Ludwig von Wissmann

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Ludwig Friedrich August von Wißmann (born December 4, 1770 in Berlin , † 1854 in Frankfurt (Oder) ) was a Prussian lawyer and district president .


Louis was a member of the noble family von Wissmann from Berlin and worked as a Prussian Council and the second house counsel in the East Prussian War and Domain Chamber in Königsberg (Prussia) . In 1809 he took over the newly created office of regional president in Königsberg . As early as 1810 he moved to Marienwerder as district president and in 1813 was employed in the same position in the government in Frankfurt (Oder) .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marcelli Janecki (Red.): Handbook of the Prussian nobility. Volume 1, Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1892, p. 616.
  2. ^ Pascale Cancik: Administration and Public in Prussia: Communication through Publication , 2007, p. 125.
  3. Rebekka Horlacher (ed.), Daniel Tröhler (ed.): Complete letters to Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi , 2010, p. 674.