List of step and flood lawns, lawn communities of economic grassland, gray dunes, semi-dry lawns and grasslands, high mountain lawns in Germany

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The list of tread and flood lawns, lawn communities of commercial grassland, gray dunes, semi-dry lawns and grasslands, high mountain lawns in Germany was taken from the Red List of Endangered Plant Societies in Germany (Rennwald 2000) , which contains all plant communities occurring in Germany . Only the plant formation VII = step and flood turf, turf communities of economic grassland , gray dunes , semi-arid and poor grasslands, high mountain grasslands were taken into account. This formation has eight classes :

The list has been divided into these classes.

For each plant society a picture, its order , its association , its synsystematic rank, its German name, its scientific name and its degree of endangerment (column: G) is given in one column each.


Degree of risk:

  • 0 = extinct or lost
  • 1 = Critically Endangered
  • 2 = Endangered
  • 3 = endangered
  • G = risk to be assumed
  • R = extremely rare
  • V = Decreasing, type of warning list
  • * = currently not endangered
  • D = Insufficient data on distribution and exposure

The plant communities in this list should only be linked to articles about the entire respective plant society, not to individual representatives of the plant society.

Knotweed annual bluegrass societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Basal society of the knotweed turf Polygono arenastri-Poetea annuae-basal society *
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies ORD Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Polygono arenastri-Poetalia annuae Tx. in Géhu et al. 1972 corr. Rivas-Martínez et al. 1991
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Knotweed stepping societies VRB Knotweed stepping societies Matricario matricarioidis-Polygonion arenastri Rivas-Martínez 1975 corr. Rivas-Martínez et al. 1991
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Knotweed stepping societies ASS Hard grass knotweed turf Sclerochloo-Polygonetum arenastri (Gams 1927) Soó ex Korneck 1969 corr. Mucina 1983 2
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Knotweed stepping societies ASS Chamomile knotweed turf Matricario-Polygonetum arenastri Th. Müller in Oberd. 1971 *
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Knotweed stepping societies ASS Treading turf society of the low knotweed Polygonetum calcati Lohmeyer 1975 *
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Knotweed stepping societies ASS Crow's foot turf Poo-Coronopodetum squamati Gutte 1966 3
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Fattened Herb Societies VRB Fattened Herb Societies Saginion procumbentis Tx. et Ohba in Géhu et al. 1972
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Fattened Herb Societies ASS Mastkraut-Silberbirnmoos-Trittgesellschaft Sagino procumbentis-Bryetum argentei Diémont et al. 1940 *
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Fattened Herb Societies ASS Red chickweed turf society Rumici-Spergularietum rubrae Hülbusch 1973 *
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Bluegrass Societies VRB Bluegrass Societies Alchemillo-Poion supinae Ellmauer et Mucina 1993
Knotweed annual bluegrass societies Bluegrass Societies ASS Barn grass turf Alchemillo-Poetum supinae Aichinger 1933 *

