Spawning herbs
Spawning herbs | ||||||||||||
![]() Frizzy pondweed ( Potamogeton crispus ) |
Systematics | ||||||||||||
Scientific name | ||||||||||||
Potamogeton | ||||||||||||
L. |
The spawning herbs ( Potamogeton ) are a genus of plants within the family of the spawning herbs (Potamogetonaceae). These aquatic plants are found in the temperate and subtropical areas almost worldwide. The best known and most common species is the floating pondweed ( Potamogeton natans ), which can form large carpets of floating leaves on bodies of water.

These are perennial ( perennial ) herbaceous plants . These are diving or floating leaf plants rooted in the water bed. There are both very delicately built species and those with strong underwater and / or swimming leaves. Some species develop shoot axes up to 3 meters long and colonize correspondingly deep water zones. The diving leaves, which are often translucent like a network nerve, are usually arranged alternately and have a leaf sheath. The simple leaf blades are narrow-linear to rounded.
The terminal, inconspicuous greenish, spike-like inflorescences protrude from the water for wind pollination . The missing perianth is replaced by four stamen appendages.
Site conditions

Spawning herbs are the eponymous and distinctive genus of the plant-sociological class of " Potamogetonetea pectinati R. Tx. & Prsg. 1942 corr. Oberd. 1979 “(= Laichkraut- and swimming-leaf societies) and several different associations and dominance societies. The plants form "underwater forests", which provide numerous animals with a habitat and opportunities to lay eggs and spawn, as well as contribute to the oxygen supply and self-cleaning of a body of water.
Different types of water bodies are settled: Still water bodies such as ponds , ponds, small ponds and diving leaf zones of large lakes, but also weak to moderately flowing water bodies such as streams, rivers, canals and ditches. Some species are adapted to less nutrient-poor locations; however, most prefer moderately eutrophic waters. As a result of human intervention in the landscape - including water pollution, river straightening, ditch clearance - many species of pondweed have become rare and are on the red list of endangered plant species. The spread of the neophytic , anthropogenically naturalized waterweed in Europe also displaced some stocks of pondweed.
Systematics and distribution
The genus Potamogeton was established in 1753 by Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum , 1, p. 126. Potamogeton natans L. was established as the lectotype species in 1909 by Norman Taylor in North American Flora , Volume 17, 1, p. 14.
From the genus of spawning herbs ( Potamogeton ) dealt with here, there are around 21 species in Central Europe (Germany), but also at least 17 hybrids from some of these species, which can make the determination considerably more difficult.
Some species found their way into the aquarium hobby .
There are 75 to 95 or 100 Potamogeton species and at least 69 hybrids:
- Potamogeton × absconditus Z. Kaplan, Fehrer & Hellq. (= Potamogeton perfoliatus × Potamogeton richardsonii ): It occurs in the northeastern United States.
- Pointed-leaved pondweed ( Potamogeton acutifolius Link ex Roem. & Schult. ): It is common in Europe up to the Caucasus .
- Potamogeton × aemulans Z. Kaplan, Hellq. & Fehrer (= Potamogeton bicupulatus × Potamogeton epihydrus ): It occurs in the northeastern United States.
- Alpine pondweed ( Potamogeton alpinus Balb. ): It is distributed with two subspecies in the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere .
- Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. : It iswidespreadfrom Canada to the USA and Mexico .
- Potamogeton × anguillanus Koidz. (= Potamogeton perfoliatus × Potamogeton wrightii ): It occurs in China, Japan and New Guinea.
- Narrow-leaved pondweed ( Potamogeton × angustifolius J. Presl = Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton lucens ) It occurs from Europe to the western Himalayas.
- Potamogeton antaicus Hagstr. : It only occurs on the Cape Verde Islands .
- Potamogeton × apertus Miki (= Potamogeton octandrus × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton × assidens Z. Kaplan, Zalewska-Gał. & Ronikier (= Potamogeton nodosus × Potamogeton perfoliatus ): It occurs from Europe to Africa.
- Potamogeton × attenuatus Hagstr. (= Potamogeton polygonus × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs in southern Brazil.
- Potamogeton australiensis A.Benn. : It is common in southeastern Australia.
- Potamogeton × belorussicus D.Dubovik (= Potamogeton compressus × Potamogeton friesii ): It occurs in Eastern Europe.
- Potamogeton × bennettii Fryer (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton trichoides ): It occurs in Western Europe.
- Berchtold's dwarf pondweed ( Potamogeton berchtoldii fever )
- Potamogeton bicupulatus Fernald : It is common in eastern Canada and the northern United States.
- Potamogeton biformis Hagstr. : It is common from Siberia to Central Asia.
