Logistician EFZ

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Logisticians ensure the efficient use of high-bay warehouses

The EFZ logistician is a training occupation in Switzerland .

The training lasts 3 years and takes place at the same time in the training company , in the vocational school and in inter-company courses .

The logistician EFZ emerged from the logistics assistant (regulation from 2001), which in turn emerged from the apprenticeship post office worker (regulation from 1997) and warehouse clerk (regulation from 1986).

Occupational areas

The professional fields are distribution, warehouse and transport.

All logisticians in all professional fields are instructed in the operation of industrial trucks.


Delivery of goods
Customer service in the branch

The professional field of distribution is z. B. trained at the post office , where it replaces the teaching profession of postal workers. The colloquial term "postman" describes one, but not all, of the activities of the logistics company distribution. Customer contact is a matter of course.

This occupational field also includes training with a “common motor vehicle distribution” (e.g. scooter or car).


The occupational field of warehouse is z. B. offered by larger industrial companies, food retailers, beverage manufacturers.

This occupational field includes goods acceptance, warehouse management, reordering material, preparation for delivery, etc. Depending on the company, this also includes customer contact or internal transport.


Shunting a freight train

The occupational field of transport is from public transport z. B. offered by the SBB .

Possible areas of work: e.g. B. Baggage and shunting service


  • Primary school graduation
  • sometimes at least 17 years old

Course of training

Vocational school

The vocational school is attended one day a week and has the following content:

  • Professional knowledge (basics of logistics, work processes, customer service)
  • General knowledge
  • German (only EFZ)
  • Legal studies (only EFZ)
  • IT (only EFZ)
  • Sports
  • mathematics

It is possible to attend vocational secondary school at the same time.

Inter-company courses

The inter-company courses include at least 16 and a maximum of 20 days of 8 hours.

Training opportunities

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b http://www.post.ch/p-beruf-weiter-details-logistikassistent.pdf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.post.ch  
  2. http://www.post.li/fileadmin/user_upload/post/unternehmen/dokumente/jobs/lehrstellen/Info_Logistik_070419.pdf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.post.li