Magdalena Margaretha Tischbein

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Magdalena Margaretha Tischbein (married Strack; born April 22, 1763 in Hamburg ; † April 25, 1846 in Oldenburg ) was a flower painter from the Lübeck branch of the Tischbein family of artists .

She was the daughter of the Hamburg landscape painter Magdalena Gertrud (née Lilly) and Johann Jacob Tischbein , the so-called Lübeck Tischbein . Her older sister was Sophie Margarete Antoinette Tischbein , her younger brother August Tischbein . Like her siblings, she was trained in painting by her mother and father. On November 3, 1795, she married her cousin Ludwig Philipp Strack , who shortly thereafter became an Oldenburg court landscape painter. She gave birth to five children when she was over 30 years old.

In Füssli's general artist lexicon, it is said that she “should also have had talents for painting […] It is not said here whether she really did such. Newer handwritten messages want to know that, like her sister Antonia, she [has] painted flowers from nature ”. Little is known about her pictures; some assumptions about the identification and whereabouts of individual works were made in 2016 in an exhibition publication edited by Martina Sitt .


Individual evidence

  1. Hessian biography: Advanced search: LAGIS Hessen. Retrieved January 19, 2020 .
  2. Martina Sitt, uncovered from 2016, writes 1836
  3. ^ Jochen Schmidt-Liebich: Lexicon of women artists 1700–1900: Germany, Austria, Switzerland . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / Boston 2005, ISBN 3-11-095137-1 , p. 476 .
  4. a b Tanja Steinfelser d'Agostinio: Magdalena Margarethe Tischbein, m. Strack (1763-1836) . In: Martina Sitt (Hrsg.): Revealed: female painters around Tischbein and the Kassel Art Academy . (on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name in Kloster Haina 2016). Hamburg 2016, ISBN 978-3-936406-53-5 , pp. 32-33 .
  5. Tischbein (Magdalena) . In: Johann Rudolf Füssli (Hrsg.): Allgemeine Künstlerlexikon, or: Brief message about the life and works of painters, sculptors, builders, copper engravers, art founders, steel cutters [et] c. [Etc. : together with the attached lists of teachers and students, also the portraits of the artists contained in this lexicon . Second part, which contains the continuation and addition of the first. Ninth section: T, 1802, p. 1907 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10212207-1 .