- Potamogeton × billupsii Fryer (= Potamogeton coloratus × Potamogeton gramineus ): It occurs in Northern Europe.
- Potamogeton × biwaensis Miki (= Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton maackianus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton × cadburyae Dandy & G.Taylor (= Potamogeton epihydrus × Potamogeton lucens ): It occurs in Western Europe.
- Potamogeton chamissoi A. Benn. : It only occurs in Mauritius .
- Potamogeton cheesemanii A.Benn. : It occurs in New Zealand and in southeastern Australia.
- Potamogeton chongyangensis W.X.Wang : It occurs only in the Chinese province of Hubei .
- Potamogeton × clandestinus A.A. Bobrov, Zalewska-Gal. & Chemeris (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton natans ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × cognatus Ash. & Graebn. (= Potamogeton perfoliatus × Potamogeton praelongus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Colored pondweed ( Potamogeton coloratus Hornem. )
- Flat-stemmed pondweed ( Potamogeton compressus L. )
- Potamogeton confervoides Rchb. : It is common in the USA.
- Potamogeton × confinis Hagstr. (= Potamogeton friesii × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × cooperi (Fryer) Fryer (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton perfoliatus ): It occurs from Europe to the Arabian Peninsula.
- Frizzy pondweed ( Potamogeton crispus L. )
- Potamogeton cristatus Regel & Maack : It is common in East Asia.
- Potamogeton delavayi A. Benn. : It occurs only in the Chinese province of Yunnan .
- Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. : It is widespread from the Himalayas to the far East Asia and on Iseln in the western Pacific.
- Potamogeton diversifolius Raf. : It is common in North America and occurs in Cuba.
- Potamogeton × drepanoides Z.Kaplan (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton oxyphyllus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton drummondii Benth. : It is common in southwestern Australia.
- Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. : It is common in North America, north-west Scotland and north-west England.
- Potamogeton × exilis Z. Kaplan & Uotila (= Potamogeton alpinus × Potamogeton natans ): It occurs in Northern Europe.
- Potamogeton × fauriei (A.Benn.) Miki (= Potamogeton compressus × Potamogeton oxyphyllus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton × faxonii Morong (= Potamogeton illinoensis × Potamogeton nodosus ): It occurs in the USA.
- Potamogeton ferrugineus Hagstr. : It is common from Brazil to Argentina and Peru.
- Potamogeton floridanus Small : It occurs only in northwest Florida.
- Flooding pondweed ( Potamogeton × fluitans Roth = Potamogeton lucens × Potamogeton natans ): It occurs from Europe to the western Himalayas.
- Potamogeton foliosus Raf. : It is widespread from North to Central America, the Caribbean islands and Hawaii.
- Potamogeton fontigenus Y.H.Guo, XZSun & HQWang : It only occurs in the Chinese province of Shaanxi .
- Potamogeton × franconicus G. fish. (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton trichoides ): It occurs in Europe.
- Spiny pondweed ( Potamogeton friesii Rupr. )
- Potamogeton fryeri A.Benn. : It is common in the far East Asia, Korea and Japan.
- Potamogeton gayi A. Benn. : It is widespread in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina.
- Potamogeton × gessnacensis G. Fish . (= Potamogeton natans × Potamogeton polygonifolius ): It occurs in Europe.
- Grass pondweed ( Potamogeton gramineus L. ): It thrives in the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere.
- Potamogeton × griffithii A.Benn. (= Potamogeton alpinus × Potamogeton praelongus ): It occurs in northwestern Europe and Canada.
- Potamogeton × grovesii Dandy & G.Taylor (= Potamogeton pusillus × Potamogeton trichoides ): It occurs in Great Britain.
- Potamogeton × hagstromii A.Benn. (= Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton richardsonii ): It occurs from western Canada to the northern United States.
- Potamogeton × haynesii Hellq. & GECrow (= Potamogeton strictifolius × Potamogeton zosteriformis ): It occurs from eastern Canada to the northern United States.
- Potamogeton × heslop-harrisonii W.A.Clark (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton gramineus ): It occurs in northwestern Europe.
- Potamogeton heterocaulis Z.S.Diao : It is common in China.
- Potamogeton hillii Morong : It is common in southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton hoggarensis Dandy : It comes only in the Hoggar in Algeria and Tibestigebirge ago in Chad.
- Potamogeton illinoensis Morong : It is widespread from Canada, through the USA and Mexico to Central and South America, and occurs on the Caribbean islands.
