision for premium refunds
RheinLotsO Pilot regulations for the Rhine between Basel and Mannheim / Ludwigshafen (Appendix 1 to the regulation introducing the pilot regulations for the Upper Rhine)
RheinPatVÄndInkrV 1 First regulation on the implementation of amendments to the Rhine Patent Regulation
RheinSchPersEV Ordinance introducing the ordinance on ship personnel on the Rhine
RheinSchPersV Ordinance on ship personnel on the Rhine
RheinSchPEV Ordinance on the introduction of the Rhine Shipping Police Ordinance
RheinSchPV 1994 Rhine Shipping Police Ordinance (Annex to the Ordinance on the Introduction of the Rhine Shipping Police Ordinance)
RHG-GebV Ordinance on the costs of the procedure for setting maximum residue levels in food and feed
RHiErsDPAZustV Ordinance on the competence of the German Patent Office for the transmission of requests for mutual legal assistance from the European Patent Office
RHiGRCAbkAV Ordinance on the implementation of the German-Greek agreement on mutual legal assistance in matters of civil and commercial law
RHmV Ordinance on maximum amounts of residues of pesticides and pesticides, fertilizers and other agents in or on food
RIASKomVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the RIAS BERLIN Commission
RiFlEtikettStrV Ordinance on Enforcing Beef Labeling Law
RiFlEtikettV Ordinance on the labeling of beef and on the sales description and identification of meat from cattle less than twelve months old
RindFlSoErstV 1994 Regulation on the procedure for granting special refunds for exports of beef to third countries
RindHKlV Ordinance on legal trade classes and categories for beef carcasses
RindSalmV Ordinance on the protection against salmonellosis in cattle
RindTbV Ordinance on protection against tuberculosis in cattle
RindZLpV Ordinance on the performance tests and the determination of breeding values ​​in cattle
RKIZustAnO Order to transfer responsibilities for the issuance of objection notices and the representation of the employer in complaints by employees of the Robert Koch Institute in matters under the Federal Travel Expenses Act and the Federal Moving Costs Act, including the Separation Allowance Ordinance issued in this regard
RohrFLtgV Ordinance on pipeline systems
RohrMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Master for pipe, sewer and industrial service
RohTabBeih2006V Ordinance fixing the final aid amount for raw tobacco for the 2006 harvest year
RollSonnMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the roller shutter and blind construction trade
Red KleeSaatV Ordinance on special requirements for red clover seeds as part of the 2015 seed approval
RoV Spatial Planning Ordinance
RöV Ordinance on protection against damage caused by X-rays
RSAV Ordinance on the procedure for risk structure compensation in statutory health insurance
RSMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for roller shutter and sun protection mechatronics and for roller shutter and sun protection mechatronics
RStruktFV Regulation on the collection of contributions to the restructuring fund for credit institutions
RückAbzinsV Ordinance on the determination and disclosure of the rates for discounting provisions
RVBedWohnV Ordinance on the admissibility and scope of housing care for employees of the pension insurance providers
RV-BZV Ordinance on the payment of contributions to statutory pension insurance
RVerkAbkGBRAV Ordinance on the implementation of the German-British agreement on legal transactions
RVerkAbkTURAV Ordinance on the implementation of the German-Turkish Agreement on Legal Relations in Civil and Commercial Matters of May 28, 1929 (Reichsgesetzbl. 1930 II p. 6)
RVWZPauschBeitrV Ordinance on the flat-rate calculation and payment of the contributions to the statutory pension insurance for the duration of military and community service based on statutory obligations
RWBestV 2005 Ordinance to determine the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2005
RWBestV 2007 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2007
RWBestV 2009 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2009
RWBestV 2010 Ordinance to determine the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2010
RWBestV 2011 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2011
RWBestV 2012 Ordinance to determine the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers as of July 1, 2012
RWBestV 2013 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2013
RWBestV 2014 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2014
RWBestV 2015 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2015
RWBestV 2016 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers as of July 1, 2016
RWBestV 2017 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2017
RWBestV 2018 Ordinance on determining the pension values ​​in the statutory pension insurance and in the old-age insurance of farmers from July 1, 2018
RZV Ordinance on the assignment of the role of a national reference laboratory
SaarGlV Ordinance on the equality of Germans displaced from the Saar area
SaatArtVerzV 1985 Ordinance on the species directory for the Seed Traffic Act
Saat AufzV Seed recording regulation
SaatBeihV 1993 Seed Aid Ordinance
SaatEinfMeldV Ordinance on the notification and presentation of seeds upon import
SaatV Ordinance on the trade in seeds of agricultural species and vegetable species
SaAusbV 2005 Ordinance on vocational training to become a saddler
SachBezV 1994 Ordinance on the value of benefits in kind in social insurance for the 1994 calendar year
SachBezV BG Ordinance on the value of benefits in kind in social insurance for the 1991 calendar year in the area specified in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
SachvPrüfV Ordinance on the examination of the annual financial statements and the management report of insurance companies by an independent expert
SamEnV Ordinance on the collection, delivery and use of semen, egg cells and embryos from breeding animals
SanDVergV Ordinance on remuneration for on-call duty and on-call duty in the medical service in Bundeswehr hospitals
SanOAAusbGV Ordinance on the training allowance for medical officer candidates
SatDSiGebV Fee regulation for the Satellite Data Security Act
SatDSiV Ordinance on the Satellite Data Security Act
SattlFeintMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the saddlery and fine bag maker trade
SAZV Ordinance on the working hours of soldiers
SBBFestV 2014 Ordinance to determine the amount of special relief for municipalities with special challenges from immigration from other EU member states on the federal contribution to the costs of accommodation and heating for 2014
SBGWV Election ordinance for the Soldiers' Participation Act
SchadlBekAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a pest fighter
Sheep / goatZLpV Ordinance on performance tests and the determination of the breeding value of sheep and goats
SharkaV Ordinance to Combat Sharka Disease
SchauHV Ordinance on liability insurance for showmen
SchAusrV Ship Equipment Ordinance
SchBesV Ship manning ordinance
SchBFrdFlaggV Ordinance on the manning of ships flying a foreign flag
SchfAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a chimney sweep
SchGeschUV Ordinance on the transmission of shipping documents to foreign bodies
SchHaltHygV Ordinance on hygienic requirements for keeping pigs
Arbitration Office Ordinance on the arbitration offices for contract medical (contract dental) care
SchiffbMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the shipbuilding trade
SchiffsBelWertV Ordinance on the determination of the mortgage lending value of ships and ship structures in accordance with Section 24 Paragraphs 1 to 3 of the Pfandbrief Act
SchildlV San Jose Scale Control Ordinance
SchiLichtrMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the sign and light advertising trade
SchKfmAusbV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training as a shipping clerk
SchKiSpV Ordinance on feeding school children and children
SchleusV Ordinance on the operation of the lock systems in the area of ​​the Kiel Canal, the Achterwehrer Schifffahrtskanals, the Gieselau Canal and the Eider
SchLichtReklAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for sign and illuminated advertising manufacturers and for sign and illuminated advertising manufacturers
SchneidwMAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a cutting tool mechanic
SchneidwMechMstrV Regulation on the master craftsman's examination in Parts I and II in the cutting tool mechanic trade
SchoMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the chimney sweep trade
SchRegO Ship Register Regulations
SchriSeMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the typesetter (book printer) trade
SchSiAusbV 2008 Ordinance on vocational training for safety and security specialists
SchSiHfV 1987 Ordinance on the protection and security harbors, the ports of the Federal Navy, the Federal Police and the Federal Railroad of the Federal Republic of Germany on sea waterways in the area of ​​the Waterways and Shipping Directorate North
SchSiMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Master for Protection and Security
SchSiServAusbV Ordinance on professional training for service staff for protection and security
SchStV Ordinance on the Arbitration Board for Pharmaceutical Supply and Pharmaceutical Settlement
SchSV Ship Safety Ordinance
SchuFV Ordinance on keeping the debtor register
SchuhfAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a shoe maker
SchuhfIndMeistPrV 2013 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified industrial master - specializing in shoe production and certified industrial master - specializing in shoe production
SchuhmAusbV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training to become a shoemaker
SchuhmMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in Parts I and II in the shoemaker's trade
SchuldSaarUmstV Ordinance on the conversion of obligations and rights in rem in Saarland
School trialsV Ordinance on training grants for visits to training facilities where school trials are carried out
SchuTSEV Ordinance on the protection of public telecommunications networks and transmitting and receiving radio systems that are operated in defined frequency ranges for security purposes
SchuV Ordinance on the fulfillment of claims for compensation and compensation through the issue and allotment of bonds from the compensation fund
SchuVAbdrV Ordinance on obtaining copies from the debtor register
SchVermssgÄndÜbkV Ordinance on the amendments of May 21, 1965 to the Convention on a Uniform System of Ship Surveying
SchwbAV Disabled Compensation Tax Ordinance
SchwbAwV Disabled ID Ordinance
SchwHKlV Ordinance on legal trade classes for pig carcasses
SchwPestV 1988 Ordinance on protection against swine fever and African swine fever
SchwSalmoV Ordinance to reduce the spread of salmonella by slaughter pigs
SchwZLpV Ordinance on performance tests and the determination of breeding values ​​in pigs
SDLWindV Ordinance on system services through wind turbines
SeeArbÜV Ordinance on checking compliance with working and living conditions on ships
See-ArbZNV Ordinance on the overview of work organization and time sheets in maritime shipping
SeeAZV Ordinance on the working hours of employees as crews of ships and boats in the division of the Federal Ministry of Defense
See-BAV Ordinance on vocational training in maritime shipping
SeeBewachGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control in connection with the approval of security companies on seagoing vessels
SeeBewachV Ordinance on the approval of security companies on seagoing vessels
See-BV Ordinance on the competencies of seafarers in the maritime sector
SeeEigensichV Ordinance on the self-protection of seagoing vessels to ward off external dangers
SeefiV Sea fishing regulations
SeeFSichV 1993 Ordinance on the safety of shipping
SeeFSichV1993AnwBek Announcement on the applicability of parts of the Ordinance on the Safety of Shipping
SeegerVorRV Ordinance on Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Sea
SeeLAuFV Ordinance on the basic and advanced training of sea pilots
SeelotAusbNOKIV Ordinance on pilot-specific basic training for aspiring sea pilots in the Kiel Canal I sea pilot area
SeelotRevierV 1978 Ordinance on sea pilotage outside the areas
SeeLotUntV 1998 Ordinance on the medical examination of sea pilots
SeemannsÄKostV 2001 Ordinance on costs for official acts of the seaman's offices
SeeSchAÜV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks in the field of shipping to the Federal Police and the customs administration
SeeSchIntÜbk1974V Ordinance on the entry into force of the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
SeeSpbootV Ordinance on the commissioning of sports boats and personal watercraft as well as their rental and commercial use in the coastal area
SeeSchStrO Shipping route order
SeeStrOV Ordinance on the International Regulations of 1972 for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea
SeeUmwVerhV Ordinance on environmentally friendly behavior in shipping
SeeUnterkunftsV Ordinance on the accommodation and leisure facilities of the crew members on board merchant ships
SeeVerkSiV Regulation to ensure maritime traffic
SeeVersNachwV Ordinance on the issuance of liability certificates according to the Maritime Insurance Proof Act
SegelmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a sailmaker
SegelmMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the sailmaker's trade
SeilAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a rope maker
SeilbDGGebV Cableway Implementation Act Fee Ordinance
SeilMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the rope-maker
SEIVerfMAusbV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training for process mechanics in the stone and earth industry
SektVO Ordinance on the award of public contracts in the field of transport, drinking water supply and energy supply
Service DriverAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a service driver
ServiceTPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification "Certified motor vehicle service technician"
ServKflLuftvAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a service clerk in air transport and as a service clerk in air transport
SGB ​​V-ÜbV Ordinance on the transfer of the power to issue statutory ordinances according to the fifth book of the Social Security Code to the Federal Insurance Office
SGB ​​X-OWiZustV Ordinance on the transfer of responsibilities for the prosecution and punishment of administrative offenses according to the Tenth Book of the Social Code within the jurisdiction of the Federal Ministry of Health
SGB2§48aFKV Ordinance on determining the key figures according to Section 48a of Book Two of the Social Security Code
SGB2§51bDatV Ordinance on the collection of data in accordance with Section 51b of Book Two of the Social Code
SGB3EntGRuhV Ordinance on the suspension of compensation payments according to the Third Book of the Social Security Code when they meet the benefits of the special pension systems
SGB3EntgV 2018 Ordinance on the flat-rate net wages for short-time work allowance for 2018
SGB5§252PrüfV Ordinance in accordance with Section 252, Paragraph 5 of Book Five of the Social Security Code to review the contributions in accordance with Section 252, Paragraph 2, Clause 2 of Book Five of the Social Security Code (inspection ordinance for other contributions)
SGB5§291Abs2bSatz14VerlV Ordinance to extend the deadline according to Section 291, Paragraph 2b, Clause 14 of Book Five of the Social Code
SGB5§291VerlV Ordinance to extend the deadline according to Section 291, Paragraph 2b, Sentence 6 of Book Five of the Social Code
SGB7§178Abs1V Ordinance on the redefinition of the new pension factors in accordance with Section 178 (1) of Book 7 of the Social Code
SGBBeglV Ordinance on the authorities authorized to certify under the Social Security Code
SGleibWV Ordinance on the election of equality officers and their deputies by soldiers of the Bundeswehr
SHKAMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for system mechanics for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology and for system mechanics for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology
SHStatG1985AussV Ordinance to suspend statistical surveys in the field of youth welfare in 1985 according to the law on the implementation of statistics in the field of social welfare, war victims welfare and youth welfare
SHV Ordinance on the reimbursement of costs for family and domestic help for soldiers with family responsibilities on missions abroad
SichKVV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks and powers of a security fund for health insurance to Medicator AG
SichLVFinV Ordinance on the financing of the security fund for life insurers
SichLVV Ordinance on the transfer of tasks and powers of a security fund for life insurance to Protektor Lebensversicherungs-AG
SiebdrAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a media technologist screen printing and media technologist screen printing
SiebdrMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the screen printing trade
SignBenennV Ordinance on the naming of signatories of the operating agreement of the International Organization for Cosmic Telecommunication Connections INTERSPUTNIK for the Federal Republic of Germany
SINTEG-V Ordinance to create a legal framework for collecting experiences in the funding program "Smart Energy Showcase - Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition"
SiSchmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a silversmith
SkAufV AUT Ordinance on the Agreement of November 6, 2007 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Austria on the temporary stay of members of the German Armed Forces and members of the Austrian Armed Forces on the territory of the other state
SkAufV CHE Ordinance on the Agreement of June 7, 2010 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Federal Council on the temporary stay of members of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Armed Forces of the Swiss Confederation in the territory of the other country for the participation in and implementation of Exercise and training projects
SkAufV CZE Ordinance on the Agreement of July 31, 2003 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Czech Republic on the temporary stay of members of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic on the territory of the other country
SkAufV EST Ordinance on the Agreement of November 21, 2007 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Estonia on the temporary stay of members of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Estonia on the territory of the other country
SkAufV POL Ordinance on the Agreement of August 23, 2000 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the temporary stay of members of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland on the territory of the other state
SKBPRV Armed Forces District Staff Council Ordinance
SKV-MV Ordinance on the content, form and deadline of notifications as well as the notification procedure for student health insurance
SLV Ordinance on the careers of soldiers
SMVergV Ordinance on the granting of overtime pay for soldiers
SoftwareentwAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for mathematical-technical software developers
SojBoSaatV 2015 Ordinance on special requirements for soybean seeds in the context of the seed approval 2015
SoyBoSaatV Ordinance on special requirements for soybean seeds in the context of the seed approval 2010
Solingen V. Ordinance on the protection of the name Solingen
