List of monasteries in Slovakia

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Former Benedictine monastery in Hronský Beňadik, cloister, second oldest monastery in Slovakia

The list of monasteries contains existing and former religious settlements in today's Slovakia .


Ruins of the Katharinenkloster ( Katarínka ) near Dechtice

The oldest monastery in today's Slovakia was founded on Mount Zobor in the early 11th century at the latest. Other Benedictine monasteries followed him . Premonstratensians and Cistercians came from the 12th century, and mendicant orders of the Franciscans , Dominicans and Augustinian hermits in the 13th century , followed by other orders. In the 16th century, most of the monasteries were closed in the course of the Reformation and also because of the threat from the Ottomans.

In the late 17th century, branches of new orders such as the Jesuits were founded as a result of the Counter Reformation, and some older monasteries were repossessed by their orders. In 1787, many monasteries were closed by Emperor Joseph II during his secularizations. In the early 19th century some of them were used again, and new orders such as the Salesians , Redemptorists and Salvatorians were established . In 1950 all monasteries in Slovakia were closed.

Since 1990 religious branches could be established again, in 1998 58 monasteries and religious houses should have existed in Slovakia.

Existing monasteries

Holy Spirit Monastery in Krasný Brod, Greek Catholic, interior view of the chapel

Roman Catholic

Greek Catholic

  • Holy Spirit Monastery Krasný Brod

Former monasteries


  • Antonite Monastery in Bratislava
  • Dravce Monastery


  • Bardejov Monastery, 1380
  • Hrabkov Monastery, 1334
  • Nové město nad Váhom monastery, 1310
  • Spišské Podhradie Monastery, 1327
  • Svätý Jur Monastery, 1279
  • Veľký Šariš Monastery, 1270

brothers of Mercy

  • Bratislava monastery
  • Skalica monastery
  • Spišské Podhradie Monastery


  • Stephen's monastery in Bzovík, around 1130, Premonstratensian from 1135
  • Hronský Beňadik Monastery, 1075
  • Jánošovce Monastery
  • Marian Monastery Krásna near Košice , 1143
  • Zobor Monastery near Nitra , 9./11. Century, oldest monastery in Slovakia
  • Lekir Monastery (today Hronovce)


  • Franciscan monastery of Bardejov
  • Franciscan monastery in Bratislava
  • Katharinenkloster ( Katarínka ) near Dechice, 1618–1786
  • Franciscan monastery Košice
  • Franciscan monastery Nitra
  • Franciscan monastery Trnava


  • Capuchin monastery in Bratislava, 1676
  • Holič Monastery, 1750
  • Pezinok Monastery, 1694


  • Prešov Carmelite Monastery, 1288


  • Red Monastery (Červený Kláštor) in Lechnica, 1319
  • Skala monastery near Letanovce, 1299–1543

Poor Clares

  • Bratislava nunnery, 1297
  • Kežmarok Monastery
  • Poor Clare Monastery Trnava, 1239


  • Banska Štiavnica Monastery, 1774
  • Jesuit monastery Nitra, 1701
  • Podolinec Monastery, 1642
  • Prievidza Monastery, 1666
  • Jesuit monastery Trenčín, 1776

Order of the Holy Sepulcher

  • Chmeľov Commandery, 1212
  • Commandery Huncovce, 1232
  • Commandery of Lendak, 1232


  • Šamorín Monastery, 1690


  • Beckov Monastery, 1430
  • Letanovce Monastery, 1369
  • Marianka Monastery, 1377
  • Trebišov Monastery, 1504
  • Trnava Monastery, 1650


  • Bzovík Monastery, 1135, previously Benedictine
  • Leles Monastery, 1181
  • Nižna Myšľa Monastery, 1288
  • Šahy Monastery, 1238
  • Monastery near Znievom, 1251


  • Trinitarian monastery Bratislava
  • Trinitarian Monastery of Ilava, 17th century
  • Trnava Trinitarian Monastery


  • Ursuline Convent Bratislava, 1676
  • Ursuline Monastery Košice, 1698
  • Modra Ursuline Monastery, 1907
  • Ursuline Monastery Trnava, 1724


  • Bardejov Monastery, 1247
  • Spišský Štiavnik Monastery, 1223

Cistercian women

  • Nunnery Bratislava, 1125, Poor Clares from 1297


  • Stanislav J. Kirschbaum: Monasticism in Slovakia and Slovak national development. In: Ines Angeli Murzaku (Ed.): Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics. Routledge, 2016. ISBN 978-0-415-81959-6 pp. 115-142

Web links

Commons : Monasteries in Slovakia  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stanislav J. Kirschbaum: Monasticism in Slovakia and Slovak national development. In: Ines Angeli Murzaku (Ed.): Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics. Routledge, 2016. ISBN 978-0-415-81959-6 . Pp. 115–142, here p. 135 , with details of some monasteries