Lutz Hoff

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Lutz Hoff (* 11. April 1951 in Berlin-Kreuzberg as Lutz Hoffmann ) is a German presenter, comedian and author. Among other things, he moderated the game show " Guess You " from 1984 to 1997 , from 1984 to 1991 on television in the GDR and from 1991 to 1997 on MDR .


Lutz Hoff studied from 1969 at the TH "Otto von Guericke" in Magdeburg and graduated in 1972 as a Dipl.-Ing. for technology in the metalworking industry. From 1973 he worked in the " Elektro-Apparate-Werke " combine in Berlin-Treptow . Even then he was moderating in his spare time in the company's folk art ensemble. At the same time, he was also an amateur master of the arts with Helga Hahnemann , Heinz Rennhack and Dagmar Frederic on entertainment stages.

In March 1984, Lutz Hoff took over the GDR television program “Guess it” from presenter Jürgen Marten from the 52nd episode. That was his successful TV debut in the evening program. At the end of 1984 he gave up his engineering work and has been working as a freelance artist ever since.

The program “ Schätze mal ” is one of the few GDR television shows that survived the GDR. The show was taken over by MDR in 1991 and only ended in 1997 with the 111th episode. This makes it the longest running quiz show on German television. It ran for a total of 23 years.

Subsequently, Lutz Hoff started new successful MDR TV shows with “Woll'n wir's HOFFen” and “So'n Ding”. In 2000 he was editor and presenter for the first time at the "MDR-Bescherung" on December 24, 2000.

Later he also became the author of the program “Alles Gute” by and with Petra Kusch-Lück and went on tour with the “Helga Hahnemann Revival Show”, moderating galas, soccer shows and conceiving other TV entertainment programs.

In September 2007 he published his book "Oh, that's it !?" and developed his first own cabaret program from it. Since then he has been touring as a moderator and solo cabaret artist with several programs and various roundtables. With the Berlin illustrator Antje Püpke, Lutz Hoff published the column book "Animal naughty" in January 2020.

Lutz Hoff has two sons and four granddaughters. In 2016 he married for the third time and lives with his wife Irina in Berlin.

TV balance sheet

  • 1984–1997 " Guess it " (60 episodes, GDR television, ORB, MDR)
  • 1987–1997 " Tele-Lotto " (10 episodes, GDR television)
  • 1991 "Did you know?" (6 episodes, July - September 1991, East German television)
  • 1992 "Hoff's 7 letters" (MDR)
  • 1992 "My Show" - branch (3 episodes, MDR)
  • 1992–1994 " MD eutung R etour" (84 episodes, MDR)
  • 1995 "Call is enough" (11 episodes, Feb. – Dec. 1995, MDR)
  • 1996-2000 "So'n Ding" (40 episodes, MDR)
  • 1998 "Let's hope so" (April 17th and October 23rd, 1998, MDR)
  • 1999–2000 "What is being played here?" (29.10.1999 MDR / 04.06.2000 B1)
  • 2000 "The MDR-Bescherung" (on December 24th, 2000, MDR)

Partial participation

  • 2005 "Quiz stories" (April 9, 2005, RBB)
  • 2008 "Helga Hahnemann-Evening" (05.07.2008, RBB)
  • 2008 "Fun is for everyone!" (December 31, 2008, MDR)

as an author for the MDR

  • 2001 "Minolpirol meets Klementine" (October 31, 2001 at 8:15 pm, MDR)
  • 2001–2005 "Alles Gute" with Petra Kusch-Lück (43 episodes, MDR)

Lutz Hoff as guest

  • 1991 "Just no inhibitions" (ARD)
  • 1992 "If already, because already" (MDR)
  • 1997 "Here from four" (MDR)
  • 1998 "All the best" (MDR)
  • 1999 "Tele-Bingo" (MDR)
  • 1999 "Here from two" (MDR)
  • 1999 "Saxony-Anhalt Special" (MDR)
  • 2000 "MDR at 12" (MDR)
  • 2003/04 "Tele-Bingo" (MDR)
  • 2015 "Reunion is a pleasure" (MDR)
  • 2017 "Legends - An Evening for Helga Hahnemann" (MDR)
  • 2019 " Farewell is a quiet word " (MDR)

Literary works

  • Lutz Hoff: "Oh, is that so ?! Neunmalkluge Plaudereien ", Eulenspiegel-Verlag, 2007 ISBN 978-3-359-01685-4
  • Lutz Hoff. Antje Pupke. "Animal naughty", 1st edition 2020

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Anita Oschmann: The presenter saved the GDR television hit "Guess it" until the reunification period: Lutz Hoff shocked Wessis with an egg yolk separator . In: . ( [accessed on July 12, 2017]).
  2. Contemporary witness interview. Retrieved July 12, 2017 .
  3. a b As a cabaret artist, Lutz Hoff, 64, makes people laugh . In: . ( [accessed on July 12, 2017]).
  4. ^ Imfernsehen GmbH & Co. KG: Series by and with Lutz Hoff. Retrieved July 12, 2017 .
  5. Legenden - An evening for Helga Hahnemann | MDR.DE. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on December 22, 2017 ; accessed on December 21, 2017 (German). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Hoff, Lutz: Oh, is that so ?! clever chats . Eulenspiegel-Verl, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-359-01685-4 .
  7. Favorite books. Accessed April 23, 2020 (German).