SolvV Ordinance on the adequate capital adequacy of institutions, groups of institutions, financial holding groups and mixed financial holding groups
SonnenblV Ordinance on special requirements for seeds from sunflowers in the context of the seed approval 2009
SonntRPapIndAusnV Ordinance on exemptions from the ban on the employment of workers on Sundays and public holidays in the paper industry
SonntRStIndAusnV Ordinance on exemptions from the ban on the employment of workers on Sundays and public holidays in the iron and steel industry
SundayVerkV Ordinance on the sale of certain goods on Sundays and public holidays
SozPflegerV Ordinance on training grants for social care professions
SozSichVoRV Regulation on the granting of diplomatic privileges and immunities in the field of social security to organizations created by intergovernmental agreements
SoZV Ordinance on the introduction of Central European Summer Time from 2002
SpaEfV Ordinance on systems for improving energy efficiency in connection with the relief from energy and electricity taxes in special cases
SpedKfmAusbV 2004 Ordinance on professional training as a clerk for freight forwarding and logistics services
SpEisHErprobV Ordinance on the development and testing of the training occupation ice cream maker
SperrWarngebV Ordinance on security measures for military restricted and warning areas on the Schleswig-Holstein east and west coast and in the Kiel Canal
SPersAV Ordinance on keeping personal files of soldiers and former soldiers
SpFV Ordinance on driving pleasure boats
SpielbkV Ordinance on public casinos
SpielV Regulation on gaming equipment and other games with the possibility of winning
SpielzHerstAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a toy manufacturer
SpitzSignalV Ordinance on the introduction of a uniform peak signal for non-public railways
Sport / FitnessAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a sports and fitness clerk
SportfAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a sports specialist
SportFortbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for certified sports specialist and certified sports specialist
SportSeeSchV Ordinance on the acquisition of sport sea and sport high seas boat licenses and the occupation of traditional ships
SprengKostV Ordinance on costs for the Explosives Act
SPV Special Plan Ordinance
SRV Ordinance on the electronic register of protective documents
SStellV-VVG Ordinance on the Arbitration Board for the Settlement of Consumer Disputes in Distance Selling Contracts for Insurance
StAbzVeranlZÜV Ordinance on transferring responsibility for the tax deduction and assessment procedure to the Federal Central Tax Office and regulating different times of application
StAGebV Citizenship Fee Ordinance
StandRegV Ordinance on standard registrations of medicinal products
StandZV Ordinance on standard drug approvals
Stamping / UmfMechAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for stamping and forming mechanics and stamping and forming mechanics
Starch / ZuckProdErstV Ordinance on the granting of production refunds for the use of sugar
StBefrAbkHRVV Ordinance on the Agreement of December 9, 1996 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the mutual exemption from taxes and road charges for road vehicles in international traffic
StBefrAbkLETV Ordinance on the Agreement of February 21, 1997 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Latvia on the mutual tax exemption of road vehicles in international traffic
StBerFAngEignV Ordinance on the professional suitability for the professional training of specialist employees in the field of tax advice
StBVV Remuneration ordinance for tax consultants, tax agents and tax consultancy companies
StDAV Ordinance on the automated retrieval of tax data
SteinAusbV 2003 Ordinance on vocational training as a stonemason and stone sculptor
SteuerHBekV Tax Evasion Control Ordinance
StFachAngAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for tax clerks
Samples V. Ordinance on the procedure and scope of the household survey on a sample basis for the 2011 Census Act
StIdV Ordinance on the allocation of tax identification numbers
StiftKStBegV Ordinance on tax privileges for foundations that have replaced family entails
StIKoVetV Ordinance on the Standing Vaccination Commission for Veterinary Medicine
StipHV Ordinance on reaching the maximum limit according to the Scholarship Program Act
StmStbMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the stonemasonry and stone carving trade
StoffBilV Ordinance on the handling of nutrients in the company and company material flow balances
StrabBlPV Ordinance on the examination for the operations manager of tram companies
StrandschutzwerkSicherungsV Announcement of the ordinance on securing beach protection works on the North Sea island of Borkum
StrbauMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in road construction
StrKrVerkLeistV Ordinance on rail transport services for the armed forces
StrlSchV Ordinance on protection against damage caused by ionizing radiation
StromBGebV Special fee regulation for the area of ​​responsibility of electricity of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
StromGVV Ordinance on general conditions for the basic supply of household customers and the replacement of electricity from the low-voltage network
StromNEV Ordinance on Charges for Access to Electricity Supply Networks
StromNZV Ordinance on access to electricity supply networks
StrVerkSiV Ordinance to ensure road traffic
StrWAusbV 2002 Ordinance on vocational training for road attendants
StStatG1995§3V Ordinance on the suspension of surveys in accordance with Section 3 of the Tax Statistics Act
StuckMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the plastering trade
StudAustKomRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and exemptions to the Commission for the Exchange of Students and Lecturers between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America
StUKostV Ordinance on costs for the Federal Commissioner for the records of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic
StV / WasAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for road and traffic engineering specialists and water management specialists
StVO GDR Ordinance on conduct in road traffic
StVO Road traffic order
StVOAusnV 12 Twelfth ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVOAusnV 4 Fourth ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVOAusnV 5 Fifth ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVOAusnV 8 Eighth ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVOAusnV 9 Ninth ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVollzVergO Ordinance on the remuneration levels of wages and training allowances according to the Prison Act
StVOuaVsAusnV 2 Second regulation on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVOuaVsAusnV 3 Third ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVRAusnV Ordinance on exemptions from road traffic regulations
StVUnfStatG1990V Ordinance on the more detailed definition of serious accidents with property damage within the meaning of the Road Traffic Accident Statistics Act
StVZO Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 15 Fifteenth Ordinance on Exemptions from the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 23 Twenty-third ordinance on exemptions from the regulations of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 25 Twenty-fifth ordinance on exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 35 Thirty-fifth ordinance on exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 39 Thirty-ninth ordinance on exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 40 Fortieth Ordinance on Exceptions to the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 42 Forty-second Ordinance on Exceptions to the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 43 Forty-third ordinance on exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 47 Forty-seventh Ordinance on Exemptions from the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 52 Fifty-second ordinance on exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 53 Fifty-third Ordinance on Exceptions to the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 54 Fifty-fourth ordinance on exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StVZOAusnV 6 Sixth ordinance on exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
StZG-KostV Cost regulation for the stem cell law
STzV Ordinance on part-time employment of soldiers in the Bundeswehr
SÜFV Ordinance to identify federal authorities with tasks of comparable security sensitivity as those of federal intelligence services and to identify federal public authorities and non-public authorities with institutions essential to life or defense
SUrlV Ordinance on special leave for federal civil servants and federal judges
SüßwAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a confectionery technologist
SUV Ordinance on the vacation of soldiers
SVBezGrV 2013 Ordinance on decisive calculation variables for social insurance for 2013
SVBezGrV 2014 Ordinance on decisive calculation variables for social insurance for 2014
SVBezGrV 2015 Ordinance on decisive calculation parameters for social security for 2015
SVBezGrV 2016 Ordinance on decisive calculation variables for social insurance for 2016
SVBezGrV 2017 Ordinance on decisive calculation variables for social insurance for 2017
SVBezGrV 2018 Ordinance on the decisive calculation variables for social insurance for 2018
SVergV Ordinance on remuneration for soldiers with a special time burden
SVersLV Ordinance on non-transferred services from the GDR's special supply systems
SvEV Ordinance on the social security assessment of benefits from the employer as remuneration
SVFAngAusbV 1997 Ordinance on vocational training as a social security clerk