Pipe grass and oat grass of the economic grassland

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Oat basal society Molinio Arrhenatheretea Basal Society *
Pipe grass lawn ORD Pipe grass lawn Molinietalia caeruleae W. Koch 1926
Pipe grass lawn ASS Wiesenknopf-Silgen Society Sanguisorba officinalis-Silaum silaus society 3
Pipe grass lawn Marsh marigold societies VRB Marsh marigold societies Calthion Tx. 1937
Pipe grass lawn Marsh marigold societies ASS Marsh marigold basal society Calthion Basal Society *
Pipe grass lawn Marsh marigold societies ASS Swamppippau forest rush lawn Crepis paludosa-Juncus acutiflorus Society 3
Pipe grass lawn Marsh marigold societies ASS Rush marshmallow lawn Succisa pratensis-Juncus conglomeratus Society 2
Pipe grass lawn Marsh marigold societies ASS Common groundwort-grape broth lawn Bromo-Senecionetum aquatici Lenski 1953 3
Pipe grass lawn Marsh marigold societies ASS Cabbage Thistle Society Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei Tx. 1937 3
Pipe grass lawn Meadowsweet high herbaceous societies VRB Meadowsweet high herbaceous societies Filipendulion ulmariae Segal ex Lohmeyer in Oberd. et al. 1967 nom. invalid.
Pipe grass lawn Meadowsweet high herbaceous societies ASS Forest cranesbill wire-haired calf crop society Geranio sylvatici-Chaerophylletum hirsuti Kästner 1938 *
Pipe grass lawn Meadowsweet high herbaceous societies ASS Marsh Corkbill Meadowsweet Society Filipendulo-Geranietum palustris W. Koch 1926 *
Pipe grass lawn Pipe grass lawn VRB Pipe grass lawn Molinion caeruleae W. Koch 1926
Pipe grass lawn Pipe grass lawn ASS Pipe grass lawn Molinietum caeruleae W. Koch 1926 2
Pipe grass lawn Burning cones companies VRB Burning cones companies Cnidion dubii Balátová-Tulácková 1966
Pipe grass lawn Burning cones companies ASS Burning Umbel Lawn Society Cnidio-Deschampsietum cespitosae Hundt ex Passarge 1960 1
Oat grass ORD Oat grass Arrhenatheretalia Tx. 1931
Oat grass ASS Oat grass basal company Arrhenatheretalia Basal Society *
Oat grass ASS Red fescue ostrich grass society Festuca rubra-Agrostis capillaris society 3
Oat grass Oat grass VRB Oat grass Arrhenatherion elatioris W. Koch 1926
Oat grass Oat grass ASS Oat grass Arrhenatheretum elatioris Braun 1915 V
Oat grass Oat grass ASS Society of the little meadowsweet and the many-flowered buttercup Filipendula vulgaris-Ranunculus polyanthemos-Society 1
Oat grass Golden oat lawn VRB Golden oat lawn Polygono trisetion Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Marshal 1947 nom. inverse. propos.
Oat grass Golden oat lawn ASS Wood Cranesbill Golden Oat Lawn Geranio sylvatici-Trisetetum R. Knapp ex Oberd. 1957 2
Oat grass Golden oat lawn ASS Barwort and red fescue lawn Festuca rubra-Meum athamanticum society 2
Oat grass Ridge grass lawn VRB Ridge grass lawn Cynosurion cristati Tx. 1947
Oat grass Ridge grass lawn ASS White clover meadow ridge grass pasture lawn Lolio perennis-Cynosuretum cristati Tx. 1937 *
Oat grass Ridge grass lawn ASS Kleinkopfpippau red fescue park lawn Crepis capillaris-Festuca rubra society *
Oat grass Alpine bluegrass pasture lawn VRB Alpine bluegrass pasture lawn Poion alpinae Oberd. 1950
Oat grass Alpine bluegrass pasture lawn ASS Goldpippau red fescue lawn Crepido aureae-Festucetum commutatae Lüdi 1948 *
Oat grass Alpine bluegrass pasture lawn ASS Violet fescue lawn Trifolio-Festucetum violaceae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 V
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn ORD Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Potentillo-Polygonetalia Tx. 1947
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities VRB Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities Potentillion anserinae Tx. 1947
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities ASS Ostrich-goose-fingerboard basal society Potentillion anserinae - basal society *
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities ASS Kinky Foxtail Lawn Ranunculo-Alopecuretum geniculati Tx. 1937 *
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities ASS Cinquefoil fescue lawn Potentillo-Festucetum arundinaceae Nordhagen 1940 *
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities ASS Rush grass lawn Junco compressi-Trifolietum repentis Eggler 1933 *
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities ASS Blue rush horse mint society Junco inflexi-Menthetum longifoliae Lohmeyer 1953 *
Creeping ostrich grass lawn, flood lawn Goose weed flood and creeping grass communities ASS Clown society Potentillo-Deschampsietum mediae Oberd. 1957 1

Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn ORD Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn Violetalia calaminariae Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943 nom. invalid.
Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn Calamine purseweed societies VRB Calamine purseweed societies Thlaspion calaminariae Ernst 1965
Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn Calamine purseweed societies ASS Galee Particle Society Violetum calaminariae Schwickerath 1931 3
Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn Calamine purseweed societies ASS Calamine purse herb society Minuartio-Thlaspietum alpestris Karl Koch 1932 3
Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn Gallow grass societies VRB Gallow grass societies Armerion halleri Ernst 1965
Galmeivilchen heavy metal lawn Gallow grass societies ASS Galme Grass Society Armerietum halleri Libbert 1930 3

Silvergrass and stonecrop pioneer lawn; Sheep fescue, fescue fescue and white fescue turf

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Silver grass pioneer lawn ORD Silver grass pioneer lawn Corynephoretalia canescentis Klika 1934
Silver grass pioneer lawn Silver grass lawn VRB Silver grass lawn Corynephorion canescentis Klika 1931
Silver grass pioneer lawn Silver grass lawn ASS Silver grass pioneer lawn Corniculario aculeatae-Corynephoretum canescentis Steffen 1931 nom. inverse. propos. *
Silver grass pioneer lawn Silver grass lawn ASS Ostrich Grass Society Agrostietum vinealis Kobendza 1930 corr. Kratzert et Dengler 1999 3
Silver grass pioneer lawn Silver grass lawn ASS Sand Sedge Society Carex arenaria society V
Sandschillergrass dune grass ORD Sandschillergrass dune grass Artemisio-Koelerietalia albescentis Sissingh 1974
Sandschillergrass dune grass Sandschillergrass dune grass VRB Sandschillergrass dune grass Koelerion albescentis Tx. 1937
Sandschillergrass dune grass Sandschillergrass dune grass ASS Sandlieschgrass dune grass Tortulo ruraliformis-Phleetum arenarii Br.-Bl. et De Leeuw 1936 2
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses ORD Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Thero-Airetalia Rivas Goday 1964
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Kleinschmielen lawn VRB Kleinschmielen lawn Thero-Airion Tx. ex Oberdorfer 1957
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Kleinschmielen lawn ASS Society of Early Haferschmiele Airetum praecocis Krausch 1967 3
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Kleinschmielen lawn ASS Carnation grass lawn Airo caryophylleae-Festucetum ovinae Tx. ex Korneck 1974 3
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Kleinschmielen lawn ASS Society of the Trespen-Featherwing Filagini-Vulpietum bromoidis Oberdorfer 1938 nom. mutat. propos. 3
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Kleinschmielen lawn ASS Mouse Tail Fingers Society Vulpietum myuri Philippi 1973 *
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Kleinschmielen lawn ASS Society of the Kiesschwingels Narduretum lachenalii Korneck 1975 -
Atlantic and sub-Atlantic grasses Kleinschmielen lawn ASS Ostrich-Sandherb Society Tuberaria guttata society 1
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue ORD Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Festuco-Sedetalia acris Tx. 1951
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue ASS Sandstones - Mountain Sandbell Society Helichrysum arenarium-Jasione montana society V
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Lancet-leaf plantain-carnation-fescue-grass VRB Lancet-leaf plantain-carnation-fescue-grass Plantagini-Festucion Passarge 1964
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Lancet-leaf plantain-carnation-fescue-grass ASS Bedstraw hair fescue lawn Galium verum-Festuca filiformis society 3
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Lancet-leaf plantain-carnation-fescue-grass ASS Bibernus fescue lawn Pimpinella saxifraga-Festuca ovina society 3
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Lancet-leaf plantain-carnation-fescue-grass ASS Carnation and Carnation Society Diantho deltoidis-Armerietum elongatae Pötsch 1962 nom. conserv. propos. 3
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Lancet-leaf plantain-carnation-fescue-grass ASS Earthling gluteal fescue lawn Sileno otitae-Festucetum brevipilae Libbert 1933 corr. Kratzert et Dengler 1999 nom. inverse.


Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Cone glue-hornwort pioneer lawn VRB Cone glue-hornwort pioneer lawn Sileno conicae-Cerastion semidecandri Korneck 1974
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Cone glue-hornwort pioneer lawn ASS Rooftop sandchip pioneer lawn Bromo tectorum-Phleetum arenarii Korneck 1974 2
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Cone glue-hornwort pioneer lawn ASS Cone Limewed-Sea Hornwort Society Sileno conicae-Cerastietum semidecandri Korneck 1974 2
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Blue grass lawn VRB Blue grass lawn Koelerion glaucae Volk 1931
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Blue grass lawn ASS Dune fescue lawn Festucetum polesicae rule 1928 2
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Blue grass lawn ASS Sand silver nip, blue shrub grass lawn Jurineo cyanoidis-Koelerietum glaucae Volk 1931 nom. inverse. propos. 1
Sand grass rich in sheep fescue Blue grass lawn ASS Sand fescue blue fescue grass lawn Festuco psammophilae-Koelerietum glaucae Klika 1931 2
Sedum and houseleek societies ORD Sedum and houseleek societies Sedo-Scleranthetalia Br.-Bl. 1955
Sedum and houseleek societies Alpine stonecrop and houseleek societies VRB Alpine stonecrop and houseleek societies Sedo-Scleranthion biennis Br.-Bl. 1955
Sedum and houseleek societies Alpine stonecrop and houseleek societies ASS Annual sedum society Sileno rupestris-Sedetum annui Oberd. 1957 R.
Sedum and houseleek societies Alpine stonecrop and houseleek societies ASS Society of cobweb houseleek Sclerantho-Sempervivetum arachnoidei Br.-Bl. 1955 R.
Sedum and houseleek societies Acidophilic Stonecrop Speedway Pioneer Societies VRB Acidophilic Stonecrop Speedway Pioneer Societies Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii Korneck 1974
Sedum and houseleek societies Acidophilic Stonecrop Speedway Pioneer Societies ASS Sheep Fescue Heath Honor Award Society Festuco-Veronicetum dillenii Oberd. 1957 3
Sedum and houseleek societies Acidophilic Stonecrop Speedway Pioneer Societies ASS Sheep Fescue Spring Honor Society Festuco-Veronicetum vernae Oberd. ex Moravec 1967 2
Sedum and houseleek societies Basiphile Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop pioneering societies VRB Basiphile Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop pioneering societies Alysso-Sedion Oberd. et Th. Müller in Th. Müller 1961
Sedum and houseleek societies Basiphile Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop pioneering societies ASS Hornwort Society Cerastietum pumili Oberd. et Th. Müller in Th. Müller 1961 3
Sedum and houseleek societies Basiphile Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop pioneering societies ASS Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop Society Alysso-Sedetum Oberd. et Th. Müller in Th. Müller 1961 3
Sedum and houseleek societies Basiphile Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop pioneering societies ASS Mountain garlic society with Baden bluegrass Poo badensis-Allietum montani Gauckler 1957 2
Sedum and houseleek societies Basiphile Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop pioneering societies ASS Fingerstein-Plathalmgrass Society Saxifraga tridactylites-Poa compressa society *
Sedum and houseleek societies Basiphile Kelchsteinkraut-Stonecrop pioneering societies ASS Society of the sprouting houseleek Sempervivetum soboliferi Korneck 1975 D.
Sedum and houseleek societies White fescue rock band societies VRB White fescue rock band societies Seslerio-Festucion pallentis Klika 1931 corr. Zolyomi 1966
Sedum and houseleek societies White fescue rock band societies ASS Thyme fescue rock lawn Thymus Festuca "cinerea" Society 3
Sedum and houseleek societies White fescue rock band societies ASS Peony white fescue rock ledge lawn Diantho gratianopolitani-Festucetum pallentis Gauckler 1938 corr. Korneck 1974 nom. inverse.