- Potamogeton × inbaensis Kadono (= Potamogeton lucens × Potamogeton wrightii ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton intortusifolius J.B.He, LYZhou & HQWang : It occurs only in the Chinese province of Hubei .
- Potamogeton iriomotensis Masam. : It only occurs on the Japanese Nansei Islands .
- Potamogeton × jacobsii Z. Kaplan, Fehrer & Hellq. (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton ochreatus ): It occurs in southeastern Australia.
- Potamogeton × jutlandicus Zalewska-Gał. (= Potamogeton lucens × Potamogeton praelongus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton juzepczukii P.I.Dorof. & Tzvelev : It is widespread from Siberia to Russia's Far East.
- Potamogeton × kamogawaensis Miki (= Potamogeton octandrus × Potamogeton oxyphyllus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton kashiensis Z.S.Diao : It only occurs in Xinjiang, China .
- Potamogeton × khuzestanicus S. Abbasi, Afsharz. & Dinarvand (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs in Iran.
- Potamogeton × kyushuensis Kadono & Wiegleb (= Potamogeton maackianus × Potamogeton oxyphyllus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton lacunatifolius Papch. : It occurs in western Siberia.
- Potamogeton × lanceolatifolius (Tiselius) CDPreston (= Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton nodosus ): It occurs in Europe and in the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton × lanceolatus Sm. (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton coloratus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × leptocephalus Koidz. (= Potamogeton maackianus × Potamogeton perfoliatus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton linguatus Hagstr. : It occurs from Chile to the Falkland Islands.
- Potamogeton × lintonii Fryer (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton friesii ): It occurs in Europe.
- Specular pondweed ( Potamogeton lucens L. )
- Potamogeton × luxurians Z. Kaplan (= Potamogeton amplifolius × Potamogeton illinoensis ): It occurs in the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton maackianus A. Benn. : It is widespread in Asia from Siberia and Japan to Sumatra.
- Potamogeton × maemetsiae Zalewska-Gał. & Ronikier (= Potamogeton friesii × Potamogeton rutilus ): It occurs in the Baltic States.
- Potamogeton × malainoides Miki (= Potamogeton distinctus × Potamogeton wrightii ): It occurs in East Asia.
- Potamogeton manschuriensis (A.Benn.) A.Benn. : It is widespread from northeast China to the extreme east Asia.
- Potamogeton marianensis Cham. & Schltdl. : It only occurs in the Mariana Islands .
- Potamogeton × mariensis Papch. (= Potamogeton biformis × Potamogeton nodosus ): It occurs in Eastern Europe.
- Potamogeton × mirabilis Z. Kaplan, Hellq. & Fehrer (= Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton oakesianus ): It occurs in the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton montevidensis A. Benn. : It is spread from Brazil via Uruguay to Argentina.
- Potamogeton × mucronulatus (G.Fisch.) Papch. (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs from European Russia to Western Siberia.
- Potamogeton × mysticus Morong (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton perfoliatus ): It occurs in the eastern United States.
- Floating pondweed ( Potamogeton natans L. )
- Potamogeton × nericius Hagstr. ( Potamogeton alpinus × Potamogeton gramineus ): It occurs in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere.
- Potamogeton × annoying Wolfg. (= Potamogeton alpinus × Potamogeton gramineus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Shimmering pondweed ( Potamogeton × nitens Weber ) (= Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton perfoliatus )
- Knot pondweed ( Potamogeton nodosus Poir. ): It is found almost worldwide.
- Potamogeton nomotoensis Kadono & T. Nog. : It only occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton oakesianus J.W. Robbins : It is distributed from southern Canada and the USA.
- Potamogeton obtusifolius ( Potamogeton obtusifolius Mert & WDJKoch. ): It thrives in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.
- Potamogeton ochreatus Raoul : It is distributed from New Guinea to Australia to New Caledonia and New Zealand.
- Potamogeton octandrus Poir. : It is widespread in the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa.
- Potamogeton × ogdenii Hellq. & RLHilton (= Potamogeton hillii × Potamogeton zosteriformis ): It occurs from southeastern Ontario to the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton × olivaceus Baagøe ex G.Fisch. (= Potamogeton alpinus × Potamogeton crispus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × orientalis Hagstr. (= Potamogeton oxyphyllus × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs from Assam to China.
- Potamogeton oxyphyllus Miq. : It is spread from Russia's Far East through Japan and Korea to Sumatra.
- Potamogeton papuanicus G.Wiegleb : It occurs only in Papua New Guinea.
- Potamogeton paramoanus R.R. Haynes & Holm-Niels. : It is common from Costa Rica to Peru.
- Potamogeton parmatus Hagstr. : It occurs in Madagascar.