SVG§63V Ordinance on the one-off accident compensation in accordance with Section 63 of the Soldiers Supply Act
SVHV Regulation on budgetary in social security
SVLFG-AltRückV Ordinance on the formation of retirement provisions by the social security for agriculture, forestry and horticulture
SVLFGGÜbV Ordinance transferring the authorization to issue a statutory ordinance under the Act on Establishing Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture
SVRV Ordinance on payment transactions, bookkeeping and accounting in social security
SVÜV Ordinance on transitional regulations under military supply law after the reunification of Germany
SVwHKVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the Economic and Trade Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China in Berlin
SVWO Electoral rules for social security
SVZustÜV Ordinance on the transfer of responsibilities in the field of military supply
SymbolVO Ordinance on the design and use of the accreditation symbol of the accreditation body
SysStabV Ordinance to ensure the technical security and system stability of the electricity supply network
SystElektronAusbV 2008 Ordinance on vocational training for system electronics technicians
SzVersFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified social insurance specialist - specializing in statutory pension and miners 'social insurance and certified social insurance specialist - specializing in statutory pension and miners' social insurance
TabakerzV Tobacco and Related Products Regulation
TÄHAV Ordinance on veterinary medicine stores
TAMMitDurchfV Ordinance on the implementation of notifications according to Sections 58a and 58b of the Medicines Act
TamPV Ordinance on the application of the drug testing guidelines, insofar as it concerns medicinal products intended for use in animals, and to replace the general administrative regulation for the application of the veterinary medicinal product testing guidelines
TAppV Ordinance on the license to practice medicine for veterinarians
TarifO AufhV Ordinance on the repeal of collective bargaining and wage structuring orders
TArztHAusbZustV Ordinance on the determination of the competent body as well as on the technical suitability for the professional training as a veterinary assistant
TattooV Ordinance on means for tattooing including certain comparable substances and preparations made from substances
TauchPrV 2000 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified diver
TAV Ordinance on the extension of the regulations on the approval of medicinal products to include therapeutic allergens that are produced for individual persons on the basis of a recipe, as well as on procedural regulations for state batch testing
TBelV Ordinance on transferring the management of the transparency register
TBetrWPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Technical Business Economist
TechFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified Technical Specialist / Certified Technical Specialist
TechKontrollV Ordinance on technical controls of commercial vehicles on the road
TEIV Regulation on the interoperability of the trans-European rail system
TeleFinV 2018 Ordinance on the adjustment of the amount to finance the Gesellschaft für Telematik for 2018
TeleGebV Ordinance on the collection of fees and expenses for the issuing of permits and confirmations by the Gesellschaft für Telematik
TelekomAZV Ordinance on the working hours of civil servants at Deutsche Telekom AG
TelekomBATZV Ordinance on the approval of partial retirement and the granting of a partial retirement allowance for civil servants employed by Deutsche Telekom AG
TelekomJubV Ordinance on the granting of anniversary benefits to civil servants at Deutsche Telekom AG
TelekomSZV Ordinance on special payments to civil servants at Deutsche Telekom AG
TexModNähAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a textile and fashion seamstress and textile and fashion seamstress
TexModSchneiderAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a textile and fashion tailor and textile and fashion tailor
TexRAusbV 2002 Ordinance on professional training as a textile cleaner
Text / ProdVeredlAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for product finishing textiles
Textile designer MstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's examination in parts I and II in the textile design trade
TextilGestAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a textile designer in the craft
TextilIndMeistPrV 2006 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Industrial Foreman - specializing in the textile industry
TextilPrAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for product tester textiles
TextilProdAusbV 2003 Ordinance on vocational training as a textile product designer
TextLabAusbV 2003 Ordinance on vocational training for textile laboratory technicians
TextRMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the textile cleaning trade
TFGMV Ordinance on the reporting system according to Sections 21 and 22 of the Transfusion Act
TfPV Ordinance on the theoretical examination for the acquisition of the train driver's license
TfV Ordinance on the granting of driving authorization to train drivers as well as the recognition of persons and positions for training and testing
TGV Ordinance on separation allowances for transfers and secondments in Germany
THAMNV Ordinance on animal keepers' obligations to provide evidence for medicinal products intended for use in animals
ThermMAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a thermometer maker
ThermMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the thermometer maker trade
THW AbrV Ordinance on the implementation and billing of aid by the technical relief organization
THW-AuslUFV Ordinance on the granting of accident insurance for full-time relatives and helpers of the Federal Agency for Technical Relief when providing technical assistance abroad
THW MitwV Ordinance on the participation of helpers in the technical relief organization
TierImpfStKostV 2010 Animal vaccine cost regulation
TierImpfStV 2006 Ordinance on sera, vaccines and antigens according to the Animal Health Act
Animal LMHV Ordinance on hygiene requirements for the production, handling and marketing of certain foods of animal origin
Tier-LMÜV Ordinance regulating certain questions relating to the official supervision of the production, handling and placing on the market of food of animal origin
TiermedFAngAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a veterinary specialist
TierNebBußV Regulation on the enforcement of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002
TierpflAusbV 2003 Ordinance on vocational training for animal keepers
TierpflMstrV 2009 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified animal care master
TierSchHuV Animal welfare dog regulation
TierSchKomV Ordinance on the Animal Welfare Commission at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
TierSchlV Regulation for the protection of animals in connection with slaughter or killing and for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1099/2009
TierSchNutztV Ordinance on the protection of farm animals and other animals kept for the production of animal products when they are kept
TierSchTrV Regulation for the protection of animals during transport and for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005 of the Council
TierSchVersV Ordinance on the protection of animals used for experimental or other scientific purposes
TierSeuchAnzV Ordinance on notifiable animal diseases
TierSeuchErEinfV Ordinance on the intra-community movement and import of animal disease pathogens
TierSeuchErV Ordinance on working with animal disease pathogens
TierSeuchSchNOKanV Ordinance on the transport of animals, parts, products and raw materials of animals as well as other objects that could be carriers of contagious substances through the Kiel Canal
TierwMeistPrV Ordinance on the master's examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for animal management master and animal management master
TierZG1989LehrgV Ordinance on courses in accordance with the Animal Breeding Act
TierZOV Regulation on breeding organizations
TischlAusbV 2006 Ordinance on vocational training to become a carpenter
TischlMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the carpenter's trade
TKEMVFuAÜbertrV Ordinance on the transfer of statutory authorizations according to the Telecommunications Act, the Electromagnetic Compatibility Act and the Radio Equipment Act
TKGebV Ordinance on Telecommunications Charges
TKonfAusbV 2010 Ordinance on vocational training as a technical manufacturer
TKrMeldpflV 1983 Ordinance on notifiable animal diseases
TKTransparenzV Regulation to promote transparency in the telecommunications market
TKÜV Ordinance on the technical and organizational implementation of measures to monitor telecommunications
TLMV Regulation on frozen foods
TNGebV Telecommunications number fee regulation
TNV Telecommunication Numbering Ordinance
TollwV 1991 Ordinance on protection against rabies
TomatKennzV Ordinance on Temporary Seed Labeling and Packaging for Tomato Seeds
TourFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Tourism Specialist and Certified Tourism Specialist
TourKfmAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for tourism and leisure clerks / tourism and leisure clerks
TPDesign / TSysPlAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for technical product designers and technical product designers as well as technical system planners
TPG-GewV Ordinance on the requirements for quality and safety in the removal of tissues and their transfer according to the Transplantation Act
TPG OrganV Ordinance on the requirements for organ and donor characterization and the transport of organs as well as the requirements for reporting serious incidents and serious adverse reactions
