Luxembourgeois effect
As Luxembourg effect is known in the radio art a kind of ionospheric cross modulation between (at least) two stations , in particular in the region of the long and medium wave . The Luxembourg effect is noticeable in that the radio program of one long or medium wave transmitter can be heard faintly in the background of the other.
The Luxemburgeffekt got its name from the fact that, after the strong long-wave transmitter of Radio Luxemburg went into operation in the 1930s, when the Swiss medium-wave transmitter Beromünster was received, the program of Radio Luxemburg could sometimes be heard in the background, even though the two transmitters were completely different frequencies - even different ones Tapes - used. The effect was described by Bernard Tellegen in 1933 and by Victor Albert Bailey and David Forbes Martyn in 1934.
The Luxemburge effect also plays a role in some of the experiments carried out with HAARP .
- Александр В. Гуревич : К теории кроссмодуляции радиоволн. In: Известия высших учебных заведений. Радиофизика. Vol. 1, No. 5/6, 1958, ZDB -ID 164117-7 , pp. 17-28, (In English: The theory of cross-modulation of radiowaves (= NASA Technical Translation. F-259, ISSN 0499 -9355 ). National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington DC 1965, ( digitized )).
Individual evidence
- ^ A b Bernard DH Tellegen : Interaction between Radio-Waves? In: Nature . Vol. 131, 1933, pp. 840-843, doi : 10.1038 / 131840a0 .
- ↑ HKV Lotsch: Theory of nonlinear distortion produced in a semiconductor diode. IEEE Trans. Vol. ED-15, 294-307 (1968)
- ↑ Victor A. Bailey, David F. Martyn: The Influence of Electric Waves on the Ionosphere. In: The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Series 7, Vol. 18, No. 118, 1934, ZDB -ID 5450-1 , pp. 369-386, doi : 10.1080 / 14786443409462506 .