Ludwig Stahl (actor)

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Ludwig Stahl, actually Ludwig Beer, Simon-Louis Beer (born April 4, 1856 in Brno , Moravia , † August 24, 1908 in Blankenberge , Belgium ) was an Austrian officer , theater actor , director and director .


Ludwig Stahl, son of the manufacturer Anton Beer, joined the Austrian army and took part in the campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina as an officer. When he returned home, Adolf von Sonnenthal believed that he found the young lieutenant to be a talented actor and prompted him to devote himself to the stage. Since Stahl was also very fond of this profession, he quit his job, stepped into the reserve and took dramatic lessons from the lecturer Maximilian Streben . He made rapid progress and on July 8, 1879, he was able to dare his first attempt at acting at the summer theater in Augsburg. This was followed by an engagement at the combined theaters of Bozen and Meran, from where he was immediately recommended to the Stadttheater in Vienna and had the opportunity there for four years to develop further artistically under the direction of Mitterwurzer and Tyrolt . With the fire of the city theater, his artistic activity was only briefly interrupted, because in the same year (1884) Mitterwurzer called him to the Carltheater . This was followed by the Leipzig City Theater from 1885 to 1886, then the St. Petersburg Court Theater. Six years at the Berlin theater followed. Then from 1894 to 1895 at the Thaliatheater in Hamburg, from where he followed a call to Berlin, first to the Lessing Theater (1895 to 1897), and then again to the Berlin Theater (1897 to 1899). During his activity at the Berlin theater from 1890 to 1894, Stahl also worked as a director, from 1894 to 1895 at the Thaliatheater in Hamburg and from 1895 to 1897 at the Lessing Theater as head director in Berlin. In 1899, after the artist had achieved resounding success in his guest performance at the Dresden Court Theater, he was committed to this art institute for ten years.

Stahl, who from 1893 onwards was invited by Director Bock every year to take part in guest performances at the imperial Alexandra Theater in Petersburg, also accompanied Agnes Sorma on her famous guest performance to Paris, where he also played the French as "Doktor Rank" in Nora best opinion of his artistry.



Individual evidence

  1. File van Overlijden / Acte De Décés, No. 74/1908.