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Luuna ( 2002 ) is a French comic - series of the author Didier "Crisse" Chrispeels and the subscriber's Nicolas Keramidas . She treats the young Indian Luuna, who at the end of her childhood comes across clues about the religious conspiracy of an enemy tribe, which she and her loyal friends - the animals of the forest - are trying to fend off.

In Germany, the first volume by Luuna was printed in the Carlsen comic magazine “ Magic Attack ”. In 2007/08, the individual volumes of the series were published as hardcover by Splitter Verlag.

Single volumes

The series is complete and comprises five volumes. There is also an art book and an anthology in the French original edition .

Volume (year) French title German title
1 (2002) La Nuit des totems The night of the totem
2 (2003) Le Crépuscule du lynx The dawn of the lynx
3 (2004) Dans les traces d'Oh-Mah-Ah On the trail of the Oh-Mah-Ah
4 (2006) Pok-Ta-Pok Pok-Ta-Pok
5 (2007) Le Cercle des miroirs The mirror circle

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