Lu Brandali

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Giants grave Lu Brandali
Giants grave Lu Brandali

The Lu Brandali site is located in the district of Santa Reparata, in the southwest of Santa Teresa di Gallura in the province of Sassari in Sardinia . It consists of a giant tomb , a protonuragh with the remains of an outer wall with two towers and a separate round complex ( Italian capanna ) in the extreme south and the nuragic settlement consisting of seven structures . The 321 known giant tombs are mostly monuments of the Bronze Age Bonnanaro culture (2,200–1,600 BC), the precursor culture of the nuragic culture .

The settlement

Outside the fortified complex around the Protonuraghen are the mostly round hut remains of the nuragic settlement . This includes numerous tafoni and crevices in the rock that served as rooms. Because of their small size, unsuitable tafoni were used as graves (as in Corsica ). The huts are double-walled walls stabilized with clay, which lie between rock formations, build on them or integrated them like Corsican torres . Inside, the floor consists of rammed earth, with protruding rock banks on which the buildings are supported. Large rooms are accompanied by smaller ones that had special functions. The traces of the manufacture of ceramics can be seen in one room.


The excavation brought to light pots and cooking surfaces for the preparation of food, vessels for milk, accessories made of terracotta, perforated supports for skewers next to the fireplace. This also includes the bones of sheep, goats and birds together with remains of mussels and fish bones.

The giant grave is torn down to the foundation walls. The protonuraghe is badly damaged.

Time position

Based on the materials found, the settlement can be traced back to between the 14th and 10th centuries BC. To date.

See also


  • Angela Antona Ruju: Lu Brandali (Santa Teresa di Gallura). In: Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche. Vol. 36, 1981, pp. 357-358.

Web links

Coordinates: 41 ° 13 '59.4 "  N , 9 ° 10' 35.6"  E