List of goldsmiths active in the area of ​​the City and Republic of Bern

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The list includes the goldsmiths active in the area of ​​the city ​​and republic of Bern (until 1798) .


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Clewin Goltsmit 1384
Hensli Wild † after 1412
Kaspar Muller † 1528
Peter von Büren † 1530
Bernhard Tillmann † 1541 Chalice of Communion (1540) BT
Lukas Löwensprung † 1552
David Freshheart † 1577 Chalice of Communion (1534) DF
Heinrich Frischherz † approx. 1571 circa 1550 - circa 1570 HF
Anton Peter von Graffenried 1539-1575
Hans Siegel 1540–?
Peter Rohr † 1592
Jakob dulcimer 1545-1576
Jakob wysshan, grande leone, berna 1570-80 ca..JPG Jakob Wysshan 1546-1603 IWH
Cornelius pipe 1555-1606
Hans Zeender 1575-1628 1605- [Bell jar]
Johannes Dürer 1624 From Nuremberg, 1624 Burger from Bern.
Abraham Stettler 1583-1632 - AST
Maritz Haberer 1614
Caspar Wysshan 1579–? CWH
Hans jacob binder II, nave con timoniere, 1650-1700 approx. JPG Hans Jakob Binder 1608–? 1632– HIB
Marquart Zehender I. 1611-1675 MZ
Daniel Wyss DW
Michael Nöthiger I. 1631-1717 - MN
David Friedrich Wyss 1636-1795 DW
Emanuel Wyss 1642-1679 EW
Marquart Zehender II. 1651-1706 MZ
Church Thierachern BE, Holy Communion chalice Johann Anton Wyttenbach.jpg Johann Anton Wyttenbach 1652-1717 1674– AWB
Michael Nöthiger II. 1665-1720 - MN
Daniel Keller 1674-1739 1703– K
Emanuel jenner, leopardo di re William III d'inghilterra, berna 1708.JPG Emanuel Jenner 1657-1741 EGG Maker's mark Emanuel Jenner.jpg
Bernhard Bourgeois 1678-1737 - BB
Abraham Tscher 1680-1746
Daniel Schmalz 1685-1738 1715– DS
Andreas Otth 1685-1765 - AO
Johannes Hug 1685-1770 1717– IH
Alexander Herport 1690-1755 AH
Daniel Schmid 1692-1752 DS
Stuker, Spring 2018, No. 4043.jpg Carl Jenner 1695-1771 1723– CI Master's mark Carl Jenner.jpg
Gabriel Leemann 1709-1767 1738– GL Maker's mark Gabriel Lehmann.jpg
Friedrich Samuel Christians 1709–? 1738– FC
Johann Franz Bizius 1723-1794 1758 FB
Stuker, Autumn 2015, No. 3516.JPG Johann Jakob Dulliker 1731-1810 1759-1800 IID Maker's mark Johann Jakob Dulliker.jpg
Samuel Dick 1768-1809 1792 SD
Ludwig Friedrich Brugger 1770-1849 FB, B


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Stuker, Autumn 2012, No. 4652.jpg circa 1750 TSI


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Hans Trachsel 1613-1651


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Seal Lausanne mg 0639.jpg Antoine Bovard circa 1525
Jean-Philippe Léveillé † 1749 1699-1716 PL
Charles-Louis Rapillard † 1771 CLR
Jean-François Poulet circa 1740 - circa 1750 FP
Potin, Verseuse Louis XV (detail) .jpg Philibert Potin II 1707-1782 PT
Benjamin de Molière circa 1725 - circa 1735 BDM
Pierre de Molière circa 1740 - circa 1750 PDM
Charles Louis Duciel circa 1760 - circa 1770 CLD
Joseph Rubattel circa 1760 - circa 1780 IR
Jean-François Amaron circa 1785 - circa 1795 JFA
Elie Papus 1713-1793 PD
Balthazar Marty circa 1780 - circa 1790 BM
Guillaume Brenner circa 1790 - circa 1800 WB
Christian Frédéric Humbold circa 1780 - circa 1790 CH
Pierre-Henri Dautun 1729-1803 PD
Philippe Vernet † 1794 PV