TrainerV Ordinance on training grants for attending the Cologne Trainer Academy
TranspRLDV Regulation for the implementation of Directive 2007/14 / EC of the Commission of March 8, 2007 with implementing provisions for certain provisions of Directive 2004/109 / EC on the harmonization of transparency requirements with regard to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market
TrDGV Ordinance regulating the service areas of the troop service courts and the formation of troop service chambers
TrDüV Ordinance on the transmission of data by those obliged to notify and by the operator of the business register to the transparency register
TrEinV Ordinance on access to the transparency register
TreuhLÜV Ordinance on the transfer of property-related tasks and property companies to the Treuhandanstalt
TreuhUmbenV Ordinance on renaming and adapting the responsibilities of the Treuhandanstalt
TreuhUntÜV Ordinance on the transfer of company-related tasks and company investments of the Treuhandanstalt
TrGebV Special fee regulation of the Federal Ministry of Finance for the transparency register
TrinkwGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses for individually attributable services of the Federal Environment Agency according to the Drinking Water Ordinance
TrinkwV Ordinance on the quality of water intended for human consumption,
TSEAMV Ordinance banning the use of certain substances to avoid the risk of transmission of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies through drugs
TSEResZV Ordinance laying down the minimum requirements for breeding for resistance to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in sheep
TSEüberwV 2001 Regulation for the monitoring of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and for the implementation of certain provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 999/2001
TSEVorsorgV Ordinance on the killing of cattle, sheep and goats for the prevention of human and animal health with regard to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
TspV Ordinance on the authorization to drive on the Eder and Diemel dams as well as the defense against river and shipping police dangers
TÜPrKostO1992GebVAnpV 2 Second ordinance to adapt the schedule of fees to the cost ordinance for the inspection of systems requiring monitoring
TÜPrKostO1992GebVAnpV Ordinance to adapt the schedule of fees to the cost ordinance for the inspection of systems requiring monitoring
TÜPrKostO1992GebVUmstV Ordinance for the conversion of the schedule of fees of the cost ordinance for the inspection of systems requiring monitoring to euros
TWirtAusbStEignV 2005 Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training to become an animal host
TWirtAusbV 2005 Ordinance on professional training to become an animal host
UAGBV Ordinance on lending to the approval body according to the Environmental Audit Act
UAG-ErwV Ordinance under the Environmental Audit Act on the expansion of the community system for environmental management and environmental auditing to include other areas
UAGGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses for official acts of the approval body and the objection authority in the implementation of the Environmental Audit Act
UAGOWiZustV Ordinance on the transfer of responsibility for the prosecution and punishment of certain administrative offenses in accordance with Section 37 (1) of the Environmental Audit Act to the Federal Office of Administration
UAGZVV Ordinance on the procedure for the approval of environmental verifiers and environmental verifier organizations as well as for the issuing of certificates of expertise in accordance with the Environmental Audit Act
ÜberkBern / BerlinAV Ordinance for the implementation of the revised Berne Convention for the protection of works of literature and art, concluded in Berlin on November 13, 1908
ÜberkBernAV Ordinance on the implementation of the agreement concluded in Bern on September 9, 1886 for the formation of an international association for the protection of works of literature and art
UbPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for Certified Translator and Certified Translator
UErgGDV 2 Second implementing ordinance to the law on the amendment of provisions of the conversion law and on the provision of the Berlin old banks with compensation claims (conversion supplement law) (registration of claims from bonds of Berlin old banks)
UERV Ordinance on offsetting upstream emission reductions against the greenhouse gas quota
UhrmAusbV 2001 Ordinance on professional training to become a watchmaker
UhrmMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the watchmaking trade
UIGGebV Ordinance on fees and expenses for individually attributable public services by the bodies required to provide information in the implementation of the Environmental Information Act
UkV Ordinance on jurisdiction and the procedure for making indispensable
ÜlV - 2nd BesVNG Ordinance on the transition to the offices regulated in the second law for the standardization and new regulation of salary law in the federal and state levels and on the offices that will be discontinued in the future
UmstBauSparkV Ordinance on the conversion calculation of the building societies on the occasion of the reorganization of the monetary system
UmstGeldInstV Ordinance on the conversion calculation of the financial institutions on the occasion of the reorganization of the monetary system
UmwAusbV Ordinance on vocational training in environmental engineering professions
UmwSeeInkrV 4 Fourth regulation on the implementation of amendments to international regulations on environmental protection in maritime transport
UnbBeschErtV Ordinance on the procedure for issuing clearance certificates for other games within the meaning of Section 33d (1) of the trade regulations
InjusticeV Ordinance to avoid undue hardship by claiming an early retirement pension
UNFreiwProgrAbkGeltV Ordinance on the validity of the agreement of November 10, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Nations on the seat of the United Nations Volunteer Program for the United Nations Information Center in Bonn
UNHCR Office AbkV Ordinance on the Agreement of July 1, 2005 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations on the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations in Germany
UniBwLeistBV Ordinance on benefits and allowances at the universities of the Bundeswehr
UnifV Ordinance on the right to wear the uniform outside of military service
ÜNSchutzV Ordinance on the protection of transmission networks
UNSOrgVorRV 2 Second regulation on the granting of privileges and immunities to the specialized agencies of the United Nations
UNSOrgVorRV 3 Third ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the specialized agencies of the United Nations
UNSOrgVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the specialized agencies of the United Nations
Documentation BergV Mining Ordinance on Surveying and Safety Documents
UNWFPBüroAbkV Ordinance on the Agreement of May 17, 2011 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the World Food Program of the United Nations on the Office of the World Food Program of the United Nations in the Federal Republic of Germany
UrkBefrBELV Ordinance on the determination of the certification authority according to the German-Belgian agreement of May 13, 1975 on the exemption of public documents from legalization
UrkBefrITAV Ordinance on the determination of the authority responsible for the certification according to Article 2 of the contract of June 7, 1969 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic on the waiver of the legalization of documents
UrkBefrV 1997 Hague Ordinance on the issuance of the apostille in accordance with Article 3 of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 for the Exemption of Foreign Public Documents from Legalization
UrkErsV Ordinance on the replacement of destroyed or lost judicial or notarial documents
UrtAufhV BA State ordinance on the repeal of judgments of the criminal courts and the elimination of National Socialist interference in the administration of criminal justice
URüV Ordinance to the Property Act on the return of companies
URV Regulation on the business register
UStatG2005BerPflEntlV Ordinance to relieve non-public companies that extract water and discharge water or wastewater into bodies of water from reporting obligations under the Environmental Statistics Act
UStErstV Ordinance on the reimbursement of sales tax to foreign permanent diplomatic missions and professional consular representations as well as to their foreign members
UStSchlFestV Ordinance on the determination of the country key figures and the determination of the key figures for the distribution of the municipality's share of sales tax revenue according to § 5a of the Municipal Finance Reform Act
UStZustV Ordinance on the local jurisdiction for sales tax of companies based abroad
UV-AltRückV Ordinance on the formation of old-age provisions by the statutory accident insurance institutions
UVAV Ordinance on the notification of insurance cases in the statutory accident insurance
UVBKostErstV Ordinance on the reimbursement of costs to the Federal and Railway Accident Insurance for the performance of the prevention tasks for civil servants of the companies named in Section 125 (2) of Book 7 of the Social Code
UVKapWertV Ordinance on the calculation of the capital value in the case of severance payments from statutory accident insurance
UVOGrV Ordinance on upper limits for transport offices at the federal commercial trade associations and the social insurance for agriculture, forestry and horticulture
UVP-V mining Ordinance on the environmental impact assessment of mining projects
UVSV Ordinance on protection against the harmful effects of artificial ultraviolet radiation
UVTrägerV Ordinance on accident insurance carriers
UWG / EinigVtrEÜbV Ordinance on the transfer of the authorization pursuant to Section 3 (6) of the special provisions for the introduction of legal provisions in the field of industrial property protection in the Unification Agreement
ÜZV Ordinance regulating a transitional payment to civil servants
V to Section 180 (2) AO Ordinance on the separate determination of tax bases in accordance with Section 180 (2) of the Tax Code
VAErstV Ordinance on the reimbursement of expenses of the pension insurance carriers in the context of pension adjustment
VAFreistV 1994 Ordinance on the exemption of insurance companies from supervision according to the Insurance Supervision Act
VAFreistV Ordinance on the exemption of insurance companies from supervision according to the Insurance Supervision Act
VBD Ordinance on making documents available to blind and visually impaired people in administrative proceedings under the Disability Equality Act
VbF Ordinance on systems for the storage, filling and transport of flammable liquids on land
VbrInsFV Ordinance on the introduction of forms for the consumer insolvency procedure and the residual debt discharge procedure
Event FachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for a recognized qualification as a certified event specialist
EventMtrFortbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Master of Event Technology / Certified Master of Event Technology
EventechMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification "Certified Master of Event Technology / Certified Master of Event Technology" in the fields of stage / studio, lighting, hall
VerfGlasAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a process mechanic for glass technology
VergMindV 2018 Ordinance setting a minimum wage specific to the awarding of contracts for training and further education services according to the second or third book of the Social Code for the 2018 calendar year
VergMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the gilding trade
GoldAusbV Ordinance on professional training for gilders
VergStatVO Ordinance on statistics on the award of public contracts and concessions
VergWerkeRegV Ordinance on the register of out-of-commerce works
VerjHemV Ordinance on the suspension of the statute of limitations for compensation loans
VerkEHKflAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for salespeople as well as salesperson in retail and saleswoman in retail
VerkKfmAusbV 1999 Ordinance on vocational training as a businessman in rail and road traffic / as a clerk in rail and road traffic
VerklV Ordinance on the determination of the diplomatic missions of the Federal Republic of Germany authorized to accept declarations
VermittVergV Ordinance on the admissibility of agreeing the remuneration of private brokers with members of certain professions and groups of people
VermVerkProspGebV Ordinance on the fees for official acts relating to sales prospectuses for investments according to the Asset Investment Act
VermVerkProspV Ordinance on investment prospectuses
VermVV Ordinance on the register of assets
Packaging Ordinance Ordinance on the prevention and recycling of packaging waste
OffsetV Ordinance on the movement of waste underground
VersFachwPrV 2008 Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified specialist for insurance and finance / Certified specialist for insurance and finance
VersFinKfAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for insurance and finance clerks / insurance and finance clerks
VersImmoDarlSachkV Ordinance on the requirements for the expertise of internal and external employees of insurance companies and pension funds involved in granting consumer real estate loans
VersMeldeV Insurance reporting regulation
VersorgLErstV Ordinance on the flat-rate reimbursement of the expenses of the pension insurance providers due to the assumption of the pension burden for former civil servants and comparable groups of people in the acceding area
VersTierMeldV 2013 Ordinance on the notification of vertebrate animals or cephalopods used for experimental purposes or vertebrates used for certain other purposes
AmplV Ordinance on commercial auctions
VersVergV Ordinance on the regulatory requirements for remuneration systems in the insurance sector
VersVermV Ordinance on insurance mediation and advice
VfAusbV Ordinance on professional training for event technology specialists
VFBAZV Ordinance on allocations to the special fund "Pension Fund of the Federal Employment Agency"
VFZV Ordinance on allocations to the special fund "Federal Pension Fund"
VgV Ordinance on the award of public contracts
VideoedAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a film and video editor
ViehVerkV Ordinance on protection against the spread of animal diseases in cattle traffic
VIGGebV Ordinance on fees according to the Consumer Information Act
VII040826 Ordinance on the Agreement of November 13, 2003 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the League of Arab States on the seat of the Office of the League of Arab States in Berlin
VII051122 Second ordinance amending annexes to the Basel Convention of March 22, 1989
VII151214 Ordinance amending the OCCAR Convention of 9 September 1998
VKFV Ordinance to determine the overall administrative costs of the joint facility
VKVV Ordinance on the insurance number, account management and insurance history in the statutory pension insurance
VollstrAbkCHEAV Ordinance on the implementation of the German-Swiss Agreement on the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Court Decisions and Arbitral Awards of November 2, 1929
VollstrAbkITAAV Ordinance on the implementation of the German-Italian agreement on the recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions in civil and commercial matters
VollstrPV Ordinance on the amount and the procedure for levying an enforcement lump sum if the authorities of the Federal Finance Administration are used to enforce public-law pecuniary claims
VollstrVergV Regulation on remuneration for law enforcement officials
VorgV Ordinance on the regulation of the relationship of military superiors
VRegV Ordinance on the Central Pension Register
VRV Association register ordinance
VSBInfoV Ordinance on information and reporting obligations under the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act
VSchDG-BVLGebV Fee regulation for official acts of the Federal Ministry of Justice and for consumer protection according to the EC Consumer Protection Enforcement Act
VSchwKrSchV Ordinance to protect against swine vesicular disease
VServiceAusbV Ordinance on vocational training to become a traffic service clerk
VSGZustV Ordinance on responsibilities under the Road Safety Act
VSVgV Procurement Ordinance for the Defense and Security Sector for the implementation of Directive 2009/81 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on the coordination of procedures for the award of certain construction, supply and service contracts in the defense and security sectors and for Changes to directives 2004/17 / EC and 2004/18 / EC
VÜbV Disabled Body Exercise Ordinance
VulkAusbV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training to become a mechanic for tire and vulcanization technology
VulkReifMechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the vulcanization and tire mechanic trade
VVG-InfoV Ordinance on information requirements for insurance contracts
VwFAngAusbV 1999 Ordinance on vocational training for administrative clerks
VZOZÜV Ordinance on the transfer of the responsibilities of the chief finance presidents of the regional finance directorates in the new federal states according to the property allocation law to the federal office for the regulation of open property issues
Wabau-ZusatzV 2004 Ordinance on vocational training to become a hydraulic engineer
WachszMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the wax drawing trade
WaffGHZAOWiV Ordinance on the competence of the main customs offices for the prosecution and punishment of certain administrative offenses under the Weapons Act and the Explosives Act
WaffKostV Ordinance on costs for the Weapons Act
Election costs V. Ordinance on the adjustment of the fixed amounts in the context of the reimbursement of election costs by the federal government
Perception Ordinance on the performance of individual business incumbent on the examination offices, the utility model office, the trademark offices and the departments of the patent office
HeatLV Ordinance on the conversion to commercial heat supply for rental accommodation
WarnowMautHV Ordinance on the amount of the toll for the use of the Warnow tunnel
WasBauPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of certified hydraulic engineer
WasKwV Ordinance on tax relief for hydropower plants
WasMotRV Ordinance on driving personal watercraft on inland waterways
WasserMeistPrV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Water Master
WasSiG§13V Ordinance on the transfer of the authorization to issue statutory ordinances in accordance with Section 13 of the Water Safety Act
WasSkiV 1990 Ordinance on water skiing on inland waterways
WaStrBAV Announcement of the Electricity Police Ordinance for the Protection of Federal Operational Facilities on Federal Waterways
WaStrGAnlErmV Ordinance transferring the authorization to issue statutory ordinances in accordance with the Federal Waterways Act on the regulation of the operation of facilities
WaStrGGemGebrErmV Ordinance on the transfer of the authorization to issue statutory ordinances under the Federal Waterways Act on the regulation, restriction or prohibition of public use
WaStrG-KostV Cost regulation for the Federal Waterways Act
WaStrGPolVErmV Ordinance on the transfer of the authorization to issue current police ordinances according to the Federal Waterways Act
