Lucius Laberius Maximus

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Lucius Laberius Maximus was a Roman knight and was mentioned in 42 as the son of an aedile of the same name from Lanuvium .

In the year 71, at the time when the end of the militarily organized resistance of the Jewish war was looming, he was first recorded under Vespasian as imperial procurator in the Roman province of Judea , where he was subordinate to the legate Sextus Lucilius Bassus . For the inauguration of the completed Colosseum , the opening games were held in 80 under Emperor Titus . The new office of procurator amphitheatrum flavianum was probably created for the organizational activities relating to the extraordinary amphitheater . As the first incumbent, Lucius Laberius Maximus had the task of assigning places of honor to the Arval Brothers' college of priests in addition to other high-ranking personalities . In the following year, as Praefectus annonae, he was responsible for the grain supply of the city of Rome . In 83, Lucius Laberius Maximus was briefly appointed governor of the imperial province of Egypt . The following year he was appointed Praetorian prefect by Emperor Domitian . He held this post, which marked the end of his remarkable career, until the year 92.

Lucius Laberius Maximus was the father of Manius Laberius Maximus , who crossed the Danube during the First Dacian War as the commander of an independently operating army group in the campaign of Trajan against the last King Decebalus of Dacia and marched to Tibiscum (today in the area of Caransebeş ).



  1. CIL 14, 2097
  2. Flavius ​​Josephus , Jüdischer Krieg 7, 216.
  3. CIL 6, 2059
  4. CIL 16, 29
predecessor Office successor
Gaius Tettius Africanus Cassianus Priscus Prefect of the Roman Province of Egypt
Gaius Septimius Vegetus