Louis-Lucien Rochat

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Louis-Lucien Rochat (born January 7, 1849 in Geneva ; † December 10, 1917 there ) was a Swiss Reformed clergyman.

Rochat was the son of the Geneva watchmaker Henri Moïse Samuel and his wife Adélaïde Isaline nee. Heunisch. After attending school in Geneva and the Männedorf commercial school , Rochat began an apprenticeship in a Geneva textile trading company in 1865. After graduating from high school , he began to study theology in Geneva in 1868 . Ordination followed in 1875. After a short vicariate in Thun and a stay in England, Rochat was vicar in Cossonay , Canton of Vaud, from 1876 to 1877 . From 1877 to 1882 he performed his pastoral service in Commugny . During this time he married Selma Weiss in 1881.

In 1877, inspired by the Anglo-Saxon temperance movement , Rochat founded the "Swiss Temperenzverein", from which first the Swiss and then the international federation of Blue Cross associations emerged . Until 1900 Rochat was president of the Swiss Blue Cross after he had given up the parish office. From 1886 to 1904 he was also President of the International Federation of Temperance Associations of the Blue Cross. In 1909, Rochat got from the University of Geneva the honorary doctorate awarded.


  • Our principles and God's word, 1883 (French: Nos Principes et la Parole de Dieu, 1879)


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Individual evidence

  1. Benita Storch:  Louis-Lucien Rochat. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 8, Bautz, Herzberg 1994, ISBN 3-88309-053-0 , Sp. 458-460.
  2. ^ Thomas K. Kuhn: Louis-Lucien Rochat. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . November 22, 2010 , accessed June 7, 2019 .