WaStrGTalspErmV Ordinance on the transfer of the authorization to issue legal ordinances under the Federal Waterways Act on the approval of the navigation of reservoirs and reservoirs with watercraft
WaStrLüheÜbgV Ordinance on the transition of a section of the federal waterway Lühe to the entertainment association number 15 Aue, the dike association of the 1st mile Altenlandes, the dike association of the 2nd mile Alten Land and the spots of Horneburg
WaStrNOKanalÜbgV Ordinance on the transition from the branch line Obereidersee with Enge to the cities of Rendsburg and Büdelsdorf, which belongs to the federal waterway Nord-Ostsee-Kanal
WaStrOsteÜbgV Ordinance on the transition of a section of the Eastern federal waterway to the state of Lower Saxony
WaStrRheinÜbgV 2005 Ordinance on the transition from the old arm of the Ginsheimer Altrhein, which is part of the federal waterway Rhine, to the community of Ginsheim-Gustavsburg
WaStrSchlBetrZV 2008 Ordinance on lock operating times on the Main, Main-Danube Canal and Danube federal waterways
WaStrSchlBetrZV 2009 Ordinance on the determination of lock operating times on federal waterways in the area of ​​responsibility of the West Waterways and Shipping Directorate
WaStrSchlBetrZV 2013 Ordinance on the operating times of locks and lifts on federal waterways in the area of ​​responsibility of the Waterways and Shipping Directorate East
WaStrTraveÜbgV Ordinance on the transition from branch lines belonging to the Trave federal waterway to the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
WasVersStatV Ordinance on statistics in public water supply and public sewage
WDErstattV Ordinance on the reimbursement of necessary expenses, loss of earnings and representation costs for conscripts and service providers in the context of military surveillance and service surveillance
WDOBezV Ordinance on determining the remuneration in the sense of the military disciplinary code
WDüngV Ordinance on the placing on the market and transport of farm manure
WeinAlkoAbsV Ordinance on the sale of wine alcohol from stocks of the intervention agencies
WeinASachV Ordinance on the Committee of Experts at the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food to evaluate intended information on the effects of wine consumption on health and behavior
Wine FundV Ordinance on the collection of the fee for the German Wine Fund
WeinkMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the wine-making trade
WeinSBV Wine law criminal and fines ordinance
WeinTechAusbV Ordinance on professional training as a wine technologist
WeinÜV 1995 Wine Monitoring Ordinance
WeinV 1995 Wine Ordinance
WeinV Ordinance on the provisional maintenance of wine law regulations
WeinVergV Ordinance on the granting of concessions for wine
WeißzuckerBhV Regulation on the granting of private storage aid for white sugar
Wheat CouncilVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Wheat Council under the Wheat Trade Convention of 1971
WorksRegV Ordinance on the Register of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works
MaterialPrAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for materials tester
Weser / Jade LV Ordinance on the administration and order of the sea pilot areas Weser I and Weser II / Jade
WettschVerstV Ordinance on the taxation of betting slips in the accounting process
WEUVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the Western European Union, national representatives, international staff and experts working for the Western European Union
WFachwPrV Ordinance on the examination for a recognized qualification as Certified Business Administrator
WFAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for plant firefighters
WGV Ordinance on the creation and management of apartment and partial ownership land registers
WildTArtÜbkInkrÄndV 2 Second regulation bringing into force amendments to Annexes I and II of the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wildlife
WildTArtÜbkInkrÄndV 3 Third regulation on the implementation of amendments to Annexes I and II of the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wildlife
WildTArtÜbkInkrÄndV 4 Fourth regulation bringing into force amendments to Annexes I and II of the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wildlife
WildTArtÜbkInkrÄndV 5 Fifth regulation bringing into force amendments to Annexes I and II of the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wildlife
WinterbeschV Ordinance on supplementary benefits to the seasonal short-time work allowance and the raising of the necessary funds to maintain employment in the winter months
WinzAusbStEignV Ordinance on the suitability of the training facility for vocational training as a winemaker
WinzerAusbV 1997 Ordinance on vocational training as a winemaker
WinzMeistPrV Ordinance on the requirements for the master craftsman's examination for the profession of winemaker
WiPrPrüfV Examination regulations for auditors according to §§ 14 and 131l of the auditor regulations
WiPrüfVO Ordinance on the management of the examination offices and the complaints committees according to Section 106c of Book Five of the Social Code
WIROST-LV Ordinance on the administration and order of the Wismar / Rostock / Stralsund maritime pilot area
WiSiV Ordinance on ensuring services in the field of commercial economy
WiVwAuflV Ordinance on the Dissolution or Transfer of Organizations of the Administration of the United Economic Area
WM2018LärmSchV Ordinance on noise protection for public television performances in the open air about the 2018 World Cup
WMVO Workshop participation regulation
WODrittelbG Ordinance on the election of the employees' supervisory board members according to the One-Third Participation Act
WoFlV Ordinance on the calculation of living space
WoGV Housing benefit regulation
WoZSenkV 1986 Housing Welfare Interest Rate Reduction Ordinance 1986
WPAnrV Ordinance on the requirements for the recognition of study programs according to § 8a of the Wirtschaftsprüferordnung and on the crediting of examinations from study programs according to § 13b of the Wirtschaftsprüferordnung
WPapBerAV Ordinance on the duties of the Securities Clean-up Office
WPapBerBeendV Ordinance on the time of the end of the retention period for documents on securities settlement
WPapBerErstrV Ordinance on the extension of the law of the administration of the United Economic Area in the field of securities adjustment and capital movements to the states of Baden, Rhineland-Palatinate, Württemberg-Hohenzollern and the Bavarian district of Lindau
WpAV Ordinance on the specification of notification, notification and publication obligations under the Securities Trading Act
WpDPV Ordinance on auditing investment services companies in accordance with Section 89 of the Securities Trading Act
WpDVerOV Ordinance specifying the rules of conduct and organizational requirements for investment services companies
WPersAV Ordinance on keeping the personnel files of unserved conscripts
WpHGMaAnzV Ordinance on the use of employees in investment advice, as sales employees, in financial portfolio management, as sales representatives or compliance officers and on the notification requirements according to Section 87 of the Securities Trading Act
WpPGebV Ordinance on the charging of fees according to the Securities Prospectus Act
WpÜGAngebV Ordinance on the content of the offer document, the consideration for takeover offers and mandatory offers, and the exemption from the obligation to publish and submit an offer
WpÜGAnwendV Ordinance on the applicability of provisions relating to offers within the meaning of Section 1 Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act
WpÜGBeirV Ordinance on the composition, appointment of members and the procedure of the advisory board at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
WpÜGBMV Ordinance on the time, content and form of notification and publication of the decision of a target company in accordance with Section 1 (5) sentences 1 and 2 of the Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act
WpÜGGebV Ordinance on fees according to the Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act
WpÜGWidV Ordinance on the composition and procedure of the objection committee at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
WSEMVergV Ordinance on the granting of overtime pay for soldiers who are entitled to benefits under the Military Wages Act
WSEVergV Ordinance on remuneration for conscripts with a special time burden
WStHAusbV Ordinance on vocational training for ashlar manufacturers
WSVSeeKostV Ordinance on costs for official acts of the federal waterways and shipping administration in the field of maritime shipping
WSVZustNeuOV Ordinance to adapt the responsibilities of the waterways and shipping directorates to the reorganization of the waterways and shipping administration of the federal government
WTO Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the World Tourism Organization
WuSolvV Ordinance on the adequate capital adequacy of housing companies with savings facilities
WVO Workshop Ordinance
ZAGAnzV Ordinance on notifications and the submission of documents under the Payment Services Supervision Act
ZAGMonAwV Ordinance on the submission of monthly passes according to the Payment Services Supervision Act
ZahlPrüfbV Ordinance on the examination of the annual financial statements of the payment institutions and the reports to be drawn up on them
Dentists-ZV Admission regulation for contract dentists
ZahnmedAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a dental assistant
ZahntechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the dental technician trade
ZÄPrO License to practice medicine for dentists
ZDPersAV Ordinance on the keeping of personnel files by the Federal Office for Community Service
ZDVÜV Ordinance on transitional provisions under supply law for those doing community service after the reunification of Germany
