Luigi Martignon

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Luigi Martignon in Germany in 1944

Luigi Martignon (born November 26, 1911 in Milan , † November 10, 1984 in Brescia ) was an Italian, figurative painter and graphic artist .


Luigi Martignon was already interested in drawing and painting in his youth and first attended the Scuola Superiore di Pittura (School of Painting) and from 1933 the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan. He studied under the direction of Aldo Carpi and Benvenuto Disertori and graduated in 1937 with a prize from the same academy.

He devoted himself to artistic activity and took part in exhibitions in Milan and in the pre-selection of the Prelittoriali and then in the exhibitions of Littoriali della Cultura e dell'Arte in Florence (1934), Rome (1935) and Venice (1936).

In 1936 he exhibited in Sterzing; later he took part in exhibitions at the Palazzo della Permanente and Castello Sforzesco in Milan, where he won second prize in the 1937 competition.

He was close to the painters who then met in the Corrente group , especially Bruno Cassinari , with whom he went on a long artistic journey through Tuscany. After military service as a grenadier officer (1937–1938), he moved to Germany in 1939. Here, despite the difficulties of the war, he continued his artistic activity with solo exhibitions in 1943 in Schweidnitz (today Swidnica, in Poland) and in 1946 in Salzgitter-Lichtenberg .

In 1946 he returned to Italy. Affected by grief for his family, he largely withdrew from the public eye and limited himself to the occasional visit to artist events such as participation in the III Mostra d'Arte Contemporanea in the Palazzo Reale in Milan in 1966.

He continued his work as a painter and graphic artist in Brescia, where he died in 1984.

Picture gallery

Web links

Commons : Luigi Martignon  - Collection of Images

supporting documents

  1. La Terza mostra d'arte del GUF di Milano. In: Corriere della Sera 25/2/1934, p. 3.
  2. La IV Mostra Prelittoriali d'Arte. In: Corriere della Sera 19/1/1936, p. 3.
  3. ^ I Littoriali dell'arte. In: Libro e Moschetto 21/4/1934.
  4. I Littoriali dell'Arte - Vigo Rose e geniali realizzazioni. In: La Sera 22/2/1936.
  5. ^ Italianità di spiriti e forme nelle Mostre d'arte dei Littoriali. In: Corriere della Sera 23/2/1936, p. 3.
  6. Da Vipiteno - Una mostra di pittura al Museo In: Il Gazzettino 6/2/1936.
  7. Una mostra di pittura contemporanea In: La Provincia di Bolzano 7/2/1936.
  8. Opening of the painting exhibition In: Dolomiten 8/2/1936.
  9. ^ I vincitori del concorso In: Il Popolo d'Italia 31/5/1937.
  10. I premiati al concorso di pittura In: Corriere della Sera 01.06.1937, p. 6
  11. ^ III Mostra d'Arte Contemporanea 1966. Catalog.