Liu Xiang (Author)

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Liu Xiang

Liu Xiang ( Chinese  劉向  /  刘向 , Pinyin Liú Xiàng , W.-G. Liu Hsiang ; with the maiden name Liu Gengsheng (劉 更生) and the honorary name Zizheng (子 政) * 77 BC (79 BC) .); † 6 BC (8 BC)) is an author of the Han Dynasty in China . He was born in Xuzhou and was related to Liu Bang , the founder of the Han Dynasty. Liu Xiang is credited with the authorship of Zhanguo Ce , the "Collected Stratagems of the Warring States". This work is one of the most important sources for the Warring States Period . He was the first to compile the Shanhaijing (山海經, “Classic of Mountains and Seas”) and some other Confucian classics, such as the Shuo Yuan (説 苑, “Garden of Treatises”) and the Lienü Zhuan (列 女 傳, “ Lore by women").

Liu Xiang came from Xu Province (now Jiangsu ) and was an imperial librarian. His son Liu Xin was a famous astronomer. He developed the astronomical system of triple correspondence.


  • Fei, Zhengang: Liu Xiang . In: Encyclopedia of China (Philosophy Edition), 1st edition

Web links

Wikisource: Liu Xiang  - Sources and full texts (Chinese)