Ludwig of Munster

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Ludwig (Louis) Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von Münster (-Langelage), Baron von Oer (born November 6, 1774 in Osnabrück , † May 9, 1824 at Gut Langelage ) was a German landowner , officer , chief forest master and member of parliament .

Zu Münster came from the line Haus Langelage of the Westphalian noble family Münster . He was a son of the Princely Osnabrück Oberhofmarschall Ludwig Friedrich Dietrich Wilhelm Graf von Münster (1750-1793) and his wife Johanne Adolphine Sophie Charlotte Freiin von Münchhausen from the house of Schwöbber (1755-1830). His brother was the royal Hanoverian Lieutenant General Ludwig Friedrich Ernst Carl Wilhelm von Münster-Langelage (born January 10, 1787, † January 23, 1862). Another brother, Hermann Adolf Ernst Graf zu Münster, Baron von Oër (1779–1838) became the Royal Saxon Chamberlain and District Chief Forester . His son (and nephew of Ludwig) Otto Georg zu Münster-Langelage became a member of the Reichstag.

He was an Evangelical Lutheran denomination and married Caroline Friederike Emilie Freiin von Reck on January 16, 1813 (* February 16, 1790; † January 21, 1849). Georg Hermann Ludwig Carl zu Münster became heir.

Ludwig zu Munster was head forester and master, among other things, on Langelage.

In the Kingdom of Westphalia he was from 1808 to 1811 member of the departmental electoral college of the Weser department. From June 2, 1808 to March 5, 1811 he was a member of the imperial estates of the Kingdom of Westphalia for the department of the Weser and the electoral group of landowners.

During the wars of liberation he was a lieutenant colonel in the Landwehr battalion in Osnabrück. In the battle of Waterloo his Landwehr battalion was subordinate to the 3rd Hanoverian Brigade under Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Halkett in the British Army .

Since August 12, 1814, the House of Ledenburg had the title of hereditary marshal of the Kingdom of Hanover with a hereditary virile vote in the first chamber of the Estates Assembly of the Kingdom of Hanover . Ludwig zu Münster was accordingly a member of the Provisional General Assembly of the Kingdom of Hanover from December 15, 1814 to October 26, 1819 and from December 28, 1819 until his death on May 9, 1824, a member of the First Chamber of the General Assembly of the Kingdom of Hanover.


  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 276.
  • Jochen Lengemann: Parliaments in Hesse 1808–1813. Frankfurt am Main 1991, ISBN 3-458-16185-6 , p. 166.
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke: German count houses of the present: in heraldic, historical and genealogical relation. L-Z, Volume 2, 1853, pp. 147-148, digitized

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