Mátyás Bucsányi

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Mátyás Bucsányi , Mátyás Butsányi or Matthias Butschany (born February 10, 1731 in Altsohl ( Hungarian Zólyom ); † August 2, 1796 in Hamburg ) was a natural scientist and mathematician, private lecturer at the University of Göttingen .


He studied in Göttingen, where he obtained his master's degree in 1757 and did his doctorate (and received the Venia legendi) with a dissertation on thunder and lightning and then lectured as a private lecturer, but could not live off it. As a private lecturer, he was dependent on the fees of the students who enrolled in his lecture, and like other lecturers at the time, he had great problems getting advance payments from them at all. During this time he published textbooks on logic and algebra. From 1761 he was a private teacher in Celle before he went to Hamburg. In 1787 he married Wilhelmine Christiane Großmann. After Johann Christian Poggendorff , he lived "privatizing" in Hamburg. He published on lightning rods and meteorology. For example, he found that lightning was not a fire in the ordinary sense and that it does not arise from burning particles floating in the air. According to him, “summer clouds” are snow clouds (Hannöversches Magazin 1761).


  • Dissertationes physicae de fulgure et tonitru ex phaenomenis electricis. Goettingen 1757.
  • Institutiones logicae in usus praelectionum suarum conscriptae. Goettingen 1762.
  • Foundations of Algebra. In addition to the same application in arithmetic. Göttingen 1761 and Vienna 1767.
  • An imperfection of the lightning rod, along with its improvement. indicated and recommended. Hamburg, 1787.
  • Investigation of the merits of the Apostle Petri seu Inquisitio in Petri apostoli praerogativam. Hamburg, 1787.

He also published in the Hanover magazine.


  • Szinnyei József: Magyar írók élete és munkái I. (Aachs – Bzenszki). Hornyánszky, Budapest 1891.
  • Johann Georg Meusel: Matthias Butschany. In: Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Volume 1. Fleischer, Leipzig 1802, p. 751 ( google books ).
  • Johannes Tütken: A lecturer on hunger cloth. The Hungarian Magister Matthias Butschany complains to curator Gerlach Adolph von Münchhausen of his misery. In: Göttinger Jahrbuch. 50/2002. Pp. 113-121.
  • Johannes Tütken: Privatdozenten in the shadow of Georgia Augusta. 2 volumes. University Press, Göttingen 2005.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Date and place of birth as well as date and place of death according to Poggendorff: Biographical-literary concise dictionary for the history of exact sciences. Volume 1, Leipzig 1863, p. 353, Meusel gives 1730 in Hungary.
  2. date of death in Hans Schroeder Butschany (Matthias) . In: Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present . tape 1 , no. 549 . Perthes-Besser u. Mauke, Hamburg 1851, OCLC 165098711 ( reader.digitale-sammlungen.de [accessed on August 4, 2016]).
  3. JC Poggendorff: Biographical-literary concise dictionary for the history of the exact sciences. Volume 1, Leipzig 1863, p. 352 f.