Local Organizing Committee

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The Local Organizing Committee ( LOC for short ), in German Local Committee or Conference Office , is a committee that prepares the infrastructure for a scientific conference , an international congress or another larger conference .

While the technical preparation and in particular the selection of the submitted presentations is the responsibility of a mostly international committee of proven experts (see Scientific Organizing Committee or SOC ), the task of the LOC is the local organization. In contrast to the SOC, it mainly consists of employees or younger scientists from the responsible institution ( university or research institute , academy, specialist society).

The LOC is initially responsible for the infrastructure of the conference location such as the conference rooms. This applies almost 100% to conferences at universities , while those in a congress center have their own organizational units. External (private) service providers or "semi-private" such as COSIS (scientific special purpose association) can also be commissioned with these tasks in some cases, but this is only usual for larger congresses for cost reasons.