Loeffler Frog Medal

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The Loeffler Frosch Medal is an award given annually by the Society for Virology (GfV) since 2006 to scientists who have made particular contributions to virology in German-speaking countries. It is considered an award for scientific life's work. The award ceremony takes place during the annual GfV spring meeting and is linked to the Loeffler Frosch Lecture held by the award winner. The prize is named after Friedrich Loeffler and Paul Frosch , who first described an animal virus in 1898.

Award winners

Loeffler Frog Prize

Independent of the Loeffler Frosch Medal , the GfV has been awarding the Loeffler Frosch Prize for virologists under 40 years of age since 1994 (as of 2016), which is endowed with 5,000 euros .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Haller (Leopoldina)
  2. Newsletter 02/2020. In: gfv.org. Society for Virology , March 25, 2020, accessed on March 28, 2020 .