Bruno Cassinari

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Bruno Cassinari. Photo by Paolo Monti , 1958 (Paolo Monti inventory, BEIC ).

Bruno Cassinari (born October 29, 1912 in Piacenza , † March 26, 1992 in Milan ) was an Italian painter and graphic artist .

After attending primary school in his hometown of Piacenza, Bruno Cassinari attended the Scuola d'arte Gazzola di Piacenza, an art school in Piacenza. He was already starting to paint, supported by his mother, who was also his model. From 1929 he attended the Humanist School in Milan and studied art in evening classes and from 1934 permanently at the Accademia di Brera , later as a student of Aldo Carpi (1886–1973).

In April 1933 a first picture by Cassinari was shown during the exhibition Mostra di Artisti Piacentini in the Salone del Gotico in Piacenza. In 1939 he won the Italian Prize for Young Painters. During the Second World War , Cassinari lived in Gropparello and Venice . He returned to Milan in 1945 and started writing for the magazine '1945', which advocated political progress and avant-garde art . In 1946 Cassinari signed the Manifesto di fondazione della Nuova Secessione Artistica Italiana ('Manifesto of the founding of a new artistic secession in Italy') and co-founded the Fronte Nuovo delle Arti , together with the artists Renato Birolli , Renato Guttuso , Leoncillo Leonardi , Ennio Morlotti , Armando Pizzinato , Giuseppe Santomaso , Emilio Vedova , Alberto Viani . In 1948 and 1952 he took part in the Venice Biennale . In 1952 he won the Biennale Prize for Painting. In 1949 Cassinari had an important solo exhibition at the Milione Gallery in Milan, and in 1952 he exhibited at the Kurt Valentin Gallery in New York . Cassinari was a participant in documenta I (1955) and documenta II (1959) in Kassel . Other important exhibitions followed, including in 1957 at the Matthieson Gallery in London and the Klihm Gallery in Munich . In 1960 Cassinari's work was shown again in Germany in Darmstadt , Berlin and Kassel. In 1967 he had an exhibition at the Delfino Gallery in Rovereto . In 1983 a major retrospective was shown in his hometown of Piacenza, more followed in 1986 in the Palazzo Reale in Milan and in 1988 in the Galerie Pace, also in Milan.

Cassinari's painting has its roots in Expressionism with a strong influence from the art of Pablo Picasso . The preferred subject of his painting was portraits of women.

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