Zichenau district

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Map of the administrative district of Zichenau
Administrative division of the province of East Prussia until 1945

The administrative district of Zichenau ( Polish: Ciechanów ) was an administrative district in the German Empire that was formed after the German occupation of Poland in 1939 and was affiliated to the Prussian province of East Prussia . It covered a territory of 13,186.4 km² and had a population of approx. 895,000 inhabitants. Of these, 800,000 were Polish , 80,000 Jewish and 15,000 German.

Administrative division

The administrative district was divided into the following districts:

  1. Mackeim district ( Maków Mazowiecki , then initially Makow)
  2. District of Mielau ( Mława , then initially Mlawa)
  3. Ostenburg district ( Pułtusk , then Pultusk first)
  4. District of Plhnen ( Płońsk , then initially Plonsk)
  5. District of Praschnitz ( Przasnysz )
  6. District Scharfenwiese ( Ostrołęka , then initially Ostrolenka)
  7. District of Schröttersburg ( Płock , then initially Plock)
  8. District of Sichelberg ( Sierpc , then Schirps first)
  9. District Zichenau ( Ciechanów )


District President

1939–1940: Hermann Bethke ( acting )
1940–1941: Paul Dargel
1941–1945: Clemens Roßbach ( substitute )

Head of Civil Administration (CdZ)

Chief Civil Administration zbV in Ciechanów 1939 SS Brigade Commander and Major General of Police Heinz Jost appointed.


The most important branches of industry were the sugar industry with five sugar factories within the administrative district. Brickworks, milling industry and sawmills were also widespread. There was a shipyard with a foundry, an agricultural machinery and wagon construction factory. In addition, the country was more of an agricultural area.

See also


  • Handbook for the administrative district of Zichenau with a list of localities , ed. and edit on behalf of the Zichenau government according to official documents from Senior Government Inspector Schröder, Allenstein 1943.
  • Andreas Schulz, Zichenau district , in: Gruner, Wolf [Hrsg.]: The "Greater German Reich" and the Jews: National Socialist persecution in the "affiliated" areas . Frankfurt [u. a.]: Campus-Verl., 2010, ISBN 978-3-593-39168-7 .

Web links

  • Zichenau administrative district Administrative history and the regional presidents on the website territorial.de (Rolf Jehke), as of August 11, 2013.