List of aquatic plant communities in Germany

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The list of aquatic plant communities in Germany was taken from the Red List of Endangered Plant Societies in Germany (Rennwald 2000) , which contains all plant communities occurring in Germany . Only the plant formation I = aquatic plant communities was taken into account. This formation has six classes :

The list has been divided into these classes.

For each plant society a picture, its order , its association , its synsystematic rank, its German name, its scientific name and its degree of endangerment (column: G) is given in one column each.


Degree of risk:

  • 0 = extinct or lost
  • 1 = Critically Endangered
  • 2 = Endangered
  • 3 = endangered
  • G = risk to be assumed
  • R = extremely rare
  • V = Decreasing, type of warning list
  • * = currently not endangered
  • D = Insufficient data on distribution and exposure

The plant communities in this list should only be linked to articles about the entire respective plant society, not to individual representatives of the plant society.

Duckweed Societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Society of the little duckweed Lemna minor society *
Single-layer water float companies ORD Single-layer water float companies Lemnetalia minoris De Bolòs et Masclans 1955
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies VRB Pink Lentil Societies Lemnion gibbae Tx. et Schwabe-Braun 1974
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies ASS Pink Lentil Society Lemnetum gibbae (W. Koch 1954) Miyawaki et J. Tx. 1960 *
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies ASS Pond Lentil Society Lemno-Spirodeletum polyrhizae W. Koch 1954 *
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies ASS Society of the Red Duckweed Lemna turionifera society *
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies ASS Society of the smallest duckweed Lemna Minuta Society *
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies ASS Algae Fern Society Azolla filiculoides Society *
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies ASS Swimming Fern Society Spirodelo-Salvinietum natantis Slavnic 1956 2
Single-layer water float companies Pink Lentil Societies ASS Duckweed Society Wolffietum arrhizae Miyawaki et J. Tx. 1960 D.
Single-layer water float companies Societies of Submerged Duckweed VRB Societies of Submerged Duckweed Riccio Lemnion trisulcae Tx. et Schwabe-Braun in Tx. 1974
Single-layer water float companies Societies of Submerged Duckweed ASS Society of the Submerged Duckweed Lemnetum trisulcae R. Knapp et Stoffers 1962 3
Single-layer water float companies Societies of Submerged Duckweed ASS Society of the Flooding Star Liver Moss Riccietum fluitantis Slavnic 1956 3
Single-layer water float companies Societies of Submerged Duckweed ASS Society of swimming liver moss Ricciocarpetum natantis Tx. 1974 2
Multi-layer water float companies ORD Multi-layer water float companies Hydrocharitetalia Rübel 1933
Multi-layer water float companies Crab claw and water hose slider companies VRB Crab claw and water hose slider companies Hydrocharition Rübel 1933
Multi-layer water float companies Crab claw and water hose slider companies ASS Frog Bite Crab Claw Society Stratiotetum aloidis s. l. Nowinski 1930 3
Multi-layer water float companies Crab claw and water hose slider companies ASS Common Water Hose Society Lemno-Utricularietum vulgaris Soó 1947 2
Multi-layer water float companies Crab claw and water hose slider companies ASS Society of the Southern Hose Utricularietum neglectae Th. Müller et Görs 1960 3
Multi-layer water float companies Crab claw and water hose slider companies ASS Waterfall Society Aldrovanda Vesiculosa Society 1

Candle algae societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Soft water luster algae societies ORD Soft water luster algae societies Nitelletalia flexilis W. Krause 1969
Soft water luster algae societies Societies of the flexible luster algae VRB Societies of the flexible luster algae Nitellion flexilis (Corillion 1957) Dambska 1966
Soft water luster algae societies Societies of the flexible luster algae ASS Society of the flexible luster algae Nitelletum flexilis Corillion 1957 3
Soft water luster algae societies Societies of the flexible luster algae ASS Company with Braun's candelabra Charetum braunii Corillion 1957 1
Soft water luster algae societies Societies of the flexible luster algae ASS Society of Hair Luster Algae Nitelletum capillaris Corillion 1957 1
Soft water luster algae societies Societies of the flexible luster algae ASS Society of the dainty luster algae Nitelletum gracilis Corillion 1957 2
Soft water luster algae societies Societies of the flexible luster algae ASS Society of Shimmering Luster Algae Nitelletum translucentis Corillion 1957 2
Soft water luster algae societies Societies of the flexible luster algae ASS Society of fine candelabrum Chara delicatula society 3
Soft water luster algae societies Societies with overgrown fruity or umbrella-shaped ones

