Maghreb feather dragonfly

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Maghreb feather dragonfly
Maghreb feather dragonfly (Platycnemis subdilatata), female

Maghreb feather dragonfly ( Platycnemis subdilatata ), female

Order : Dragonflies (Odonata)
Subordination : Dragonfly (Zygoptera)
Superfamily : Coenagrionoidea
Family : Feather dragonflies (Platycnemididae)
Genre : Platycnemis
Type : Maghreb feather dragonfly
Scientific name
Platycnemis subdilatata
Selys , 1849

The Maghreb feather dragonfly ( Platycnemis subdilatata ) is a dragonfly from the family of feather dragonflies (Platycnemididae). Their name indicates their endemic occurrence in the Maghreb states.


The body length of the Maghreb feather dragonfly is 33 to 36 and the wingspan is about 42 millimeters. The basic color of the male is white to light greenish blue, that of the female is brownish white. Like other feather dragonflies of the genus Platycnemis , the Mahgreb feather dragonfly also has black longitudinal stripes on the abdomen , thorax and legs. The widening of the tibia, which is also typical for feather dragonflies, is comparatively weak in the Maghreb feather dragonfly.

Similar species

Male of the blue feather dragonfly ( Platycnemis pennipes )

The Maghreb feather dragonfly can be confused with other feather dragonflies, especially with the related blue feather dragonfly ( Platycnemis pennipes ). Sure distinguishing features between these species are the colors of their two sexes, which are a stronger blue in the male of the sister species and greenish white in the female. In addition, the tibia of the blue feather dragonfly are more widened. Like all feather dragonflies, the Maghreb feather dragonfly also looks similar to the slender dragonflies (Coenagrionidae).


Within its range, which is restricted to the Maghreb countries of Algeria , Morocco and Tunisia , the Maghreb feather dragonfly is particularly found in the valleys of the Atlas Mountains . Here she prefers clean running waters. Waters with weakly salty brackish water are also accepted less frequently. The maximum height at which the species can be found according to the previous finds is about 1,870 meters above sea level.

A remarkable find is a specimen made in 1978 on Tenerife , one of the Canary Islands belonging to Spain and close to Morocco . Since the island lies far in the high seas and the Maghreb feather dragonfly was not previously known there, it is assumed that air currents have blown the animal onto the island. However, an incorrect determination cannot be ruled out. Today the specimen is in the Naturalis in Leiden (Netherlands). Should a separate population of Maghreb feather dragonflies develop on the island , this would also be of importance for the European fauna. So far, however, no further specimens of these dragonflies have been found on the Canary Islands or on the Spanish mainland opposite Morocco. The Maghreb feather dragonfly represents the blue feather dragonfly allopatric in the Maghreb.

Threat and protection

The Maghreb feather dragonfly can be found frequently within its original range and is therefore not endangered. In the Red List of the Mediterranean region of the IUCN , the species is classified as "not endangered", in the worldwide it is not rated at all.

Way of life and reproduction

The reproductive behavior of the Maghreb feather dragonfly has so far been studied mainly in captivity. Their flight time ranges from the beginning of to mid-September, with the largest number of adults occurring in June. Research has shown that a female lays 35 to 177 eggs after mating. In the same study, in which the eggs laid by nine females were examined, only 48.8% of the eggs hatched. 14.5% were found to be sterile and the further 36.7% were unable to hatch. However, the success rate varied for the eggs laid by the females examined. The larvae hatched from the eggs 13 to 51 days after being laid. These grow after hatching and can be found from December to May. As soon as the animals have reached the adult stage, they live for a few more days as adults. The females live up to 37, the males up to 48 days. The Maghreb feather dragonfly is univoltin .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Description of the Maghreb Federlibelle on the website of Maghreb Federlibelle Link , accessed on December 12, 2019.
  2. Barbary Featherleg - Platycnemis subdilatata . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010, accessed December 12, 2019.
  3. "Aspects of life history of Platycnemis subdilatata (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) in Northeast Algeria" by Rassim Khelifa, Amina Guebailia, Hayat Mahdjoub, Mohamed Sahnoun Aouaouche and Moussa Houhamdi, 2015, report on the phenology of the Maghreb feather dragonfly ), accessed ( PDF ) on December 13, 2019.

Web links

Commons : Maghreb Federlibelle  - Collection of images, videos and audio files