Louay Almokdad

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Louay Almokdad (2016)

Louay Almokdad , Arabic لؤي المقداد Luaiy al-Miqdad , DMG Luʾayy al-Miqdād (born December 20, 1982 in Damascus ), is a Syrian - British businessman and politician .


Almokdad went to secondary school in Damascus . He later studied at the American University of Kyrenia in Cyprus , majoring in political science .

Participation in the Syrian Revolution

Almokdad is a secular opposition member. From 2012 to 2015 he served as spokesman for the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army and as its media and political coordinator. Until his resignation in 2015, he was a member of the national coalition of Syrian revolutionary and opposition forces .

Almokdad is known for his opposition both to the Syrian regime and to extremist Islamic groups such as the Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front . He asserts this in several of his interviews in both the Arab and international media. On December 12, 2012, the Syrian regime issued arrest warrants for Almokdad, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Okab Sakr . They were accused of providing financial support to the Syrian opposition groups.

Interpol rejected the Syrian arrest warrant. According to a memo from Interpol to local offices in Arab countries and around the world, the organization decided not to include the arrest warrants in its database , as the organization's rules “[...] strictly forbid any intervention or conduct activity based on political problems ”. Almokdad founded several institutions for political and media affairs in the Middle East, including "Masarat", which is responsible for humanitarian affairs in Syria and particularly directed against the extremist ideas among some of the conflicting parties in Syria.

Individual evidence

  1. الإتجاه المعاكس - هل تصلح روسيا كوسيط نزيه بين المعارضة السورية والنظام؟ (Louay Almokdad: The opposite direction - is Russia to serve as an honest broker between the Syrian opposition and the regime?) On YouTube Al Jazeera Arabic قناة الجزيرة
  2. حوار مع لؤي المقداد ، المنسق السياسي والاعلامي للجيش السوري الحر (france 24: Dialogue with Louay Mokdad, political and media coordinator FRANCE FSA) on YouTube 24/24 ران
  3. Louay Al-Mokdad, Free Syrian Army spokesman on YouTube FRANCE 24 English
  4. FSA: Negotiations are only propaganda - CNN Video. edition.CNN.com, January 15, 2014, accessed January 1, 2017 .
  5. Syria seeks arrest of Lebanese former PM Hariri. In: Reuters UK. Reuters Editorial, December 12, 2012, accessed January 1, 2017 .
  6. Naharnet: Interpol Rejects Interfering in Syrian arrest warrants against Lebanese Officials, FSA members. In: The Syrian Observer. December 14, 2012, accessed January 1, 2017 .
  7. ^ Syrian Center for political coordination and media - courses of action team. masaratsyria.com, May 7, 2014, archived from the original on May 7, 2014 ; Retrieved May 7, 2014 (Arabic).