Jan Kammann

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Jan Kammann (* 1979 in Bremen ) is a German teacher , author and world traveler .

Kammann works as a teacher for English and geography at the Europaschule Gymnasium Hamm in Hamburg . There he taught an international preparatory class with students from 22 countries. In 2016 he took a sabbatical year to visit 14 of these countries. These included Armenia , Poland , Cuba , Colombia , Nicaragua , Kosovo , Iran , Ghana , South Korea and Russia . He reports on this trip in his first book, which shortly after its publication at the beginning of September 2018 was ranked 8th on the bestseller list Top 25 Paperback of the Börsenblatt and 12th on the paperback bestseller list of Spiegel magazine and met with a great response in the German media .


  • Jan Kamman: A German classroom: 30 students, 22 nations and a teacher on a world tour . Malik , Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-89029-500-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frankfurter Neue Presse: Teacher visits his students' home countries | Frankfurter Neue Presse . ( fnp.de [accessed on September 13, 2018]).
  2. Jan Kammann's blog
  3. Best seller list Top 25 paperback of the Börsenblatt
  4. Spiegel bestseller list LITERATURE SPIEGEL bestseller list paperback 38/2018
  5. "You want to be a normal student. Nothing else." In: Deutschlandfunk Nova . ( deutschlandfunknova.de [accessed on September 13, 2018]).
  6. A teacher travels to the countries of origin of his students . In: Deutschlandfunk Nova . ( deutschlandfunknova.de [accessed on September 13, 2018]).
  7. Sebastian von Hacht: Unusual World Tour: 20 Nations - A teacher travels in the footsteps of his students . In: THE WORLD . September 4, 2018 ( welt.de [accessed September 13, 2018]).