Lutheran Council

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The Lutheran Council was a church institution in the church struggle of the Third Reich . It was created on the initiative of Regional Bishop August Marahrens to profile the Lutheran position within the Confessing Church and existed from 1934 to 1936. Members were Lutheran bishops, theological faculties, organizations and individuals. From March 11, 1936, his successor organization was the Luther Council .


Representatives of the faculties

Representatives of the organizations

Individual personalities


  • Thomas Martin Schneider: Against the zeitgeist. The way to the VELKD as a Lutheran confessional church , Göttingen 2008.
  • Heinz Boberach / Carsten Nicolaisen / Ruth Pabst (eds.): Handbook of the German Protestant Churches, 1918 to 1949: Organs, Offices, Associations, Persons , Volume 1, National Institutions, Göttingen 2010.