- Streaky pondweed ( Potamogeton perfoliatus L. )
- Potamogeton × philippinensis A.Benn. (= Potamogeton maackianus × Potamogeton wrightii ): It occurs in the Philippines.
- Knotweed pondweed ( Potamogeton polygonifolius Pourr. )
- Potamogeton polygonus Cham. : It is spread from Brazil via Uruguay to Argentina.
- Stretched pondweed ( Potamogeton praelongus wulfen )
- Potamogeton × prussicus Hagstr. (= Potamogeton alpinus × Potamogeton perfoliatus ): It occurs in Europe and Canada.
- Potamogeton × pseudofriesii Dandy & G.Taylor (= Potamogeton acutifolius × Potamogeton friesii ): It occurs in Great Britain.
- Potamogeton × pseudosarmaticus Papch. (= Potamogeton lucens × Potamogeton sarmaticus ): It occurs in European Russia.
- Potamogeton pulcher tuck. : It is widespread from Canada to the USA.
- Common dwarf pondweed ( Potamogeton pusillus L. ): It is found almost worldwide.
- Potamogeton quinquenervius Hagstr. : It only occurs in New South Wales .
- Potamogeton × rectifolius A.Benn. (= Potamogeton nodosus × Potamogeton richardsonii ): It occurs in the USA.
- Potamogeton richardii Solms : It is common in Africa and Madagascar.
- Potamogeton richardsonii (A.Benn.) Rydb. : It occurs from Kamchatka to Alaska.
- Potamogeton × ripensis Baagøe (= Potamogeton compressus × Potamogeton trichoides ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × rivularis Gillot (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton polygonifolius ): It occurs in Western Europe and the Azores.
- Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes : It is widespread in North America.
- Reddish pondweed ( Potamogeton rutilus Wolfg. ): It is widespread from Europe to Western Siberia.
- Willow-leaved pondweed ( Potamogeton × salicifolius Wolfg. = Potamogeton lucens × Potamogeton perfoliatus ) It occurs from Europe to the western Himalayas.
- Potamogeton sarmaticus Mäemets : It occurs from Eastern Europe to Central Asia.
- Potamogeton × saxonicus Hagstr. (= Potamogeton obtusifolius × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × schreberi G.Fisch. (= Potamogeton natans × Potamogeton nodosus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton schweinfurthii A.Benn. : It is common in the Mediterranean region and Africa to Arabia .
- Potamogeton sclerocarpus K.Schum. : It is common in Brazil.
- Potamogeton × scoliophyllus Hagstr. (= Potamogeton amplifolius × Potamogeton illinoensis ): It occurs in the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton × serrulifer Z. Kaplan (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton schweinfurthii ): It occurs in Italy.
- Potamogeton sibiricus A. Benn. : It occurs from Siberia to Alaska.
- Potamogeton skvortsovii Klinkova : It is widespread from European Russia to Kazakhstan.
- Potamogeton solomonensis G.Wiegleb : It only occurs in the Solomon Islands .
- Rib-nerved pondweed ( Potamogeton × sparganiifolius Laest. Ex Fr. = Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton natans ): It occurs in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere.
- Spatula pondweed ( Potamogeton × spathulatus Schrad. Ex WDJKoch & Ziz ; = Potamogeton alpinus × Potamogeton polygonifolius ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × spathuliformis (JWRobbins) Morong (Syn .: Potamogeton × deminutus Hagstr. = Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton illinoensis ): It occurs in the northern United States.
- Potamogeton spirilliformis Hagstr. (Syn .: Potamogeton reniacoensis Sparre ): It is widespread from Brazil to Uruguay to Argentina and Chile.
- Potamogeton spirillus tuck. : It is widespread in Canada and the USA.
- Potamogeton stenostachys K.Schum. : It is common in Brazil.
- Potamogeton strictifolius A. Benn. : It is common in Eastern Siberia and North America.
- Potamogeton suboblongus Hagstr. : It occurs in New Zealand.
- Potamogeton × subrufus Hagstr. (= Potamogeton lucens × Potamogeton nodosus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × subsessilis Hagstr. (= Potamogeton epihydrus × Potamogeton nodosus ): It occurs in the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton × sudermanicus Hagstr. (= Potamogeton acutifolius × Potamogeton berchtoldii ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton sulcatus A. Benn. : It occurs in eastern Australia.
- Potamogeton sumatranus Miq. : It only occurs in Sumatra.
- Potamogeton tennesseensis Fernald : It is common in the eastern United States.
- Potamogeton tepperi A.Benn. : It is common in the Himalayas to Assam and in Australia.