Luster algae

VRB Societies with overgrown fruity or umbrella-shaped ones

Luster algae

Nitellion syncarpo-tenuissimae W. Krause 1969
Soft water luster algae societies Societies with overgrown fruity or umbrella-shaped ones

Luster algae

ASS Society of the dark luster algae Nitelletum opacae s. l. Corillion 1957 3
Soft water luster algae societies Societies with overgrown fruity or umbrella-shaped ones

Luster algae

ASS Society with overgrown fruity or umbrella-shaped ones

Luster algae

Nitelletum syncarpo-tenuissimae W. Krause 1969 3
Hard water chandelier algae societies ORD Hard water chandelier algae societies Charetalia hispidae Sauer ex Krausch 1964
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae VRB Societies of fragile candy algae Charion fragilis Krausch 1964
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the Tangled Candelabra Charo-Tolypelletum glomeratae Corillion 1957 3
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the rough candelabrum Charetum asperae Corillion 1957 3
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the welts chandelier alga Charetum strigosae Melzer 1976 2
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the thorny candelabrum Magnocharetum hispidae Corillion 1957 3
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the short-prickly candelabrum Charetum intermediae Dambska 1966 2
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of Felted Candelabra Charetum tomentosae Corillion 1957 3
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the blunt candelabrum Nitellopsidetum obtusae Sauer ex Dambska 1961 3
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the fragile candelabrum Charetum fragilis Fijalkowski 1960 *
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of the filamentous candelabrum Charetum filiformis Jeschke (1959) 1961 1
Hard water chandelier algae societies Societies of fragile candy algae ASS Society of Contrasting Candelabra Charetum contrariae Corillion 1957 V
Hard water chandelier algae societies Common candy algae societies VRB Common candy algae societies Charion vulgaris (W. Krause et Lang 1977) Krause 1981
Hard water chandelier algae societies Common candy algae societies ASS Society of the common candelabrum Charetum vulgaris Corillion 1957 *
Hard water chandelier algae societies Common candy algae societies ASS Society of the Tangled Candelabra Charo-Tolypelletum intricatae Corillion 1957 2
Hard water chandelier algae societies Common candy algae societies ASS Society of the sprouting candelabrum Tolypelletum proliferae Guerlesquin 1961 1
Hard water chandelier algae societies Brackish chandelier algae societies VRB Brackish chandelier algae societies Charion canescentis Krausch 1964
Hard water chandelier algae societies Brackish chandelier algae societies ASS Society of the gray candelabrum Charetum canescentis Corillion 1957 2

Seagrass meadows

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Seagrass meadows ORD Seagrass meadows Zosteretalia marinae Beguinot 1941
Seagrass meadows Seagrass meadows VRB Seagrass meadows Zosterion marinae Christiansen 1934
Seagrass meadows Seagrass meadows ASS Real Seagrass Society Zosteretum marinae Borgesen ex van Goor 1921 3
Seagrass meadows Seagrass meadows ASS Society of the dwarf seaweed Zosteretum noltii Harmsen 1936 3

