Ludwig Arnoul

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Ludwig Arnoul (born June 20, 1896 in Neu-Isenburg ; † December 11, 1975 ) was a German SPD politician and mayor of Neu-Isenburg. He came from the line of Pierre Arnoul and was the brother of Wilhelm Arnoul (1893-1964).


Ludwig Arnoul was a trained electrical engineer. He was seriously injured during the First World War, but was able to work again after the war. During the “Third Reich” he was arrested several times; as a Social Democrat he had already been dismissed from his position in 1933.

After the Second World War he returned to his hometown and initially took up his post as head of the police. On July 1, 1948, he was elected by the city parliament to be the first alderman and deputy of the acting mayor Adolf Bauer . As a department head for the municipal building department and the municipal utilities, he was instrumental in the reconstruction of the destroyed Neu-Isenburg.

On March 10, 1954, he was elected mayor and took office in July 1954. He remained in office until October 31, 1972. The reconstruction and upswing of Neu-Isenburg after the Second World War are closely linked to its name.


On the occasion of his 40th service anniversary, he was made an honorary citizen of the city of Neu-Isenburg in 1969 by the city council. At the end of his term of office, the city council awarded him the honorary title of "former mayor". In addition, Arnoul was the recipient of the Great Federal Cross of Merit , the Freiherr vom Stein plaque , the Great Plaque of Honor of the city of Neu-Isenburg and the Wilhelm Arnoul Medal. In addition, a street in Neu-Isenburg was named after him.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d anniversary of Pierre Arnoul's death , Stadt Neu-Isenburg, accessed on January 15, 2019