Lugdunum Convenarum

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Exposed forum and thermal baths

Lugdunum Convenarum (today Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges ) was the capital of the region of the Konvener (Latin Convenae ) in the Pyrenees in the province of Aquitania propria of the Roman Empire .


Lugdunum Convenarum came into being when Gnaeus Pompeius in the region around 72 BC. BC the remains of the army of the rebelling Quintus Sertorius settled after his defeat. Strabon is one of the first to speak of 24 BC. The region called the "land of the convent ". According to his information, convents had “Latin law” ( ius latium ), so they were a kind of Roman citizen . It is assumed that Pompey wanted to create a protection of the passes to Spain close to Rome in the border area between the Gauls, Aquitaine and the Celtiberians.

In the early imperial period, the city experienced an economic boom that lasted for a long time. Excavations have resulted in a. Thermal baths , a forum , a victory sign of Augustus and the remains of an early Christian basilica (building type) from 430 uncovered. In 408 the city was sacked by the Vandal , in 585 it was devastated by the Burgundians .

The Konvener as a tribal association

The Konvener are often later mistakenly assigned to the Aquitaine tribes, but they are a different tribal association. Even Eusebius Hieronymus in the 4th century calls the Konvener a “people who have come together from Vectorons , Arrebacers and Celtiberians ”, in anger at apostates from their savage ranks.


  • Herod Antipas (around 20 BC - around 39 AD), died in Lugdunum Convenarum, ruler in Galilee and Perea

Web links

Commons : Lugdunum Convenarum  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Strabo: Geographika 4, 2.
  2. Hieronymus: Against Vigilantius (Contra Vigilantium), 4