Pondweed societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Pondweed societies ORD Pondweed societies Potamogetonetalia W. Koch 1926
Pondweed societies ASS Fir-frond Society Hippuris Vulgaris Society 3
Buttercup Society, Taubergiessen Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies VRB Buttercup Societies Ranunculion fluitantis Neuhäusl 1959
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Buttercup Society Ranunculetum fluitantis (Allorge 1922) W. Koch 1926 3
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Buttercup Berlen Society Ranunculo trichophylli-Sietum erecto-submersi Th. Müller 1962 *
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Society of the Nutty Water Star Callitrichetum obtusangulae Seibert 1962 *
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Hookwater Star Mill Leaf Society Callitricho hamulatae-Myriophylletum alterniflori (Steusloff 1939) Weber-Oldecop 1967 3
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Bach exercise pond water star society Veronico beccabungae-Callitrichetum stagnalis Th. Müller 1962 *
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Color Spawn Society Potamogetonetum colorati Allorge 1922 1
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Fishweed Society Groenlandietum densae De Bolòs 1957 3
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Hedgehog Combed Spawn Society Sparganio emersi-Potamogetonetum pectinati Hilbig et Reichhoff 1971 *
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Society of the Brush-leaved Water Buttercup Callitricho-Ranunculetum penicillati Dethioux et Noirfalise 1985 2
Pondweed societies Buttercup Societies ASS Knot-pondweed society of flowing water Potamogeton nodosus society of running water 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies VRB Comb spawn societies Potamogetonion pectinati (W. Koch 1926) Görs 1977
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Thread spawn society Potamogetonetum filiformis W. Koch 1928 2
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Alpine Spawn Society Potamogetonetum alpini Podbielkowski 1967 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the Middle Mermaid Najadetum intermediae Lang 1973 2
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Pond Thread Society Potamogetono-Zannichellietum palustris W. Koch 1926 *
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Gloss Spawn Society Potamogetonetum lucentis Hueck 1931 V
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the Sea Mermaid Najadetum marinae Fukarek 1961 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Hairy Spawn Society Potamogetonetum trichoidis Freitag et al. 1958 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Long-leaf Spawn Society Potamogetonetum praelongi Sauer 1937 2
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Autumn water star society Callitrichetum hermaphroditicae Looman 1985 1
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Throughgrown Spawn Society Potamogeton perfoliatus Society V
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Comb Spawn Society Potamogeton pectinatus society *
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Stump Leaf Spawn Society Potamogeton obtusifolius society 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Pointed Leaf Spawn Society Potamogeton acutifolius society 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Flat-necked spawn society Potamogeton compressus society 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Tarthorn Leaf Society Ceratophyllum submersum society 2
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the spiny pondweed Potamogeton friesii society V
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Reddish Spawn Society Potamogeton rutilus society 1
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Grass Spawn Society Potamogeton Gramineus Society 2
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the common dwarf pondweed Potamogeton pusillus society G
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Company with Berchtold's dwarf pondweed Potamogeton berchtoldii society D.
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Rauhhornblatt Society Ceratophyllum demersum society *
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the narrow-leaved waterweed Elodea nuttallii society *
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Narrowleaf Spawn Society Potamogeton zizii society 2
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies VRB Water lily societies Nymphaeion albae Oberd. 1957
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Nondrose Society Myriophyllo-Nupharetum Koch 1926 *
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Sea Can Society Nymphoidetum peltatae Bellot 1951 nom. mutat. propos. 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Water Nut Society Trapetum natantis Th. Müller et Görs 1960 1
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the Shining Water Lily Potamogetono-Nymphaeetum candidae Hejný 1948 nom. invalid. 2
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the White Water Lily Nymphaeetum albae Vollmar 1947 corr. Oberd. in Oberd. et al. 1967 nom. invalid. 3
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Society of the little pond rose Nupharetum pumilae Oberd. 1957 ex Th. Müller et Görs 1960 1
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Knot pondweed society of the still water Potamogeton nodosus - Society of Still Waters *
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Swimming Spawn Society Potamogeton Natans Society *
Pondweed societies Comb spawn societies ASS Knotweed stocks Polygonum amphibium stocks *
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies VRB Water crowfoot societies Ranunculion aquatilis Passarge 1964
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Common Water Crowfoot Society Ranunculetum aquatilis Sauer 1945 3
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Shield Buttercup Society Ranunculetum peltati (Segal 1965) Weber-Oldecop 1969 3
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Water spring society Hottonietum palustris Tx. 1937 3
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Brackish Buttercup Society Ranunculetum baudotii Hocquette 1927 V
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Society of the Ivy-Leaved Buttercup Ranunculetum hederacei (Tx. Et Diémont 1936) Libbert 1940 2
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies VRB Sea Balance Societies Ruppion maritimae Br.-Bl. 1931
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Sea Balance Society Ruppietum maritimae Hocquette 1927 2
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Bolt Balance Company Ruppietum cirrhosae Iversen 1934 3
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Society of the Little Rush Eleocharitetum parvulae (Libbert 1940) Gillner 1960 1
Pondweed societies Water crowfoot societies ASS Candelabra Balance Society Tolypelletum nidificae Kornas 1959 1

