List of stumbling blocks in Lorsch

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The list of stumbling blocks in Lorsch contains all the stumbling blocks that were laid by Gunter Demnig in Lorsch as part of the project of the same name . They are intended to commemorate the victims of National Socialism who lived and worked in Lorsch.

Laying stumbling blocks

address Laying
Person, inscription image annotation
Bahnhofstrasse 8
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 8

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 8
0August 8, 2019 Here lived
Hermann Lorch
Jg. 1871
'protective custody' 1938
flight 1939
United States
Stumbling block for Hermann Lorch Hermann Lorch ran the family's office building, a hardware store, at Bahnhofstrasse 8. The business was founded by Hermann's uncle Simon Lorch, who also built a new Lorsch synagogue on the neighboring property in 1884. The hardware store was one of the larger local shops, and later a petroleum store and a building materials store were added. After the 1938 pogrom, Hermann was taken to the Dachau concentration camp, but was able to escape in 1939. The commercial building initially fell to the Sparkasse, in 1943 the municipality bought it; it was demolished in the mid-1950s and the property was rebuilt.

Frieda Lorch
nee lived here . Lehmann,
born 1875,
escaped 1939
Stumbling block for Frieda Lorch Frieda Lorch and her husband had four children, Bella, Jakob III, Paul and Albert. Albert emigrated before 1933, Bella became a child nurse, married in Frankfurt and fled to California with her husband in 1939. Frieda was left alone after the 1938 pogrom; the boycott ruined the business. Eventually the family lost all of their property. Together with Hermann and Paul, Frieda managed to get a passage to the USA just in time in August 1939. The family then lived in Baltimore.

Jakob Lorch III,
born in 1901, lived here .
Escape 1937
Stumbling block for Jakob Lorch Jakob was completely absorbed in his father's business, but went to New York in 1937 because there was no longer any future for Jews in Germany.
Here lived
Paul Lorch
Jg. 1905
'protective custody' in 1938
flight 1939
United States
Stumbling block for Paul Lorch Unlike his brother, Paul stayed with his parents. After the 1938 pogrom, father Hermann was brought to Dachau, Paul to Buchenwald. According to witnesses, Paul was badly mistreated there. Together with his parents, Paul was able to flee to the USA.
Bahnhofstrasse 13
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 13

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 13
0March 8, 2017 Here lived
Aron Lorch
Jg. 1871
'protective custody' 1938
sick to transport
dead 16.01.1939
Rothschild Hospital
Frankfurt M.
Stumbling block for Aron Lorch Aron Lorch was the son of a timber merchant and ran a coal shop where there is now a Volksbank building. Aron Lorch disappeared without a trace on November 10, 1938 during the pogrom from Lorsch at the time. His grave was not found until 2016 in Frankfurt, where he died in January 1939 in the Jewish hospital as a victim of the pogrom.

Bertha Lorch
nee lived here . Krämer
born in 1877
deported. 1942
Stumbling block for Bertha Lorch
Bahnhofstrasse 15
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 15

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 15
0March 8, 2017
Alfred Lorch,
born in 1899, lived here .
'Protective custody' 1933
1938 Buchenwald
deported 1942
Stumbling block for Alfred Lorch Alfred Lorch, Aron's brother, took over the father's ailing timber business, but could not prevent the bankruptcy and moved into the neighboring house, Bahnhofstrasse 13. Escape was planned, but impossible due to the imminent birth of the third child.

Franziska Lorch
nee lived here . Oppenheimer
born in 1903
deported. 1942
Stumbling block for Franziska Lorch

Martin Lorch,
born in 1927
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered on August 4th , 1942
Stumbling block for Martin Lorch

Margarethe Lorch,
born in 1931
, lived here, deported in 1942, murdered
Stumbling block for Margarethe Lorch

Eli Lorch,
born 1940
, lived here, deported in 1942, murdered
Stumbling block for Eli Lorch
Bahnhofstrasse 18
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 18
0March 8, 2017 Here lived
victory Bertmann
Jg. 1904
'protective custody' in 1933
1938 Buchenwald
deported 1,943
murdered 03/15/1944
Stumbling block for Siegbert Mann Siegbert Mann was married to a Catholic woman and last lived in the Palais von Hausen. He worked as a shoe and leather dealer and was first noticed by the Nazis shortly after the seizure of power, when he posed as a Nazi in Worms and ended up in the Osthofen concentration camp. In revenge, all Lorsch Jews were then brought to Osthofen in a group arrest for one week in 1933. Since the family lived in the synagogue's former teachers' house in 1938, they were the first to witness the November pogrom. Siegbert Mann lived under threat in Lorsch until he was arrested in 1943 and came to Auschwitz in 1944, where he was murdered.
Bahnhofstrasse 33
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 33

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 33
October 27, 2019
Lina Schnauzer
nee lived here . Marx
born in 1875
deported 1942
murdered May 16, 1944
Stumbling block for Lina Schnauzer Lina Marx was born in Lorsch. After the marriage, she initially followed her husband Menachem, who came from Galicia, to Jena; on her return to her hometown she was listed as "stateless". The attempt to apply for a new passport failed despite neighborly help; instead she was denounced and punished. In 1940 her efforts to obtain a visa for England were also in vain - the same happened to her sister-in-law Mathilde. Descendants of the family, who after the war hoped for at least a few mementos as part of an application for reparation, went away empty-handed, because the household goods had been auctioned in front of the houses.