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Hans Rohr 1737-1808 HER Maker's mark Johann Rudolf Rohr.jpg


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Jean-Pierre Dautun 1704-1768 IPD


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Hans Heinrich Schärer circa 1650


image Surname Lifetime Active, hearty Remarks Maker's mark Image maker's mark
Etienne Marc Giscard † 1750 1732-1750 EMG
André Rossier 1742-1764 AR


  • Old Bern silver , exhibition in Jegenstorf Castle, Bern 1949.
  • Marcel Grandjean: L'argenterie du Vieux-Lausanne , Lausanne 1984.
  • Charlotte King of roof: R & C . Bern 1993.
  • Hanspeter Lanz: Secular silver. Catalog of the collection of the Swiss National Museum Zurich 2 , Zurich 2001.
  • Marie Roosen-Runge: The goldsmiths of the city of Bern. Orders, work and marks , Bern 1951.
  • Robert Ludwig Wyss: The gold and silversmith's work of the Berner Zunft zum Mittellöwen (= history of the Berner Zunft zu Mittellöwen. Vol. 4). Guild of Middle Lions, Bern 1985.
  • Robert L. Wyss: Craftsmanship in gold and silver. The silver dishes of the Bern guilds, societies and civil associations. Bern 1996.

Individual evidence

  1. Roosen-Runge 1951, p. 6.
  5. Hans Braun: Tillmann, Bernhard. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  6. Old Berner Silber, p. 163; Grindelwald parish.
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k König – von Dach 1993, p. 448.
  9. ^ Old Berner Silber, p. 162; Parish of Beatenberg.
  10. Old Berner Silber, p. 162.
  11. Old Berner Silber, p. 178.
  15. Wyss 1996, p. 307.
  16. Wyss 1996, p. 308.
  17. Roosen-Runge 1951, p. 13.
  18. Wyss 1996, p. 294.
  19. Wyss 1996, p. 307.
  20. Wyss 1996, p. 289.
  21. Wyss 1996, p. 302.
  22. Lanz 2001, p. 35.
  23. Wyss 1996, p. 307.
  24. Wyss 1996, p. 308.
  25. Lanz 2001, p. 444.
  27. Wyss 1996, p. 298.
  28. Wyss 1996, p. 290.
  29. Wyss 1996, p. 306.
  30. Wyss 1996, p. 305.
  31. Lanz 2001, p. 444.
  32. Wyss 1996, p. 302.
  33. Wyss 1996, p. 296.
  34. Lanz 2001, p. 35.
  35. Lanz 2001, p. 35.
  36. Wyss 1996, p. 297.
  37. Lanz 2001, p. 447.
  38. Lanz 2001, p. 35.
  39. Wyss 1996, p. 292.
  40. Lanz 2001, p. 35.
  41. Wyss 1996, p. 292.
  42. Roosen-Runge 1951, pp. 12-13.
  43. Lanz 2001, p. 36.
  44. Wyss 1996, p. 291.
  45. Grandjean, p. 33.
  46. Lanz 2001, p. 398.
  47. Lanz 2001, p. 448.
  48. Grandjean 1984, p. 83.
  49. Lanz 2001, p. 401.
  50. Grandjean 1984, p. 118.
  51. Grandjean 1984, p. 38.
  52. Grandjean 1984, p. 36.
  53. Grandjean 1984, p. 88.
  54. Grandjean 1984, p. 91.
  55. Lanz 2001, p. 402.
  56. Grandjean 1984, p. 51.
  57. Grandjean 1984, p. 91.
  58. Grandjean 1984, p. 51.
  59. Lanz 2001, p. 402.
  60. Lanz 2001, p. 402.
  61. Lanz 2001, p. 77.
  62. Lanz 2001, p. 448.
  63. Wyss 1985, p. 60.
  64. Lanz 2001, p. 451.
  65. Lanz 2001, p. 449.