Louis-Pierre Anquetil

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Louis-Pierre Anquetil (born January 21, 1723 in Paris , † September 6, 1808 ) was a French historian .

Louis-Pierre Anquetil


Anquetil was the older brother of the future orientalist Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron and studied theology with him at the Collège Mazarin . At the end of his studies Anquetil joined the congregation of Sainte-Genevieve and was entrusted as such with the direction of a seminary in Reims . During these years his Histoire de Reims was created , which is considered one of his best works. Anquetil was later appointed director of the Collège von Senlis . Around 1790 he was promoted to pastor in La Villette near Paris.

As a pastor, he lost his office in the first years of the French Revolution . He was imprisoned during the reign of terror from 1793 to 1794 . When the Institut de France was founded, he became a member of the second class there. When Napoleon I was elected First Consul , the state administration was also restructured. As a result, Anquetil found a job with the State Department . Anquetil held this office until his death at the age of 85 on September 6, 1808.


  • History de Reims . 1756-57 (3 vols.).
  • Précis de l'histoire universelle . 1834 (12 vols.).
  • Histoire de France depuis les Gaules jusqu'à la fin de la monarchie . Paris 1805 (continued by Louis Baude 1876–79, 11 vols.)
  • Louis XIV. , Sa cour et le régent . 1789 (first edition, 4 vols.), 1819 (2nd, posthumous edition, 2 vols.)
  • Motifs des guerres et des traités de paix de la France pendant les régnes de Louis XIV., Louis XV. et Louls XVI. 1797.
  • L'eprit de la Ligue ou Histoire politique des Troubles de France pendant les XVIe & XVIIe siecles (3 vols.) 1779