Loreta Anilionytė-Lozuraitienė

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Loreta Anilionytė (born September 8, 1963 in Kaunas ) is a Lithuanian philosopher, writer and translator. She is a lecturer at the Ethics Department of the Lithuanian University of Education in Vilnius , a research assistant at the Research Institute for Lithuanian Culture and Pranas Dovydaitis Prize winner 2005.  


Loreta Anilionytė studied at the 4th middle school in the second largest Lithuanian city of Kaunas. After graduating from the 41st Middle School in Karoliniškės in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius , she completed her diploma in Lithuanian Philology at Vilnius University . In December 1991 she received her Ph.D. from the same university. Her dissertation on "The value problem in formal and material ethics" is about an analysis of the ethical conceptions of Immanuel Kant and Max Scheler . Her dissertation leader was her future husband Albinas Lozuraitis and Oponent Bronislovas Genzelis .

During her studies, she worked in the Folk Poetry Department at the Institute for Lithuanian Literature and Folk Poetry in Vilnius. After completing her studies, she continued her work at the Research Institute for Lithuanian Culture (formerly Institute for Philosophy, Sociology and Law) as a research assistant in the Department of History of Philosophy. She currently teaches as a lecturer at the Chair of Ethics at the Lithuanian University of Education in Vilnius.

She is a member of the University's Science Council.


Loreta Anilionytė is married to the Lithuanian philosopher and politician Albinas Lozuraitis (* 1934). The couple has a daughter, Ieva Lozuraitytė (* 1996), a lawyer, notary's assistant .


Loreta Anilionytė has published numerous articles on ethics, philosophy and history, written textbooks for school teaching and translated books on philosophy, art studies and psychology. Between 2006 and 2008 she wrote essays for the magazine “Lilit” and Delfi (Internet portal) .

Novel "O kas po to" ("And what after?")

She is the author of the scandalous philosophical essayistic novel “O kas po to?” (2006), which has not yet been translated into German. The novel is about the relationship between high and pop culture, embodied by the two protagonists of the novel, a philosopher and a pop singer. The Lithuanian pop singer Edmundas Kučinskas sees himself as the prototype of this fictional character. Loreta Anilionyte claims in her novel that the culture in Lithuania is closed to the personalities and the gifted people, because the self-preservation instinct of the small country forces itself to be oriented towards the professional average citizen and to the standards and norms of the bourgeois life. Such a social atmosphere determines the hypocrisy and fear of the pop stars in advance, and according to the author, the main brake on talent is. For this novel, she received the 2006 Prize ( Metu debiutas ) from Pravda magazine and the 2006 Prize ( Metu atradimas ) from Cosmopolitan magazine . The novel is characterized by a mixture of eroticism, philosophical reflections on the human being, social criticism and a cool description of the moral failures of Lithuanian society. Loreta Anilionyte stands out from other Lithuanian writers because of her ironic, provocative style of writing.


  • Egoistinė žmogaus prigimtis naujųjų amžių etikoje . Vilnius, 2010.
  • Etika ir asmenybė Maxo Schelerio vertybiniame absoliutizme . Vilnius, 2010. 
More important philosophical articles
  • Blogio profiliai etikoje , “Logos”, no. 25;
  • A. Schopenhauerio etika: pesimizmas ar gyvenimiškas realizmas? , Logos. No. 27;
  • Vertybinio absoliutizmo dilemos ir deontologinė etika , Logos, No. 28;
  • Žmogus - kenčianti būtybė (Keletas kentėjimo problemos recepcijų Vakarų filosofijoje) logos. - 2000. - No. 23
  • Antikinis kinizmas - gyvenimo būdas ar filosofija? Logos, 2001, No. 24;
  • Vertybių problema I. Kanto etikoje Problemos. - V. - 1992 - No. 44.
  • Fanatizmas Neprievarta ir tolerancija kintančioje Rytų ir Vakarų Europoje. Pranešimai ir tezės- V.- 1995.
  • Hegelio etika: dorovė prieš moralę, “Logos”, nos. 38–41;
  • Laisvės samprata I. Kanto etikoje MA darbai. Filosofija. - V. - 1999.
  • E. Husserlio fenomenologijos modifikacijos M. Schelerio aksiologijoje Logos, No. 26;
  • Minervos pelėdos skrydis - Įžanginis str. G.Hegelio "Teisės filosofijos apmatams" GFHegel. Teisės filosofijos apmatai. - V .; Mintis. - 2000;
  • Ressentimento samprata M. Schelerio filosofijoje Logos, No. 43 // Logos, 2008, No. 51;
  • Kanto etikos monologinis formalizmas Logos, No. 46, 2006.
  • V. Sezemano gnoseologijos linkmės - Vosylius Sezemanas. Loginiai ir gnoseologiniai tyrinėjimai. V .: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2011.

  • Ernst von Aster : Filosofijos istorija. V., 1995
  • Arno Anzenbacher : Etiquos įvadas. V .: Aidai, 1995, 2000
  • Joseph Höffner : Krikščioniškasis socialinis mokymas. V .: Aidai, 1996
  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel : Teisės filosofijos apmatai. V .: MIntis, 2000
  • Hans Belting et al. a .: H. Belting ir kt. Meno istorijos įvadas. V.:Alma littera, 2002
  • Fritz Riemann . Pagrindinės baimės formos. Giluminės psichologijos studija. V: Alma littera, 2010; SBN: 978-995538739-8
  • Kurt Tepperwein : Menas mokytis nepavargstant. - Vilnius: Alma littera, 1998
  • Peter Axt, Michaela Axt-Gadermann : Apie tingumo laimę. - Vilnius: Alma littera. - 2003.
  • Veikli krikščionybė versle ir ekonomikoje. Vilnius: Aidai 1996. (iš anglų ir vokiečių k. Vertė Loreta Anilionytė ir Rasa Drazdauskienė)
  • Platonizmas, Plotinas ir dabartis // Sezemanas V. Raštai. - V.- Mintis, 1997
  • Teorinė Marburgo mokyklos filosofija // Sezemanas V. Raštai. - V. - Mintis, 1997
  • Vosylius Sezemanas: Loginiai ir gnoseologiniai tyrinėjimai. V .: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2011. ISBN 978-9955-868-33-0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. PhD
  2. LEU info