List of esoteric programming languages

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The list contains examples of esoteric programming languages .

  • ArnoldC - The commands look like Arnold Schwarzenegger movie quotes
  • Beatnik - words represent their Scrabble values, by Cliff L. Biffle
  • Befunge - two-dimensional language by Chris Pressey
  • BIT - by David Morgan-Mar
  • Bo³ - similar to Befunge, by Markus Bode
  • Brainfuck - minimal imperative programming language , tiny compiler from Urban Müller
  • Brainfuck2D - Brainfuck projected onto the plane
  • Chef - Code looks like a cooking recipe, by David Morgan-Mar
  • 3Code - by Sean Heber
  • Cow code consists of cow sounds (moo), based (like Ook! And Hohoho!) On Brainfuck, by Sean Heber
  • Emojicode - object-oriented programming language consisting of emojis
  • Emoticon - has emoticons as commands
  • FRACTRAN - Turing-Complete Language by mathematician John Horton Conway , programs consist of a sequence of positive fractions
  • GolfScript - stack-oriented programming language for code golf competitions, which allows a very compact notation (sometimes single characters for complex commands)
  • Haifu - by David Morgan-Mar
  • Hohoho! - based on a three-digit binary coding from Brainfuck (as well as Ook! ), Especially for Santa Clauses
  • HQ9 + - programming language specializing in trivial tasks, by Cliff L. Biffle
  • INTERCAL - should make programming difficult, by Donald R. Woods and James M. Lyon
  • Iota and Jot - has only 2 commands
  • JSFuck is valid JavaScript code, but only uses the characters (,), [,],! and +. Various, more or less adventurous detours are necessary to generate numbers, letters and commands: 2 is !+[]+!![], or by generating the character string "1e1000" and converting it to a number, namely "Infinity", the letter "y" is available . What is special is that JSFuck can serve as a tool to bypass the detection of malicious JavaScript code.
  • Java2K - probabilistic language, by Gerson Kurz
  • KaForkL - programming with RGB images including graphic IDE, by Kore Nordmann
  • LOLCODE - Syntax is made up of web jargon , by Adam Lindsay
  • Loopy - similar to Brainfuck2D
  • Malbhaben - declared worst programming language, by Ben Olmstead
  • Ook! - Syntax consists solely of the word "Ook" and the characters .?!:, like Hohoho! and Cow an encoding from Brainfuck ; by David Morgan-Mar
  • Piet - program code consists of pictures, by David Morgan-Mar
  • Shakespeare Programming Language - Code looks like a play by Shakespeare, by Kalle Hasselström and Jon Åslund
  • Taxi - Directions to a taxi driver, by Sean Heber
  • TrumpScript - alluding to Donald Trump , motto: Making Python great again , by Sam Shadwell
  • Unlambda - minimal functional programming language
  • Vatical - The Apocalypse of Programming Languages ​​designed by the Bavarian Hackerpost
  • Whenever - by David Morgan-Mar
  • Whirl - by Sean Heber
  • Whitespace code consists only of non-printable characters, by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris

Individual evidence

  1. Rise of the Machines? Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes made into a programming language ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Emojicode. Retrieved May 8, 2018 .
  4. (accessed on March 9, 2016)
  5. (accessed on March 9, 2016)
  6. KaForkL - image programming language
  7. Trump Script: Donald Trump programming , The Standard , January 22, 2016
  8. Trump Script , Website Developer
  9. Bavarian Hacker Post: Vatical , September 28, 2017