Ludolf von Wedel

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Ludolf von Wedel († around 1321) was Truchseß of Margrave Otto IV.

Ludolf von Wedel is mentioned in 1302 as a Brandenburg governor in the country over the Oder . Between 1305 and 1308 he served as Truchseß for Margrave Otto IV. In the period between 1305 and 1307 at the earliest, he was enfeoffed with the towns of Schlawe and Pollnow in the east of Pomerania .

In addition, he was in possession of the extensive later terrae Falkenburg, Tütz and Böthin , probably since the acquisition of the area by the margraves in 1296 . Several of his seven sons emerged there as city founders: Heinrich and Johann in 1313 in Märkisch-Friedland , and Ludeke and Hasso (I) from Wedel-Falkenburg in 1333 in Falkenburg . Hasso, however, had named himself after Falkenburg as early as 1322, and Helga Cramer suspected that Ludolf himself could have laid out the town and castle of Falkenburg before 1313. Hasso von Wedel-Falkenburg and Johann von Wedel were his grandchildren.


  • Helga Cramer: The Lords of Wedel in the country over the Oder. Property and rule formation up to 1402. In: Yearbook for the history of Central and East Germany . Volume 18, Berlin 1969.
  • Christian Gahlbeck: On the origin and composition of the Neumark nobility up to the middle of the 14th century. In: Klaus Neitmann (Hrsg.) Landlord, nobility and cities in the medieval and early modern Neumark. Berlin 2015, pp. 115–181.
  • Edward Rymar : Historia polityczna i społeczna Nowej Marchii w średniowieczu (do roku 1535). , Gorzów Wlkp., 2015.