Lucian Boia

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Lucian Boia (2019)

Lucian Boia (born February 1, 1944 in Bucharest , Romania ) is a Romanian historian and author.


Boia studied at the University of Bucharest and has taught history there since 1990. He is the head of the "Institute for Stereotype Research" which he founded. In numerous publications (eg “Geschichte und Mythos” or “Why is Romania different?”) He criticized mostly nationalistic myths and dogmas of Romanian historiography and fought against their continued dissemination in school books (“Lehrbuch-Scandal”, 1999).

Boia also dealt with the question of extraterrestrial life on Mars and supported the presidential candidacy of historian Crin Antonescu in 2009 .

Publications (selection)

  • History and myth. On the present of the past in Romanian society , Böhlau Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2003.
  • Tragedia Germaniei: 1914–1945 , Ed. Humanitas Bucureşti 2010.
  • The First World War. Controversies, paradoxes, new interpretations , Schiller Verlag Bonn / Hermannstadt 2016.

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