Koenigsberg administrative district

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Administrative division of East Prussia from 1878 to 1905:
  • Koenigsberg administrative district
  • Gumbinnen district
  • Administrative division of East Prussia 1905 to 1920:
  • Koenigsberg administrative district
  • Gumbinnen district
  • Olsztyn administrative district
  • The Prussian government district of Königsberg in East Prussia , with Königsberg as its capital, existed from 1808 to 1945, initially under the name of the government district of East Prussia zu Königsberg . Together with the administrative district of Litthauen zu Gumbinnen , it was part of the province of East Prussia and the province of Prussia .


    The regional council was an intermediate authority of the Prussian state administration for the administrative region of Königsberg. It was responsible for all matters that were not expressly assigned to other authorities and had the right to oversee all subordinate authorities. It consisted of three departments:

    • Presidential department responsible for police matters and home affairs
    • Department for Church and School System
    • Direct Taxes, Domains and Forests Department.

    The original collegial system was replaced by the monocratic system (as in the presidential department). A district committee was attached to the district president, which made decisions on administrative and procedural matters.

    The regional council published the official gazette of the Prussian government in Königsberg , in which the government's ordinances and pronouncements were published.

    Administrative division

    In 1905 the southern part of the administrative district with the districts of Allenstein ( city and country ), Ortelsburg , Osterode , Rößel and Neidenburg was separated. From these and four other districts of the Gumbinnen administrative district , the Allenstein administrative district was newly formed.

    In 1920 the district of Memel , along with the rest of the Memelland , was ceded by the German Reich in accordance with the Versailles Treaty and later handed over to Lithuania . In 1939, after the area was returned to Germany, all the districts there were incorporated into the Gumbinnen administrative district.

    City and rural districts

    West Prussia administrative district. State of the borders August 31, 1939
    City / district Residents surface Population density Municipalities,
    cities / spots / municipalities
    Koenigsberg district 0372.164 192.76 km² 1930.7 inh / km² 1/0/0
    Bartenstein district 0050,448 880.55 km² 57.3 inh / km² 4/2/73
    Braunsberg district 0062,317 946.34 km² 65.9 inh / km² 4/0/93
    District of Gerdauen 0035,013 844.41 km² 41.5 inh / km² 2/1/68
    District of Heiligenbeil 0053.207 907.86 km² 58.6 inh / km² 2/2/110
    Heilsberg district 0056.214 1095.64 km² 61.3 inh / km² 2/0/105
    Labiau County 0051,885 1065.65 km² 48.7 inh / km² 1/3/123
    District of Mohrungen 0056,255 1265.36 km² 44.5 inh / km² 3/0/109
    District of Preussisch Eylau 0056,385 1228.49 km² 45.9 inh / km² 3/0/114
    District of Prussian Holland 0037,492 858.28 km² 43.7 inh / km² 2/1/91
    Rastenburg district 0057,223 871.08 km² 65.7 inh / km² 3/1/75
    Samland County 0120,246 1922.92 km² 62.5 inh / km² 2/2/193
    Wehlau district 0050,236 1067.27 km² 47.1 inh / km² 3/0/116
    total 1,059,085 13146.61 km² 80.6 inh / km² 32/12/1269

    District President



    • Rüdiger Döhler : Corps students in the administration of East Prussia. In: then and now. Volume 54, 2009, pp. 240-246.
    • Klaus von der Groeben : The country of East Prussia. Self-preservation, self-organization, self-administration 1750 to 1945. (= sources on administrative history. Volume 7). Lorenz von Stein Institute, Kiel 1993, DNB 930875869 .
    • Reinhard Hauf: The Prussian administration of the government district of Königsberg, 1871-1920 . Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 1980, ISBN 3-7745-6447-7 . (books.google.de)
    • Adolf Schlott: Topographical-statistical overview of the government district of Königsberg according to official sources . Hartung, Königsberg 1861. (books.google.de , full text)
    • Adolf Schlott: Topographical-statistical overview of the government district of Königsberg . Reyländer, Tilsit 1848. (digitalis.uni-koeln.de , digitized version)

    References and comments

    1. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Wurzburg 2002.
    2. Home Atlas for the Province of East Prussia. Weltbild publishing group, Augsburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-8289-0832-1 .
    3. 1825 President in Poznan
    4. a b as President
    5. as an interim solution in office

    Web links