Lotte Kliebert

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Lotte Kliebert (born October 15, 1887 in Würzburg ; † November 27, 1991 ibid) was a German musician and music teacher who shaped the development of music in Würzburg for almost the entire 20th century and who was one of the promoters of new music . From 1957 to 1984 she was chairwoman of the Tonkünstlerverband Würzburg .


Lotte Kliebert was the daughter of the composer Karl Kliebert , who was also director of the Royal Music School in Würzburg, which emerged from a music institute in 1875 . Her mother was Lotte Urlichs, the daughter of the Würzburg archaeologist and philology professor Ludwig Ritter v. Urlichs. She founded the Würzburg private music teachers' association in 1911 and even then advocated the occupation with the composers of the then completely new, often still strongly hostile new music in music lessons . After the Second World War , she re-founded the association in 1955 and remained chairwoman until 1984.

Kliebert finally put her interest in New Music into practice in 1958 by founding the Studio for New Music . Musicians and professors from the University of Music Würzburg who compose or play new music are involved in the Studio for New Music . The existence of the studio contributed to the fact that the Würzburg University of Music now occupies a leading position throughout Europe for new music and has been able to attract many progressive composers and musicians such as Bertold Hummel and Siegfried Fink . For this purpose, she made the university an honorary citizen .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tonkünstlerverband Würzburg e. V .: Website (club history and structure) .
  2. Main-Post: "In memory of Lotte Kliebert" (October 16, 2007)
  3. ^ Sybille Grübel: Timeline of the history of the city from 1814-2006. In: Ulrich Wagner (Hrsg.): History of the city of Würzburg. 4 volumes, Volume I-III / 2, Theiss, Stuttgart 2001-2007; III / 1–2: From the transition to Bavaria to the 21st century. Volume 2, 2007, ISBN 978-3-8062-1478-9 , pp. 1225-1247; here: p. 1231.
  4. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Ehrenbürger@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /

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