Lucius Valerius Flaccus (Consul 195 BC)

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The Roman politician Lucius Valerius Flaccus († 180 BC ) was an ally of Catos the Elder .

As a conservative, Flaccus supported Cato's role as a defender of Roman tradition against Hellenism . He was born in 201 BC. Chr. Curule aedile , 199 v. BC Praetor in Sicily and 195 BC Together with Cato Consul . During his consulate, Flaccus defeated the Boier and Insubrians . 191 BC He was a legate to Thermopylae . As a triumvir , he helped in 190 BC. In the defense of Placentias and Cremonas and founded Bononia ( Bologna ). He was born in 184 BC. BC together with Cato Zensor and Princeps senatus when Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus died. He himself died in 180 BC. His son of the same name dressed in 152 BC. The consulate.
