Lucius Valerius Poplicola Balbinus Maximus

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Lucius Valerius Poplicola Balbinus Maximus was a Roman politician and senator of the 3rd century AD

Balbinus Maximus' official career has been handed down through three inscriptions. He began his career as sevir equitum Romanorum (leader of a squadron of Roman knights); after that he was triumvir capitalis (head of the prisons). This was followed by the Quaestur as a candidate of the emperor and the praetur , also as a candidate of the emperor, where he was responsible for questions in the guardianship as praetor tutelaris (before 240). This was followed by the legacy in the province of Asia .

In 253 Balbinus Maximus became full consul with Emperor Volusianus . Probably after his consulate he held the office of curator rei publicae Laurentium Lavinatium in the priesthood of the Laurentes Lavinates . As curator aquarum et Miniciae , Balbinus Maximus was responsible for the water supply (maintenance of the aqueducts) and the grain supply to Rome. Afterwards he was praefectus alimentorum viae Flaminiae (prefect for the supply of needy cities along the Via Flaminia ). Balbinus Maximus was a member of the Quindecimviri sacris faciundis priests college .

Balbinus Maximus was probably a son of the two-time consul Lucius Valerius Maximus .



  1. That Balbinus Maximus is actually identical with the consul of the year 253 is evident from an inscription where instead of Maximus Publicola was written. AE 1982, 654 .
  2. AE 1998, 281 , CIL 6, 1531 , CIL 6, 1532
  3. CIL 10,4571
  4. Jörg Rüpke , Anne Glock: Fasti sacerdotum. The members of the priesthoods and the sacred functional staff of Roman, Greek, Oriental and Judeo-Christian cults in the city of Rome from 300 BC. Chr. To 499 AD. Part 2: Biographies (= Potsdamer Classical Studies . Volume 12.2). Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-515-07456-2 , p. 1355.