Medium wave transmitter

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Transmitter Solt , in the foreground trap line for feeding

A medium wave transmitter is a transmission system for medium wave broadcasting and various radio services that are broadcast via medium wave . Medium wave transmitters are used for broadcasting coverage in the frequency range between 520 kHz and 1620 kHz (on the American continent between 520 kHz and 1705 kHz). A self-radiating transmission mast is usually used as the transmitting antenna for omnidirectional radiation , and sometimes a trap or long-wire antenna . Arrangements of several self-radiating transmission masts are used for directional radiation.

Medium wave transmitters have outputs between 100  W and 2.5 MW. The permitted transmission frequencies and transmission powers, including whether and which form of directional radiation may be used, were specified in 1974/75 in the Geneva Wave Plan , which came into force on November 23, 1978. If necessary, however, this plan can be re-coordinated at intergovernmental level, which has already happened several times. A medium wave transmitter can emit both a ground wave and a sky wave (depending on the antenna shape). The bump spreads along the earth's surface and, depending on the frequency used , has a range of up to 300 km around the transmission mast .

Situation in Germany

In Germany, the last German-speaking stations in this frequency range were shut down on December 31, 2015 with the shutdown of the medium-wave transmitters of Saarland Broadcasting and Deutschlandradio . Only a few low-power transmitters of the American armed forces ( AFN ) are then in operation .


  • Gerd Klawitter, Peter Manteuffel: Radio on medium wave. Germany - Europe - overseas . 2nd, revised and updated edition. Siebel, Meckenheim 1998, ISBN 3-89632-027-0 .

Web links

Wiktionary: Medium wave transmitter  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Marcus Heumann: Farewell to the medium wave. The dreaded wave salad is history ( of December 17, 2015).
  2. ^ Saarländischer Rundfunk: Medium wave in Heusweiler will be discontinued at the end of the year ( of December 17, 2015).