Sedum and houseleek societies White fescue rock band societies ASS Mugwort grass grass Artemisio lednicensis-Melicetum ciliatae Korneck 1974 3
Sedum and houseleek societies White fescue rock band societies ASS Grape goat beadgrass lawn Teucrio botryos-Melicetum ciliatae Volk 1937 V
Sedum and houseleek societies White fescue rock band societies ASS Bergsteinkraut Fescue Society Alyssum montanum-Festuca "cinerea" society 3
Sedum and houseleek societies White fescue rock band societies ASS Stiff Leek Society Allio stricti-Festucetum pannonicae Knapp 1971 corr. Oberd. 1979 3

Fescue bristle dry grass

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Floristically impoverished semi-arid grassland in the northern German lowlands Cirsio acaulis-Trifolietum montani Wollert 1964 2
ASS Meadowsweet meadow oat society Filipendula vulgaris-Helictotrichon pratense society 2
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands ORD Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Brometalia erecti W. Koch 1926
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands ASS Blue grass semi-arid grass society Hippocrepis comosa-Sesleria albicans society 3
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen semi-arid lawn VRB Trespen semi-arid lawn Bromion erecti Koch 1926
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen semi-arid lawn ASS Trespen semi-arid lawn Brometum Scherrer 1925 2
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen semi-arid lawn ASS Gentian twinkle lawn Gentiano-Koelerietum pyramidatae Knapp ex Bornkamm 1960 nom. conserv. propos. 3
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen semi-arid lawn ASS Pechnelken meadow oat society Silene viscaria-Helictotrichon pratense society 3
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen semi-arid lawn ASS Cruciferous bluegrass lawn Polygalo amarae-Seslerietum (Tx. 1937) Tx. ex Winterhoff 1965 3
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen semi-arid lawn ASS Silver thistle blue grass semi-arid grass Carlino-Caricetum sempervirentis Lutz et Paul 1947 2
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Timothy grass lawns in low-lime to acidic locations VRB Timothy grass lawns in low-lime to acidic locations Koelerio-Phleion phleoidis Korneck 1974
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Timothy grass lawns in low-lime to acidic locations ASS Gorse-Timothy grass lawn Genistello-Phleetum phleoidis Korneck 1974 2
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen dry grass VRB Trespen dry grass Xerobromion (Br.-Bl. et Moor 1938) Moravec in Holub et al. 1967
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen dry grass ASS Trespen dry grass Xerobrometum Br.-Bl. 1931 nom. illegitimate. 3
Sub-Mediterranean bristle dry and semi-arid grasslands Trespen dry grass ASS Pasque Flower Erdseggen dry grass Pulsatillo-Caricetum humilis Gauckler 1938 3
Walliserschwingel steppe lawn ORD Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Festucetalia valesiacae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Br.-Bl. 1949
Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Walliserschwingel steppe lawn VRB Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931
Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Walliserschwingel steppe lawn ASS Sand fingerweed-hairy sliver grass steppe lawn Potentillo arenariae-Stipetum capillatae (Hueck 1931) Libbert 1933 nom. inverse. propos. 2
Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Walliserschwingel steppe lawn ASS Headlub and hairy sliver grass steppe lawn Allio-Stipetum capillatae Korneck 1974 2
Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Walliserschwingel steppe lawn ASS Wallis fescue, hairy sliver grass, steppe lawn Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae Sillinger 1931 2
Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Subcontinental thistle pinnawn grass VRB Subcontinental thistle pinnawn grass Cirsio pannonici-Brachypodion pinnati Hadac et Klika in Klika et Hadac 1944
Walliserschwingel steppe lawn Subcontinental thistle pinnawn grass ASS Spring adonis pinnacles grass Adonido vernalis-Brachypodietum pinnati (Libbert 1933) Krausch 1961 2

