Mission seminar Hermannsburg

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Until 2012, the Hermannsburg Missionary Seminar was located on the site of today's University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology Hermannsburg (FIT) . This was part of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Lower Saxony (ELM), the joint mission of the regional churches of Hanover , Braunschweig and Schaumburg-Lippe . In six to seven years pastors were trained there for service in the worldwide Church.


Greetings from Hermannsburg (~ 1904) - The new mission house, Missionshandlüng - Front.jpg

The mission seminar in Hermannsburg was founded in 1849 by Pastor Ludwig Harms after some young men from Hermannsburg and the surrounding area wished to be sent as missionaries and were not taken over by one of the existing missionary societies, since they, as farmers and country people, had the necessary academic skills There was no previous education. The Hermannsburg Mission began as a "peasant mission". The first "pupils" were sent overseas in 1854 after passing their exams and established the work of the Hermannsburg Mission in South Africa , where the Ev.-luth. Mission work in Lower Saxony (ELM) is still active today.

Even after the Second World War, the missionary seminar and its seminar leader Olav Hanssen provided spiritual impulses. Circles such as Group 153 , the Epiphany Circle and the Protestant Gethsemane Monastery in Riechenberg near Goslar were founded . Between 1979 and 1993 the seminar was led by Dietrich Mann . On August 26th, 2012 the mission seminar was closed.

As a follow-up to the mission seminar, the state churches of Hanover, Braunschweig and Schaumburg-Lippe founded the University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology Hermannsburg (FIT) in 2012 .

Well-known teachers and graduates


  • Jobst Reller (ed.): Training for mission. The Hermannsburg Mission Seminar from 1849 to 2012 (= sources and contributions to the history of the Hermannsburg Mission , vol. 25). Lit, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-643-13240-6 .
  • Gunther Schendel: The Hermannsburg Missionary Institution and National Socialism: the path of a Lutheran milieu institution between the Weimar Republic and the post-war period , Volume 16 of sources and contributions to the history of the Hermannsburg Mission and the Evangelical Lutheran. Missionswerkes in Niedersachsen, Volume 16 of sources and contributions to the history of the Hermannsburg Mission, LIT Verlag, Münster 2008, ISBN 978-3-825-80627-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.landeskirche-hannovers.de/evlka-de/presse-und-medien/pressemitteilungen/landeskirche/2012/08/2012_08_23

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