- Potamogeton × torssandrii (Tiselius) Dörfl. (= Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton lucens × Potamogeton perfoliatus ): It occurs in Northern and Eastern Europe.
- Potamogeton × tosaensis Kadono, Horii & T.Yaman. (= Potamogeton octandrus × Potamogeton pusillus ): It occurs in Japan.
- Potamogeton tricarinatus F. Muell. & A.Benn. : It occurs in Australia and New Caledonia.
- Hair-leaved pondweed ( Potamogeton trichoides Cham. & Schltdl. )
- Potamogeton tubulatus Hagstr. : It is common in Central Asia.
- Potamogeton ulei K.Schum. : It is common in southern Brazil.
- Potamogeton × undulatus Wolfg. (= Potamogeton crispus × Potamogeton praelongus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton uruguayensis A.Benn. & Graebn. : It occurs in Uruguay.
- Potamogeton × variifolius Thore (= Potamogeton berchtoldii × Potamogeton natans ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton vaseyi J.W. Robbins : It is widespread in Canada and the United States.
- Potamogeton × vepsicus A.A. Bobrov & Chemeris (= Potamogeton natans × Potamogeton praelongus ): It occurs in Europe.
- Potamogeton × versicolor Z. Kaplan, Hellq. & Fehrer (= Potamogeton epihydrus × Potamogeton perfoliatus ): It occurs in the northeastern United States.
- Potamogeton wrightii Morong , Syn .: P. malaianus : It is distributed in Asia and on islands in the northwestern Pacific.
- Potamogeton × yamagataensis Kadono & Wiegleb (= Potamogeton natans × Potamogeton octandrus ): It occurs in Japan.
Note: The taxonomic position of the dwarf spawning herbs Potamogeton pusillus and Potamogeton berchtoldii has not yet been adequately clarified due to the great variability. Since the two species are very difficult to tell apart, they are also treated as a collective species " Potamogeton pusillus agg." .
No longer to the genus Potamogeton , but to Stuckenia Börner , for example:
- Potamogeton amblyophyllus C.A.Mey. → Stuckenia amblyophylla (CAMey.) Holub
- Thread pondweed Potamogeton filiformis Pers. → Stuckenia filiformis (Pers.) Börner
- Potamogeton macrocarpus Dobrocz. → Stuckenia macrocarpa (Dobrocz.) Tzvelev
- Pondweed ( Potamogeton pectinatus L. ) and Swiss pondweed ( Potamogeton helveticus (G. Fisch.) WDJ Koch ) → Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
- Potamogeton × suecicus K. dir. (= Potamogeton filiformis × Potamogeton pectinatus ) → Stuckenia × suecica (K. Richt.) Holub
- Potamogeton vaginatus Turcz. → Stuckenia vaginata (Turcz.) Holub : It is common in North America, North Asia , eastern Sweden and western Finland .
- Z. Kaplan: Phenotypic plasticity in Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). In: Folia Geobot. Phytotax. , Volume 37, 2002, pp. 141-170.
- Henning Haeupler , Thomas Muer: picture atlas of the fern and flowering plants of Germany (= the fern and flowering plants of Germany. Volume 2). Published by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3364-4 .
- Lexicon of Biology, Vol. 5. Herder-Verlag, Freiburg 1985. ISBN 3-451-19645-X
- Richard Pott: The plant communities in Germany. UTB, Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart 1992. ISBN 3-8252-8067-5
Individual evidence
- ^ Linnaeus scanned in at in 1753 .
- ^ Potamogeton at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed on August 23, 2014.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Potamogeton. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved June 22, 2018.
- ^ A b c Potamogeton in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved August 23, 2014.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al James Edgar Dandy : Potamogeton L. In: Thomas Gaskell Tutin u. a .: Flora Europaea . Volume 5, pages 7-11. Cambridge University Press 1980. ISBN 0-521-20108-X
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Klaus van de Weyer, Carsten Schmidt, Birgit Kreimeier: Identification key for the aquatic macrophytes (vascular plants, candelabrum algae, mosses) in Germany. Volume 1 + 2. Technical articles by the LUGV (Brandenburg), issue No. 119 + 120, Potsdam 2011.
- ↑ Christel Kasselmann : aquarium plants. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1995; 2nd, revised and expanded edition 1999, ISBN 3-8001-7454-5 , pp. 400-402 ( Potamogeton gayi , Potamogeton schweinfurthii , Potamogeton wrightii ).
- ^ Z. Kaplan: A taxonomic revision of Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae) in Asia, with notes on the diversity and variation of the genus on a worldwide scale. In: Folia Geobotanica , Volume 43, 2008, pp. 159-234.