Luigi Berzolari

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Luigi Berzolari

Luigi Berzolari (born May 1, 1863 in Naples , † December 10, 1949 in Pavia ) was an Italian mathematician who mainly dealt with algebraic geometry, the theory of forms and projective differential geometry.

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Berzolari studied at the University of Pisa with Eugenio Bertini and graduated in 1884 (Laurea). Then he was Bertini's assistant in Pisa and taught at high schools in Pavia and Vigevano. In 1893 he became associate professor for performing and projective geometry at the University of Turin and in 1899 full professor for algebra, analysis and analytical geometry in Pavia, where he was temporarily rector. In 1924/25 he was also a professor at the newly founded University of Milan for a year. In 1935 he retired.

With Giulio Vivanti and Duilio Gigli , he edited the Enciclopedia delle matematiche elementari e complementi (Milan: Hoepli) in 7 volumes from 1930 to 1950 (he himself wrote a contribution on the history of mathematics). In the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences he wrote an article on algebraic curves in 1906 and on algebraic transformations (and correspondences) in 1932.

He was from 1933 as successor to Salvatore Pincherle President of the Union of Italian Mathematicians ( UMI ) and the Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere and chairman of Mathesis (the Association of Italian Mathematics Teachers). He was a member of the Accademia dei Lincei .

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