Mathilde Marx
nee lived here . Haas
born in 1875
deported 1942
murdered March 22, 1943
Stumbling block for Mathilde Marx Mathilde Marx came from Nauheim. From 1908, she and her husband Josef ran the long-established Jewish commercial building (founded in 1836). Beds, bed springs, white linen and other manufactured goods were sold. After Josef's death in October 1935, Mathilde lived alone with her only son Simon and had to give up the business because of the boycott of the Jews. During this time, Josef's older sister Lina Schnauzer, nee. Marx, from Jena back to Lorsch and lived in the house.
Here lived
Simon Marx
Jg. 1913
'protective custody' in 1938
flight 1939
United States
Stumbling block for Simon Marx Simon Marx was brought to Buchenwald together with other Lorsch Jews in 1938, where he was forced to leave the country. He was able to obtain one of the coveted visas for the United States and fled via Holland after the start of the war in December 1939. In 1955, Simon described the events in Buchenwald concerning Lorsch Jews in an affidavit. He lived and died in New York in 1962.
Bahnhofstrasse 41
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 41

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 41
0August 8, 2019
Bella Guthof,
born in 1896, lived here .
Escape 1935
Stumbling block for Bella Guthof Bella and Leo Guthof were the only Lorsch descendants of a previously large family during the Nazi era. Bella followed her brothers to New York in 1935.
Nathan and Fanny Guthof once lived in the house, a registered cultural monument, with their seven children in the seventh and eighth generation. The parents died before World War II, in which three of Bella's four oldest brothers were also killed. Her brother Heinrich moved to Schwäbisch Hall and married Minna Wertheimer there; they fled to New York in 1939. Benno Guthof moved to Mainz in 1920 and before the seizure of power to New York, where he became a lawyer; after the war he represented emigrated Lorsch Jews in their compensation proceedings.
Here lived
Leo Guthof
Jg. 1898
'protective custody' in 1938
flight 1940
United States
Stumbling block for Leo Guthof Leo Guthof was a successful traveling salesman. After the pogrom in 1938 he was deported to Buchenwald concentration camp. After a failed escape via Cuba, he returned to Lorsch; in the winter of 1940 he fled again, now to Genoa, and made it to the USA on a ship.
The only descendant of the seven Guthof siblings is Heinrich's daughter Hannelore. She lives in New Jersey and has three children and several grandchildren.
Bahnhofstrasse 75
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 75

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 75
0August 8, 2019
Hedwig Jakob
nee lived here . Hoffmann,
born in 1883,
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
Stumbling block for Hedwig Jakob Hedwig Jakob and her sister Jenny Oppenheimer came from Hüffenhardt in what is now the Neckar-Odenwald district. Hedwig came to Lorsch with her son Benno after her divorce from Julius Jakob. She opened a shoe and stationery shop in Wamsler's house on Marktplatz 3, where she and her son also lived in the 1920s. She later moved in with Benno to live with her sister. The sisters were deprived of their property, and it also made escape impossible. In the end, Hedwig and Jenny took their own lives because of the hopeless situation.

Benno Jakob,
born in 1911, lived here .
Escape 1936
Stumbling block for Benno Jakob Benno Jakob lived with his mother on the market square in the 1920s, after 1928 they both moved to his aunt Jenny Oppenheimer. In 1936 Benno and his cousin Selma Hofmann fled from Hüffenhardt to America, mother and aunt were supposed to follow suit. Benno lived with his cousin in Brooklyn until his death.

Jenny Oppenheimer
nee lived here . Hofmann,
born in 1881,
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
Stumbling block for Jenny Oppenheimer Jenny Oppenheimer was the widow of the wealthy businessman Zacharias Oppenheimer, who died in 1928. After Zacharias' death, Hedwig Jakob moved in with Jenny, who helped her in her business until the boycott-related sale in 1936. In an attempt to get enough foreign currency from the large savings and inheritance assets to flee, Jenny Oppenheimer and Hedwig Jakob filed a voluntary report with the Heppenheim tax office. But Jews were not allowed to own foreign stocks, so that they were punished and emigration was impossible. On the night of February 9, 1938, the sisters opened the gas tap in their house, and both died on the same day in Darmstadt.
Bahnhofstrasse 77
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 77

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Bahnhofstrasse 77
0August 8, 2019
Otto Mayer,
born in 1891, lived here .
Escape 1939 Holland
interned Westerbork
deported 1942
murdered November 27 , 1942
Stumbling block for Otto Mayer Otto Mayer came from Mannheim. He married Emma Oppenheimer and from 1909 continued the business of his late father-in-law. After the Lorsch pogroms Otto and Emma sent their son Friedrich to Holland and came after the dissolution of their household in mid-1939. But the family could not escape and was ultimately murdered in Auschwitz.

