Lotte Sarrow

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Lotte "Lotti" Sarrow (born September 11, 1877 in Rosenberg , West Prussia ; † in the 20th century ), married name Lotte Vacano , was an actress and dancer who worked in Germany and Europe.


Sarrow already belonged to the ensemble of the Deutsches Theater under Otto Brahm in the theater season 1896/97 . After a year-long interlude in Gera , she returned to the Deutsches Theater Berlin until 1902. Rudolf Steiner judged the actress, who was only around twenty years old, at the time: “Lotti Sarrow doesn't seem to have any of the things that the actor has to bring with him to his job.” Other stations were the Belle Alliance Theater , Cologne , however also Munich and Vienna .

Sarrow is described as "very pretty" and despite Steiner's less than encouraging criticism ( Alfred Kerr and Alfred Kausen later also disagreed) played great roles at a young age, for example at the Deutsches Theater, for example, Frau Henschel in Fuhrmann Henschel or Salome at the Hoftheater in Munich . Rudolf Frank later recalled the impressive personality of Sarrow in this context: “She was neo-romantic down to her fingertips and, chatting in conversation at the table, had the same suggestive demonic tones as on stage as Salome à la Beardsley. Cheese was served for dessert. She thrust out her palms defensively, reared her upper body tragically and shouted, frightening and pitying: 'I don't like cheese!'. She called it so impressively that I didn't like cheese for decades. "

Sarrow caused a tangible theatrical scandal when she, as Maurice Maeterlinck demanded, when Monna Vanna appeared undressed under her coat in the play of the same name and showed a little too much of her bare skin during the performance for the taste of the audience at the time. Storms of indignation were the result. The police ordered a change of costume and obliged the actress to wear a jersey under her coat in future.

Sarrow was married to the writer Stefan Vacano . After the founding of Lotti Sarrow ensembles, the board her husband as director, the couple from the late first decade of the 20th century, with guest appearances Mimodramen Stefan Vacanos all year successfully in the major cities of Europe. The ensemble around Sarrow, who performed with their own decorations and equipment, also included the actor Hans Lanser-Ludolff as director and actor . Stefan Vacano also acted as an actor. Lotti Sarrow was later recognized abroad as a famous Russian actress.

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Individual evidence

  1. GND 116808241
  3. ^ The correspondence Arthur Schnitzler-Otto Brahm: complete edition, Niemeyer 1975, p. 64
  4. Rudolf Frank: Playtime of my life , L. Schneider 1960, p. 50
  5. Gertrude Aretz: The elegant woman: A depiction of customs from Rococo to the present , 2012, p. 374
  6. ^ New theater almanac. Volume 21, FA Günther, 1910, p. 515
  7. The playgoer and society illustrated. Volume Seven , London 1913