Lola Humm-Sernau

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Lola Humm-Sernau (born July 8, 1895 in Berlin ; † 1990 ) worked from 1926 to 1941 as Lion Feuchtwanger's secretary .


Lola Sernau followed Feuchtwanger when he emigrated to Sanary-sur-Mer in southern France in 1933 , but she managed to save some manuscripts before the National Socialists searched, looted and confiscated the Feuchtwanger's house. She was friends with Rudolf Leonhard , who had also gone into exile in southern France. As a result of this friendship, Leonhard came to visit Feuchtwanger more often , where Ernst Toller , Aldous Huxley and Leonhard met in 1936 .

From 1940 to 1941 she was interned, although she had been married to the Swiss Fritz Humm since 1938. When the Feuchtwangers emigrated to the USA in 1941, they finished typing Feuchtwanger's “ Josephus Trilogy ” and then sent it to a publishing house in New York. Again she managed to save some books from Feuchtwanger's library and to send them to him via Lisbon.

After the war, Lola Humm-Sernau published numerous translations, primarily of American literature, in German, for example by Henry Miller , Ellery Queen , Louis Bromfield , Margaret Bell Houston , Warwick Deeping , but also Ian Fleming . After the war, she lived in Ascona , Switzerland , where Eva van Hoboken , another woman around Lion Feuchtwanger, also lived. She saw Feuchtwanger again after sixteen years in his Villa Aurora in January 1957 and spent the rest of her trip with Emil Julius Gumbel in New York.


  • Nortrud Gomringer (ed.): Lion Feuchtwanger, letters to Eva van Hoboken . Edition Splitter, Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-901190-26-0 (also dissertation, University of Bamberg 1996).

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