Emma Mayer
nee lived here . Oppenheimer
born 1893
Escape 1939 Holland
interned Westerbork
deported 1942
murdered November 27 , 1942
Stumbling block for Emma Mayer Emma Mayer was the youngest daughter of Leopold Oppenheimer (1854–1909). His leather purchases for Adler & Oppenheimer in Strasbourg were very profitable; Leopold's half-brother Ferdinand was the founder and partner of what was then the largest leather factory in Europe. After her father's death, Emma married Otto Mayer, they lived in the inherited Lorsch house and Otto continued his father-in-law's business.

Friedrich Mayer,
born in 1926, lived here .
Flucht 1939 Holland
interned Westerbork
deported 1942
murdered March 31, 1944
Stumbling block for Friedrich Mayer After the Lorsch pogroms, Friedrich was sent to Holland by his parents, where they followed in mid-1939. But the family was interned in the Westerbork concentration camp and deported to Auschwitz. Friedrich had to do forced labor until March 1944, when he too was murdered before he was 18 years old.
Kirchstrasse 12
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block location Lorsch Kirchstrasse 12

Stumbling Stones Lorsch Kirchstrasse 12
October 27, 2018 Here lived
Abraham Abraham
Jg. 1854
'protective custody' 1938
flight 1939
dead 02.11.1943
Stumbling block for Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham and his family had lived here since 1853, they operated a department store and an emigration agency and enjoyed an excellent reputation. The Lorschers named the street Süsskind-Gass' after the founder of the shop, Süsskind Abraham. The shop and apartment on Kirchstrasse were vandalized and looted in November 1938.
Here lived
Sigmund Abraham
Jg. 1892
'protective custody' 1938
flight 1939 France
interned Drancy
deported in 1942
murdered in
Stumbling block for Sigmund Abraham

Johanna Abraham
born here lived here . Wachenheimer
born in 1904
Escape 1939 France
interned Drancy
deported 1942
murdered in
Stumbling block for Johanna Abraham Johanna came from Zwingenberg and ran the small department store with her husband Sigmund. The main focus of activity was the fabric trade and the associated upholstery.

Claude K. Abraham
born in 1931 lived here .
Escape 1939
1942 Transport Drancy
Escape succeeded
with help and survived
Stumbling block for Claude Abraham Kurt later called himself Claude Abraham and lives in Los Angeles. The childhood memory of the looting and devastation of the parental home was captured by Claude in the book "On the Raft". Claude Abraham has been the honorary ring bearer of the city of Lorsch since 2001.
Nibelungenstrasse 56
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Niebelungenstrasse 56

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Niebelungenstrasse 56
0July 9, 2015
Berthold Kahn,
born in 1928, lived here .
Escape 1939
1939 Canada
Stumbling block for Berthold Kahn

Ernst Kahn,
born in 1925, lived here .
Escape 1939
1939 Canada
Stumbling block for Ernst Kahn

Fritz Kahn,
born in 1929, lived here .
Escape 1939
Stumbling block for Fritz Kahn

Gustine Mainzer
born in 1897 lived here .
Heppenheim Sanatorium
'relocated' Hadamar
murdered February 4, 1941
Action T4
Stumbling block for Gustine Mainzer

Heinz Kahn,
born in 1931, lived here,
Escape 1939
Stumbling block for Heinz Kahn

Karola Kahn
nee lived here . Mainz
born in 1902,
escaped from
Canada in 1939
Stolperstein for Karola Kahn born.  Mainz
Here lived
Leopold Kahn
Jg. 1892
'protective custody' in 1933, Osthofen
1938 Buchenwald
flight 1939
Stumbling block for Leopold Kahn

Otto Kahn,
born in 1934, lived here,
escaped 1939
Stumbling block for Otto Kahn

Rosa Mainzer
nee lived here . Neuberger,
born 1871,
escaped from
Canada in 1939
Stumbling block for Rosa Mainzer
Schulstrasse 18
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Lorsch Schulstrasse 18

Stumbling blocks Lorsch Schulstrasse 18
0July 9, 2015
Johanna Mainzer
nee lived here . Mayer
born in 1863
deported 1942
murdered March 5, 1943
Stumbling block for Johanna Mainzer geb.  Mayer

Regina Josef,
born in 1878
, lived here, deported in 1942, murdered
Stumbling block for Regina Josef

Web links

Commons : Stolpersteine ​​in Lorsch  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l Twelve new stumbling blocks: Behind each there is a fate. Bergsträßer Anzeiger, August 1, 2019 .;
  2. a b c Claudia Stehle: More stumbling blocks in Lorsch. Darmstädter Echo, March 9, 2017 .;
  3. a b Nina Schmelzing: Seven stumbling blocks recall the fate of Lorsch Jews. Memorial in Kirchstrasse and Bahnhofstrasse, memorial plaques relocated / Parental home of Claude Abraham and the Marx family. Bergsträßer Anzeiger, October 29, 2018 .;
  4. a b c d Stolperstein reminds of honorary ring bearers. Bergsträßer Anzeiger, October 10, 2018 .;