Alpine blue grass lawn

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Alpine blue grass lawn ORD Alpine blue grass lawn Seslerietalia coeruleae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926
Alpine blue grass lawn ASS Basal community of alpine blue grass lawns Seslerietalia coeruleae - basal society *
Alpine blue grass lawn Upholstered sedge lawn VRB Upholstered sedge lawn Caricion firmae Gams 1936
Alpine blue grass lawn Upholstered sedge lawn ASS Upholstered sedge lawn Caricetum firm Rübel 1911 *
Alpine blue grass lawn Blue grass lawn VRB Blue grass lawn Seslerion coeruleae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926
Alpine blue grass lawn Blue grass lawn ASS Blue grass Horstseggen lawn Seslerio-Caricetum sempervirentis Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926 *
Alpine blue grass lawn Blue grass lawn ASS Valerian Blue Grass Society Valeriano-Seslerietum Oberd. ex Grabherr et al. 1993 V
Alpine blue grass lawn Blue grass lawn ASS Hair gorse blue grass lawn Genista pilosa-Sesleria varia society *
Alpine blue grass lawn Rostseggen companies VRB Rostseggen companies Caricion ferrugineae G. Br.-Bl. et J. Br.-Bl. 1931
Alpine blue grass lawn Rostseggen companies ASS Rostseggen Basal Society Caricion ferrugineae - basal society *
Alpine blue grass lawn Rostseggen companies ASS Fescue lawn Campanulo Scheuchzeri-Festucetum noricae Isda 1986 *
Alpine blue grass lawn Rostseggen companies ASS Rostseggen lawn Caricetum ferrugineae Lüdi 1921 *
Alpine blue grass lawn Rostseggen companies ASS Dost red grass lawn Origano-Calamagrostietum variae Lippert ex Thiele 1978 *

Nudist lawn

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains ORD Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains Oxytropido-Kobresietalia Oberd. ex. Albrecht 1969
Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains VRB Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains Oxytropido-Elynion Br.-Bl. 1949
Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains ASS Naked grass lawn in the Alps Elynetum myosuroidis Rübel 1911 3
Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains ASS Rock sedge lawn Caricetum rupestris Pignatti et Pignatti 1985 -
Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains Nudist grass of central and south-western European high mountains ASS Alpine ostrich grass lawn Agrostis alpina society *

Three-split rush crooked sedge lawn

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Arctic-alpine crooked sedge lawns in Europe ORD Arctic-alpine crooked sedge lawns in Europe Caricetalia curvulae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926
Arctic-alpine crooked sedge lawns in Europe ASS Society of the Two-Line Headgrass Oreochloa disticha society 1
Arctic-alpine crooked sedge lawns in Europe Three-split rush companies VRB Three-split rush companies Juncion trifidi Krajina 1933
Arctic-alpine crooked sedge lawns in Europe Three-split rush companies ASS Society with ostrich grass and three-column rush Agrostis rupestris-Juncus trifidus society 2
Arctic-alpine crooked sedge lawns in Europe Three-split rush companies ASS Society with three-column rush and dwarf primrose Juncus trifidus-Primula minima society R.
Soil acidic wind hay harvesters, willow and avalanche lawn societies ORD Soil acidic wind hay harvesters, willow and avalanche lawn societies Festucetaliae spadiceae Barbero 1970
Soil acidic wind hay harvesters, willow and avalanche lawn societies Ostrich grass lawn VRB Ostrich grass lawn Agrostion schraderianae Grabherr 1993
Soil acidic wind hay harvesters, willow and avalanche lawn societies Ostrich grass lawn ASS Pit louse-ostrich grass lawn Pediculari recutitae-Agrostietum schraderianae Grabherr 1993 *

Individual evidence

  1. Red List of Plant Associations pdf Accessed on September 17, 2018
  2. Red List of Plant Associations bfn.Retrieved September 17, 2018
  3. Risk criteria Accessed on September 17, 2018