Listeria welshimeri

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Listeria welshimeri
Department : Firmicutes
Class : Bacilli
Order : Bacillales
Family : Listeriaceae
Genre : Listeria
Type : Listeria welshimeri
Scientific name
Listeria welshimeri
Rocourt and Grimont 1983

Listeria welshimeri is a gram-positive , non-spore forming, motile , aerobically growing rod-shaped bacterium. It used to becounted amongthe non-pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes . However, due to the lack of pathogenicity, biochemical characteristics and genomic studies, it has been reclassified. The type strain was isolated from the ground in Germany. In addition, it occurs within Europe on plants, in the soil and in animal excrement (from sheep). Listeria welshimeri are either completelyabsent from pathogenicity factorsor are only slightly expressed , so that the bacteria cansurvivewell in the single-cell Tetrahymena . L. welshimerican be found along the food chain in animal organs, sausage meat and in drains.

Individual evidence

  1. Taxonomy of the species Listeria welshimeri Rocourt and Grimont 1983 . doi : 10.1601 / tx.5104 .
  2. Jocelyne Rocourt, Patrick AD Grimont: Notes: Listeria welshimeri sp. nov. and Listeria seeligeri sp. nov. In: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, . tape 33 , no. 4 , 1983, ISSN  1466-5026 , pp. 866-869 , doi : 10.1099 / 00207713-33-4-866 .
  3. Andrea A. Müller, Michael W. Schmid, Ortwin Meyer, Franz G. Meussdoerffer: Listeria seeligeri Isolates from Food Processing Environments Form Two Phylogenetic Lineages . In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology . tape 76 , no. 9 , 2010, ISSN  0099-2240 , p. 3044-3047 , doi : 10.1128 / AEM.02243-09 , PMID 20228097 .