Lodewijk Joachim Vleeschouwer

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Lodewijk Joachim Vleeschouwer (French Louis-Joachim Vleeschouwer ; born August 19, 1810 in Antwerp , † October 12, 1866 ibid) was a Flemish writer and journalist .


Lodewijk Joachim Vleeschouwer received lessons from a Latin teacher after attending primary school and then graduated from the Sint-Niklaas grammar school . In 1828 he went to the United States . There he acquired sufficient funds as a language teacher to be able to study medicine at the universities of Paris and Berlin after his return to Europe in 1834 and a stay in London . Although Vleeschouwer, who spoke several languages, successfully completed his training in the medical discipline, he renounced the medical practice and turned instead to journalism. After editing several French and some Flemish papers such as Le Courrier du Limbourg in Brussels and Maastricht since 1840, he returned to Antwerp in 1844 to head the newly founded Handelsblad . It was here that in 1847 he started a satirical paper, De Roskam , written in the Antwerp dialect , which was converted into Het Vaderland in 1848 and died in 1849. From 1847 he published the literary magazine De Broederhand with JW Wolf . In 1851 he took over the editing of the Journal d'Anvers , which he gave up in 1860 to found a satirical paper, Reinaert de Vos . He died in Antwerp on October 12, 1866 at the age of 56.

Of Vleeschouwer's writings, his excellent Dutch translation of Goethe's Faust (Antwerp 1842; 2nd edition 1864) and the sketchbook Stukken en brokken (sketches from his stay in America, Antwerp 1851) are worth mentioning.