Water hose moor pool communities

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Water hose moor pool communities ORD Water hose moor pool communities Utricularietalia intermedio-minoris Pietsch 1965
Water hose moor pool communities Scorpion Moss Water Hose Societies VRB Scorpion Moss Water Hose Societies Scorpidio-Utricularion minoris Pietsch 1965
Water hose moor pool communities Scorpion Moss Water Hose Societies ASS Scorpion moss water hose moorland society Scorpidio-Utricularietum intermediae Ilschner ex Th. Müller et Görs 1960 2
Water hose moor pool communities Peat moss and water hose societies VRB Peat moss and water hose societies Sphagno-Utricularion Th. Müller et Görs 1960
Water hose moor pool communities Peat moss and water hose societies ASS Society of the Pale Yellow Waterskin Utricularietum ochroleucae Pietsch 2000 2
Water hose moor pool communities Peat moss and water hose societies ASS Society of the Dark Yellow Waterskin Sphagno-Utricularietum stygiae Oberd. ex Th. Müller et Görs 1960 corr. Rennwald 2000 2
Water hose moor pool communities Peat moss and water hose societies ASS Dwarf Hedgehog Moorschlenken Society Sparganio minimi-Utricularietum intermedii Tx. 1937 2
Water hose moor pool communities Peat moss and water hose societies ASS Society of the narrow-leaved hedgehog Sphagno denticulati-Sparganietum angustifolii Tx. 1937 nom. inverse. propos. 2
Water hose moor pool communities Peat moss and water hose societies ASS Small Hose Society Sphagno-Utricularietum minoris Fijalkowski 1960 3

Strandling societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Strandling basal society Isoëto-Littorelletea Basal Society *
European Strandling Societies ORD European Strandling Societies Littorelletalia W. Koch 1926
European Strandling Societies Strandschmielen societies VRB Strandschmielen societies Deschampsion littoralis Oberd. et Dierßen in Dierßen 1975
European Strandling Societies Strandschmielen societies ASS Bodensee-Strandschmielen-Gesellschaft Deschampsietum rhenanae Oberd. 1957 ex Th. Müller et Görs 1960 1
European Strandling Societies Strandling Shore Lawn Societies VRB Strandling Shore Lawn Societies Littorellion uniflorae W. Koch 1926
European Strandling Societies Strandling Shore Lawn Societies ASS Brachwort Society Isoëtetum echinosporae W. Koch 1926 1
European Strandling Societies Strandling Shore Lawn Societies ASS Brachwort Lobelia Society Isoëto-Lobelietum Tx. 1937 1
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies VRB Rush Societies Eleocharition acicularis Pietsch 1967
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies ASS Coniferous Strandling Lawn Littorello-Eleocharitetum acicularis Jouanne 1925 3
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies VRB Atlantic Strandling Societies Hydrocotylo-Baldellion Tx. et Dierßen in Dierßen 1972
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies ASS Society of the many-stemmed swamp rush Eleocharitetum multicaulis (Allorge 1922) Tx. 1937 2
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies ASS Pill Fern Society Pilularietum globuliferae Th. Müller et Görs 1960 2
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies ASS Salzbungen Strandling Society Samolo-Littorelletum Westhoff 1943 1
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies ASS Society of the Flooding Bog Rush Scirpetum fluitantis Allorge 1922 2
European Strandling Societies Rush Societies ASS Flood Celery Swamp Quendel Society Apium inundatum-Peplis portula-Gesellschaft 2

Individual evidence

  1. Red List of Plant Associations pdf Accessed on September 17, 2018
  2. Red List of Plant Associations bfn.Retrieved September 17, 2018
  3. Risk criteria Accessed on September 17, 2018