Sohland reservoir

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Sohland reservoir
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Location: Upper Lusatia
Tributaries: Ellersdorfer Wasser , Auenbach
Drain: into the Spree
Larger places on the shore: Sohland on the Spree
Sohland reservoir (Saxony)
Sohland reservoir
Coordinates 51 ° 3 '36 "  N , 14 ° 26' 7"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 3 '36 "  N , 14 ° 26' 7"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: (1937-1941) 2001-2004
Height above the river bed : 2-3 m
Crown length: 750 m
Crown width: 5 m
Base width: 20 m
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 90,000-100,000 m²dep1
Reservoir length 800 mdep1
Reservoir width 70-100 mdep1
Total storage space : 220,000 m³
Upper Lusatia 2012-05-26-7182.jpg
Information board for the redesign
The old reservoir, 1953

The Sohland reservoir is a dam in Sohland on the Spree in the Saxon district of Bautzen . The recreation facility was built between 1937 and 1941 for flood protection on the Spree . The reservoir was redesigned between 2001 and 2004 and has since been fed by the Ellersdorfer Wasser and the Auenbach. The Spree was diverted past it and has served as a drain for the reservoir ever since.



The reservoir is located north of the road bridge on federal highway 98 in the Spreetal. From the east, the “Biergarten am Stausee” flows into the Ellersdorfer Wasser and from the south the Auenbach or the Frühlingsthaler Wasser. To the west, the Spree flows past the reservoir, separated by a dam. The outflow and flood relief structure is located at the northwestern end of the lake . The outlet at Altscheidenbach is through a DN 500 pipeline into the Spree. The reservoir is located on the Oberlausitzer Bergweg . To the northeast are the remains of the Sohlander Castle on a mountain spur .

The Mälzerberg ( 413  m ) rises to the north, the Kälbersteine ( 487  m ) to the northeast, the Schloßberg ( 323  m ) to the east and the Frühlingsberg ( 352  m ) to the southeast .

Neighboring places

Altscheidenbach Ellersdorf
Altscheidenbach Neighboring communities
Mushroom hamlet Niedersohland Wendisch-Sohland


As a result of the excessive regulation at Fugau and Taubenheim , with an increased gradient and an increased flow speed of the Spree, the flood damage increased in the river sections below from 1930 onwards. The Spree entertainment cooperative therefore saw the need to build a reservoir. A 15 hectare meadow near Wendisch-Sohland was selected as a suitable site.

Between 1937 and 1941, an 80 m long dam with a crown width of 4 meters was built near Altscheidenbach by the Reich Labor Service on the Spree . To this end, 50,000 m³ of earth were moved. The 1.3 km long and up to 200 m wide reservoir had a maximum depth of 6 m and a water surface of 12.8 ha. The flood discharge was controlled by an automatic, 25 m long iron dam . The degree of expansion is very low. Already during the construction phase, doubts arose about the water management benefits of the dam with a total storage space of 220,000 m³ with an annual inflow of 53.6 million m³.

The reservoir was adopted by the people of Sohland as a destination for excursions after the Second World War and used as a boat pond. There was no need for official use as a bathing lake, as the Mittelohlander open-air swimming pool was only a good kilometer southwest. The fears expressed during the construction came true: the regulation of the Spree in Sohland in 1947 meant that the storage space became even more of a collecting basin for the debris transported through the straightened stream . On an annual average, around 7500 m³ of sediments from the Spree were deposited in the reservoir. With the increasing pollution of the river, the reservoir also acquired the character of a sedimentation basin and a river sewage treatment plant, which caused odor nuisance. The reservoir was completely silted up about every 15 years and had to be cleaned at great cost. It was last desludged in the 1980s. In the autumn of 1989, the again heavily muddy reservoir was closed, but boat rental could be resumed in 1990. Since that time, the municipality of Sohland has developed a concept for sustainable rehabilitation of the popular lake. In 2000 the old Sohland reservoir was drained forever.

On the basis of a project by DBI -EWI Ingenieurgesellschaft Freiberg , the state dam administration of Saxony commissioned Steinle-Bau GmbH in Löbau on December 17, 2001 to redesign the reservoir as a local recreation center for the community of Sohland. The main focus of the project, which was completed in 2004, was, in addition to clearing the sediment, the construction of a new, natural-looking river bed of the Spree running past the reservoir over a length of 1.2 km. The inlet of the Ellersdorf water into the reservoir was designed to be natural. If necessary, a reservoir feed was created from the Spree. The cleared sediments were used to cover the Niedercunnersdorf landfill . The kingfisher was able to be resettled on the steep bank of the Spree west of the reservoir . On September 17, 2004, the new Sohland dam was inaugurated as a local recreation center. Today the facility is a local recreation center with festival, barbecue and playgrounds as well as a restaurant with boat rental and beer garden.

The storage space is 70 to 150 m wide and 650 m long, an average of 2 m to a maximum of 3 m deep, with a water surface of a maximum of 9.5 ha.

The sustainable renovation and redesign of the Sohland reservoir was honored with a special mention in 2010 at the Saxon State Prize for Building Culture .


Web links

Commons : Sohland reservoir  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Saxon State Prize for Building Culture ( Memento of the original from December 31, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /