Lucius Antistius Vetus (Consul 55)

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Lucius Antistius Vetus († around 65 in Rome ) was a Roman senator of the 1st century AD and probably the son of the consul of the year 23, Gaius Antistius Vetus . In the year 55 he held the consulate together with Emperor Nero . In the same year he became a legate of the Upper German Army. He was replaced from this post the following year.

In 64/65 Antistius became proconsul of the province of Asia . After falling from grace, he returned to Rome. In order to avoid being charged, he and his daughter Antistia Politta escaped by suicide. He was very likely the brother of Gaius Antistius Vetus , consul in 50.

According to Tacitus , Vetus wanted to connect the Saône and the Moselle with a canal in order to create a navigable waterway from the Mediterranean via the Rhine to Britain.


Individual evidence

  1. Werner Eck : The Rhine as the lifeline of the cities of Roman Germania , In: From cura aquarum to the EU Water Framework Directive - five years of the DWhG , ed. Ch. Ohlig on behalf of DWhG, Volume 11 of the DWhG publications, Siegburg 2007, pp. 109–126, here p. 115 ( online ).