Luciobarbus bocagei

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Luciobarbus bocagei
Luciobarbus bocagei

Luciobarbus bocagei

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Genre : Luciobarbus
Type : Luciobarbus bocagei
Scientific name
Luciobarbus bocagei
( Steindachner , 1864)

Luciobarbus bocagei is one of the large barbel species that can only be found on the Iberian Peninsula. In English it is called Common Iberian Barbel, in Portuguese Barbo-do-Norte or Barbo Comum and in Spanish Barbo Común. Luciobarbus bocagei was named in honor of the Portuguese zoologist and politician José Vicente Barboza du Bocage .


Head section of the Iberian barbel

L. bocagei differs from L. comizo in that it has a shorter and wider head and a different dorsal fin morphology. The fish species can be up to 80 centimeters long. In 2007 an 11.50 kilogram specimen was caught in the Lagunas de Ruidera, the source of the Rio Guadiana . Other fish in the range of 10 to 12 kilograms of body weight come from the Rio Tajo, Rio Duero, Rio Vouga and Rio Mondego .


Distribution area of ​​the Iberian barbel

Luciobarbus bocagei is common in the Atlantic catchment on the Iberian Peninsula in Portugal and Spain . The species prefers middle and lower reaches of rivers with moderate currents such as in the Rio Lima , Sado , Duero and Tajo .

Way of life

Young fish of the Iberian barbel with typical staining

The two sympatric species Luciobarbus bocagei and Luciobarbus comizo inhabit different microhabitats , with the latter type preferring sections of water with less current. Luciobarbus bocagei feeds primarily on small animals living in the ground, detritus and plants on the bottom of the water. Larger specimens can also prey on smaller fish. The spawning season begins in late spring or early summer from May to June on fast-flowing stretches of water in the upper reaches of the river. Outside the spawning season, the species inhabits calm stretches of water. The males are sexually mature at three years and seven centimeters in length, while the females require twice as much time and sometimes only become sexually mature at eight years and 20 centimeters in length. Luciobarbus bocagei is one of the long-lived animal species with a maximum age of 14 years. Compared to other European barbs, Luciobarbus bocagei is characterized by slow annual growth, early maturity and high fertility.


Originally the Ebro barbel ( L. graellsii ) and the Andalusian barbel ( L. sclateri ) were classified as subspecies of L. bocagei . Especially in the middle reaches of the Tagus there is often a hybridization of barbel species, for example with the threatened Comizo barbel ( L. comizo ). The two species and their hybrids are difficult to distinguish, but L. bocagei has a longer and broader head and the last unbranched ray of the dorsal fin has a shorter serrated part (but with more densely set prongs). With regard to the first two characteristics, the hybrids stand between the original species, with the latter they are more similar to L. comizo . The two species can also be distinguished based on their preferred microhabitats. L. comizo mainly lives in quiet sections of the river.


Luciobarbus bocagei is a sport fish for anglers.

Endangerment status

Although Luciobarbus bocagei is only found in a relatively small geographic area, its species is not considered endangered according to the IUCN .

Web links

Commons : Luciobarbus bocagei  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Luciobarbus bocagei on (English)
  2. ^ Fishing World Records
  3. M. Harrera, C. Fernández-Delgado: The life-history patterns of Barbus bocagei sclateri (Günther, 1868) in a tributary stream of the Guadalquivir River Basin, Southern Spain at 10.1111 / j.1600-0633.1992.tb00006.x / abstract
  4. Ana Almodóvar, Graciela Nicola and Elvira Benigno: Natural hybridization of Barbus bocagei x Barbus comizo (Cyprinidae) in Tagus River Basin, Central Spain, 2008, Cybium Vol. 32 (2): 99-102 on http: //www.ucm .es / info / zoo / Vertebrados / elvira / Almodovaretal2008.pdf