ZDVWahlV 2 Second ordinance on the election of stewards for community service workers
ZESV Ordinance on the Central Ethics Commission for Stem Cell Research and on the competent authority under the Stem Cell Act
ZIdPrüfV Ordinance on the determination of documents that are authorized to verify the identity of a person to be identified under the Money Laundering Act for the purpose of concluding a payment account contract
ZIEV Ordinance on the adequate capital adequacy of payment institutions and e-money institutions according to the Payment Services Supervision Act
ZimMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master craftsman's examination in the carpenter's trade
ZinnGießHwV Ordinance on the professional profile of the pewter-making trade
ZinnRVorRV Ordinance on the granting of privileges and immunities to the International Tin Council under the Fifth International Tin Convention of June 21, 1975
ZinsSatzV Regulation PR No. 4/72 on the calculation of the imputed interest rate
ZirkRegV Ordinance on the registration of permits to display animals at changing locations
ZIV Regulation implementing Council Directive 2003/48 / EC of June 3, 2003 in the field of taxation of savings income
ZKBSV Ordinance on the Central Commission for Biosafety
ZMediatAusbV Ordinance on the basic and advanced training of certified mediators
ZMV Ordinance on making documents accessible to blind and visually impaired people in judicial proceedings
ZO-ÄrzteÄndV 1 First ordinance to change the licensing regulations for statutory health insurance physicians
ZollKostV Customs charge regulation
ZollV Customs regulation
ZoonosisV Ordinance with food law provisions for the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic pathogens
ZO-ZahnärzteÄndV 2 Second ordinance amending the licensing regulations for statutory health insurance dentists
ZOZÜV Ordinance on the transfer of the responsibilities of the President of the Federal Agency for special tasks related to unification under the Asset Allocation Act in conjunction with the Allocation Supplementary Act to the Chief Finance President of the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin
ZRÜV Ordinance on the transition to the new law on additives (Article 25 of the ordinance on the reorganization of food law provisions on additives)
ZStBFDV Ordinance on the minimum requirements for the formation of a central office of the Federal Voluntary Service
ZStVBetrV Ordinance on the operation of the Central Public Prosecutor's Procedure Register
ZT 1986 Customs tariff (Annex to Section 1 of the Customs Tariff Ordinance of 24.9.1986 II 896)
ZTechAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a dental technician
ZTRV Ordinance on the establishment and management of the Central Register of Wills
ZTV 1986 Customs tariff regulation
ZuckArtV 2003 Regulation on some types of sugar intended for human consumption
ZuckDenatPräV Ordinance on the granting of a denaturing premium for sugar
ZuckerUmstrV Regulation on the temporary restructuring scheme for the sugar industry
ZuckMindLgAbgV AufhV Ordinance to repeal the sugar minimum storage levy ordinance
ZuckProdAbgV 1983 Ordinance on the levies to be levied under the sugar production regime
ZuckProdAbgV1983AbwV 2009/2010 Ordinance deviating from the sugar production tax ordinance for the 2009/2010 marketing year
ZuckQuotV 1981 Ordinance on the allocation and modification of quotas for sugar
ZulKostV Cost regulation for the approval of measuring devices for calibration
Plucked InstrumentAusbV Ordinance on professional training to become a plucked instrument maker
ZupfMstrV Ordinance on the professional profile and on the examination requirements in the practical and in the specialist theoretical part of the master craftsman's examination for the plucked instrument maker craft
State BV-See Ordinance designating the federal enforcement officers responsible for certain tasks under the Code of Criminal Procedure in the field of shipping
Conservation Ordinance Ordinance on the introduction of forms for service in judicial proceedings
ZuV 2007 Ordinance on the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances in the allocation period 2005 to 2007
ZuV 2012 Ordinance on the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances in the allocation period 2008 to 2012
ZuV 2020 Ordinance on the allocation of greenhouse gas emission allowances in the 2013 to 2020 trading period
ZVerkV Regulation on requirements for additives and the placing on the market of additives for technological purposes
ZVFV Ordinance on Forms for Foreclosure
ZweiradAusbV Ordinance on vocational training as a two-wheel mechatronics technician
ZweiradFortbV Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified two-wheel service technician - non-motorized two-wheel technology and certified two-wheel service technician - non-motorized two-wheel technology and certified two-wheel service technician - motorized two-wheel technology and certified two-wheel service technician - motorized two-wheel technology
ZwrMechMstrV Ordinance on the master craftsman's professional profile and on the examination requirements in Parts I and II of the master’s examination in the two-wheel mechanic trade
ZwVwV Foreclosure Ordinance
ZZulV Ordinance on the approval of additives to food for technological purposes
1. EKrV Ordinance on the costs of measures under the Railway Crossing Act
1. FlGDV Regulation on reporting prices for carcasses and their labeling
1. ProdSV First regulation of the Product Safety Act
1. RAV First regulation to adjust pensions in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
1. RheinSchPersVAb WeichV First regulation for the temporary deviation from the ship personnel regulation Rhine
1. SprengV First ordinance on the Explosives Act
1. WasSV First water safety ordinance
1. WoZErhV First ordinance on increasing interest rates on loans from federal housing welfare funds
10. AmVGüKG Tenth ordinance amending legislation on the Road Haulage Act
10. ProdSV Tenth regulation of the Product Safety Act
11. BinSchUODifferV Eleventh ordinance for the temporary deviation from the inland waterway inspection regulations
11. ProdSV Eleventh regulation to the Product Safety Act
11. RAV Ordinance on the eleventh adjustment of pensions in the area referred to in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty and on the determination of further calculation variables for social security for 1996
12. ProdSV Twelfth Ordinance on the Product Safety Act
13. ProdSV Thirteenth Ordinance on the Product Safety Act (Aerosol Packaging Ordinance)
14. ProdSV Fourteenth Ordinance on the Product Safety Act
2. FlGDV Regulation on the requirements for the approval of classification companies and classifiers for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep
2. ProdSV Second Ordinance on the Product Safety Act (Ordinance on the Safety of Toys)
2. RAV Second regulation on the adjustment of pensions and on the relevant calculation variables in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
2. Explosives Ordinance Second ordinance on the Explosives Act
2. SteinmetzArbbV Second ordinance on compulsory working conditions in the stonemasonry and stone carving trade
2. TreuhUntÜV Second ordinance on the transfer of company-related tasks according to the Treuhandgesetz and of corporate investments of the Federal Agency for special tasks related to unification
2. WasSV Second Water Safety Ordinance
2. WoZErhV Second ordinance on increasing interest rates on loans from federal housing welfare funds
21. BtMÄndV Twenty-first ordinance amending regulations on narcotics
23rd SOLAS Amendment Twenty-third regulation amending the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and the 1988 Protocol to that Convention
24th UhAnpV Twenty-fourth ordinance for the adjustment of maintenance assistance according to the Burden Equalization Act
26th DonauSchPVAb WeichV Twenty-sixth ordinance for the temporary derogation from the Danube Shipping Police Ordinance
3. GebAV Third ordinance to adjust the amount of remuneration according to the fee schedule for doctors, the fee schedule for dentists and the midwifery fee ordinance in the area referred to in Article 3 of the Unification Agreement
3. PflegeArbbV Third ordinance on mandatory working conditions for the care sector
3. RAV Third ordinance on the adjustment of pensions and the relevant calculation variables in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
3. Explosives Ordinance Third ordinance on the Explosives Act
40. RheinSchPVAb WeichV Fortieth ordinance on the temporary derogation from the Rhine Navigation Police Ordinance
41. RheinSchPVAb WeichV Forty-first ordinance on the temporary derogation from the Rhine Navigation Police Ordinance
42nd RheinSchPVAb WeichV Forty-second ordinance on the temporary derogation from the Rhine Navigation Police Ordinance
5. RAV Fifth regulation for the adjustment of pensions in the area mentioned in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
5. WaffV Fifth Ordinance on the Arms Act
50. AnrV Fiftieth ordinance on the creditable income under the Federal Pension Act
6. ProdSV Sixth Ordinance on the Product Safety Act
7. ProdSV Seventh Ordinance on the Product Safety Act (Gas Consumption Equipment Ordinance)
8. MARPOL Amendment Eighth Regulation amending the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and the 1978 Protocol to that Convention
8. ProdSV Eighth Ordinance on the Product Safety Act (Ordinance on the Provision of Personal Protective Equipment on the Market)
9. MalerArbbV Ninth ordinance on mandatory working conditions in the painting and varnishing trade
9. ProdSV Ninth Ordinance to the Product Safety Act (Machinery Ordinance)
9. RAV Ordinance on the ninth adjustment of pensions in the area referred to in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty